
Talented Jokes

50 talented jokes and hilarious talented puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about talented that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article explores the creative talents of exceptional minds who are able to turn jokes into masterpieces. Learn how gifted and talented individuals take ordinary jokes and transform them into something truly unique, full of craft and skill. Discover the versatility needed to create a joke that will make the listener think and laugh.

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Funniest Talented Short Jokes

Short talented jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The talented humour may include short skilled jokes also.

  1. I overheard my wife singing in the shower. "You should go on America's Got talent," I told her.
    "I can't sing," she replied.
    I said, "Exactly."
  2. My kids will be friends with people of all colors of the rainbow. That means no black people.
  3. I went on a blind date the other day... didn't start that way, but she brought pepper spray.
    *Credit to America's Got Talent comedian (I don't remember his name)
  4. I have a rather unique talent. You can give me any girl's name and I know a song for that name. Try me!
  5. I don't care what anyone says, Amy Schumer is extremely talented. I mean who else can steal jokes from others, and still remain remarkably unfunny.
  6. What's the difference between a blonde kick line and a talented magician? (sorry if this is an old one) Well, the magician has a CUNNING array of STUNTS.
  7. Life's just not fair. Aaron Hernandez had everything: talent, money, women... And now I hear he's well-hung, too?
  8. Two weeks ago I got a job in a photographers dark room. After an initial negative review, today my boss told me my talent is developing.
  9. The artist Pitbull is my biggest inspiration. never has someone made so much money with such little talent.
  10. I am so talented that I can close my eyes and type this Bdndjfkdhshdjfkfbshcjskahwjwwksndhcjdksbahxdkjbd

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Talented One Liners

Which talented one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with talented? I can suggest the ones about highly skilled and gifted.

  1. My biggest talent is that, I can always tell what's in a wrapped box it's a gift.
  2. what was Joan of Arc's hidden talent? She could really cook.
  3. What do you call a group of talented dumplings? The “dumpling brigade”!
  4. My biggest talent is always being able to tell what's in a wrapped present It's a gift.
  5. My friend Jack's special talent is communicating with legumes. Jack and the beans talk.
  6. A deaf-mute man came on a talent show. And what is your talent?
    - I can speak!
  7. Hey, did you hear about the prison talent show? They had quite the captive audience.
  8. What's the talent show where the contestants do basically nothing? "American Idle"
  9. I have a hidden talent… That's all I know about it
  10. I just got a ladder in my tights. I truly am a talented shoplifter
  11. What do you call an exceptionally talented puppy? A *prodoggy.*
  12. What's rich and has no talent? A celebrity.
  13. A talented unemployed singer is like communism Sounds good, doesn't work.
  14. Why do electricians like talented train drivers? Because they're good conductors
  15. My grandfather was a very talented blacksmith He could do all swords of things

Gifted And Talented Jokes

Here is a list of funny gifted and talented jokes and even better gifted and talented puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Have you heard about Ted? The guy with a talent for animated internet pictures? He's gifted
  • God's Gift Difference between talent and god's gift:
    A man can give lecture for 2 hrs on any subject.
    -This is talent.
    A woman can give lecture for 2 hrs without any subject.
    -This is god's gift.
  • I have a wierd talent where i can identify what's inside a wrapped present Its a Gift!
Talented joke, I have a wierd talent where i can identify what's inside a wrapped present

Uplifting Talented Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends

What funny jokes about talented you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean capable jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make talented pranks.

I went for an audition at a talent agency today.

They asked "so what's your special talent?"
I said "I do bird impressions!"
They said "sorry, that's not original we have had loads of them!"
I said "fair enough!!"...
and flew out the window.

The Jewish way

As a Jew I have a soft spot for jokes about my own people, and this is one of my favorites that isn't so well known.
A Jewish man walks into a w**.... The madame asks him what he'd like. He asks if any of the women there can have s**... "the Jewish way". Puzzled, she goes to each of the unoccupied rooms, and asks the woman inside if she's familiar with having s**... the Jewish way. Finally, they get to the last room. Inside is a p**... who's extremely talented, and is one of the most expensive in the area. She asks, "do you know how to have s**... the Jewish way? This man's looking for a woman who does". She responds, "no, I haven't. But to stay at the top of my profession, I'm always looking to improve. If you teach me how to have s**... the Jewish way, we'll do that free of charge".
The man accepts the offer, and they have s**.... She's surprised to find that it's just regular s**...! Afterwards, she asks "What were you talking about, 'the Jewish way'? You just had s**... with me, the most expensive h**... in town, for free?!" He smiles and replies, "that's the Jewish way!".

