
Tasks Jokes

30 tasks jokes and hilarious tasks puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about tasks that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Tasks Short Jokes

Short tasks jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The tasks humour may include short goals jokes also.

  1. how many Indians does it take to fix a lightbulb? Two. One to do the task and other to explain how lightbulbs were actually invented in ancient India.
  2. When I am tasked with sorting through a stack of résumés, I throw about half of them in the garbage. I do not want unlucky people working in our company
  3. Why did Karen press Ctrl-Shift-Esc on her keyboard? Because she wanted to speak to the Task Manager!
  4. Justin Timberlake has volunteered to fight along side ukrainian Forces His first task… Crimea River
  5. If professionals make difficult tasks look easy, what do you call someone who makes easy tasks look difficult? A coworker
  6. It's 2021, and President Joe Biden is told he needs to assemble a cabinet Coming back from IKEA, he realizes he's greatly misunderstood the task
  7. What do dora the Explorer and Internet Explorer have in common? They both take 20 minutes to perform a simple task.
  8. How many members of an identifiable group does it take to perform a common task? A certain number! One to actually perform the task, and the rest to act in a manner stereotypical of the group.
  9. How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb? Does it really have to be a group task?
  10. Why can't Karens get anything done on a Windows computer? They keep summoning the Task Manager
    (Sorry: this came to my mind as I was getting frustrated with my slow computer)

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Tasks One Liners

Which tasks one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with tasks? I can suggest the ones about activity and tasked.

  1. Why did Karen press Ctrl-Shift-Esc? Because she wanted to see the task manager.
  2. Why did Karen push CTRL + ALT + DELETE? She wanted the Task Manager.
  3. How many introverts does it take to fix a lightbulb? Why does it have be a common task?
  4. Coming to work drunk, it's like a computer games Your main task is get pass the boss.
  5. Crucifixion of Jesus was not an easy task... ... however Romans nailed it.
  6. Who does a Karen yell at if her computer isn't working? The task manager
  7. Half my coworkers are imposters They pretend to do the tasks and sabotage everything.
  8. Why did Karen press Ctrl+Alt+Delete? She wanted to see the task manager.
  9. Who do robot Karens like to call? The task manager
  10. Reducing air pollution isn't an easy task, it's emission.
  11. How does batman schedule a task on his computer? With a .bat script
  12. What's a similarity between my dad and task manager? They both stopped responding.
  13. What does a Karen say to the IT department? I'd like to speak to your task manager.
  14. After the weekend the most difficult task is to remember names…
  15. What task was assigned to the last electron to join the military? Survalence

Tasks joke, What task was assigned to the last electron to join the military?

Uproarious Tasks Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about tasks you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean skills jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make tasks pranks.

New York City is like Linux

* Spend the first year re-learning how to perform basic tasks
* Spend the rest of your lifetime claiming how much better it is
* Bad drivers
Source: @ chromakode on Twitter

I employed a new gardener and gave him a list of tasks to do, when I returned he had only done tasks 1,3,5 and 7 on the list.

Turns out he's an odd job man.

I'm 3'6 , which makes certain daily tasks extremely difficult. Recently, I spent a good 10 minutes in my local supermarket wondering how to get the pasta down from the top shelf.

Then suddenly the penne dropped.

An intern proudly greets his boss as she walks in the office...

"I took the pleasure of getting here early and doing a few tasks to help your day go smoother. I even pruned the ivy hanging on your wall."
She glared at him and stormed into her office and sure enough, almost half of the plant's leaves were in the garbage leaving the poor ivy looking pathetic. "What have you done!?! This plant is plastic!"
The intern smiled and said, "I don't think so, I did the same thing a few months ago and it grew back nice and full!"
The boss yelled, "NO IT DIDN'T! I BOUGHT A NEW ONE!"

I'm currently working on a management oriented book focused on the delegation of tasks

"I'll have my secretary let you know when my intern finishes writing it." - Mr. Manager
Mrs. Team Lead

How do storms complete tasks?

With GUSTo

Whats it called when you get s**... and perform a variety of other tasks?


Did you hear about the Quiznos scandal where the management was pushing their tasks off onto their employees?

The media is calling it deli-gate

I always play with myself before doing chores or tasks.

I'm such a procrastibator.

Hired a gardener today and gave him a list of things to do.

When I got back home he'd only done tasks 1,3 & 5.
Turns out he's an odd job man.

The farmer, the hired hand, and the pig

A farmer hired a mentally challenged youth to perform tasks around the farm. The young man excelled at the tasks he was given and soon earned the farmer's trust.
One day the farmer told him to take the truck and go to town and buy some feed for the animals. He told him that If he had any problems to give him a call.
The young man soon called and said, " I hit a pig with the truck, what should I do?" The farmer said, "Take the shotgun off the gun rack in the truck, put the pig out of its misery, and toss it off in the ditch."
The young man called back and said, "Okay, now what do I do with his bike?"

President Trump wakes up one winter morning and looks out the Whitehouse window to see the words "Trump s**...!" Written in u**... in the snow.

Outraged, he tasks the Secret Service to find out who is responsible.
Later that day the director of the Secret Service comes into the oval office and asks, "Sir, we have an answer. Do you want the bad news or the worse news?"
"Give me the bad news."
"We got the DNA test back on the u**..., it belongs to the vice president."
"That's the bad news?" Trump exclaims, "what could be worse than that?"
"Well," says the agent, "it was in the First Lady's hand writing."

Humans vs Robots

A company working on artificial inteleigence created three robots. To test them, the company announced a competition of various tasks between the 3 robots and 3 humans. Lo and behold, the robots won in every category so far, but there still was one; hunting.
In this task, the competitors had to capture a rabbit which would be released into the woods. It was a best 2 out of 3, so whichever team caught it the fastest twice was the winner.
The rabbits were set free, and the robots found it in minutes. A hour later the humans also arrived with the rabbit.
Then the rabbits were released again, the humans ran off to find it, but the robots just stood there, because robots can't recaptcha.

Tasks joke, Humans vs Robots