A man auditioned for a talent show

A man auditioned for a talent show and when he walked on to the stage the judge asked him what was his talent. The man replied "I do bird impressions".The judge said "Thats not something we would be interested in". The man said "Thats ok" and flew out the window.

Bird Impression

A traveling sideshow puts up a help wanted ad. A guy gets all excited and applies.
The sideshow owner brings him in for an interview and asks, "Ok, what's your talent? What can you do for me?"
The guy says "I do a really great bird impression!"
The owner responds, "Pff, no thanks. Plenty of people can do that."
So the guy says "Oh..ok...well thanks anyway,' and flies away.

Everyone knows comedian Bill Burr, most don't realize he has a huge family with lots of talent.

His mother, Barb, is a famous hair stylist.
Rob, his brother is in jail for theft.
His sister Cally is a great gunsmith.
Lastly, don't forget about his cousin the famous lumberjack, Tim.

Chris Cornell dies and goes to heaven

At the gate, St. Peter says, "because your beautiful voice and amazing talent brought happiness to so many people, we'll grant you one wish".
Chris thought about it for a moment and replied, "I'd like the world to be a kinder, better place".
So St. Peter killed Roger Ailes.

God was handing out talents one morning

To some, He gave the power to create life. The angels around Him were in awe as crops flourished and population soared. To others, he gave fine skills and artistry. His angelic entourage marveled at intricate needlework, tapestry, and sculpture.
God stooped down low and found a man waiting in the darkness, just before dawn. He gave him the power to sprinkle water on the grass as the sun rose. The angels were confused. "You gave amazing abilities to all others. Can this one really care for himself with such a small talent?"
God simply replied, "He will learn to make dew."

Since we seem to be doing talking dog jokes today...

A man walks into a talent agency, carrying a small, scruffy looking dog. He sets the dog on the agent's desk and begins his speech:
"Sir, I have for you the most amazing act. This dog can speak. And not only can he speak, he's one of the most intelligent dogs you'll ever meet. Allow me to demonstrate: Dog, what is on the top of a house?"
"Roof!" Says the dog.
"Amazing! Dog: what is the opposite of smooth?"
"Roof!" the dog replies.
"Incredible! Dog: who was the greatest ballplayer of all time?"
Again, the dog says "Roof!"
"Remarkable! So what do you think?"
The agent leans back in his chair and says "Get lost. I can't sell that carny act."
Outside the agent's office, the dog looks up at the man and says "Maybe I should have said DiMaggio?"

Revenge on a four-year-old child

A while ago, I invited my friend to my house for dinner. He brought along his four year old child, who made a mess of my house, and destroyed two of my expensive plates. I was so angry, but after all, I couldn't vent my anger on a young child. I had no choice but to smile and keep my composure.
I led the child over to my piano, where I allowed him to randomly hit a few keys. I remarked "Wow, your son has a good musical sense, he's quite talented!"
I heard the child hasn't had any free time ever since.

A bus full of cheerleaders went off a cliff

Miraculously, all twenty of them managed to grab onto the same branch sticking out of the cliffside. There were nineteen beautiful blondes and one brunette. The brunette saw the branch was starting to break, so she made a decision.
"Listen ladies," she said. "As skinny as we are, this branch can't hold all our weight. You're all so beautiful and talented, so I'm going to let go in hopes that it's enough to save your lives. Tell my family I love them."
The blondes were so moved by her selfless sacrifice that they gave her a round of applause.

I took my dog to the local talent agent yesterday.

We walked through the door and I handed him our card:
"Barney. Talking dog."
The agent chuckled, leaned back in his chair, and said, "Alright, show me what you got."
"Hey Barn, how was work this week?"
"What goes on top of a house?"
"Who was the greatest baseball player of all time?"
Just then the agent grabbed us both and tossed us out into the street.
Barney was just sitting there, looking forlornly at the ground and shaking his head.
"Knew I should have said Hank Aaron."

Girl about to jump of a bridge.....

A tough looking group of bikers were riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge, so they stopped. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, What are you doing?
I'm going to commit s**..., she says.
While he did not want to appear insensitive, he didn't want to miss an opportunity. He asked Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a b**...? So, she does and it was a long, deep and slow b**....
After she's finished, the biker says, Wow! That was the best b**... I have ever had. That's a real talent you are wasting. You could be famous. Why are you committing s**...?
My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl.....

Talented Octopus

A man walks into a bar with and octopus under his arms. He then stands up on the bar and shouts for everyone inside to hear. "I will bet anyone here 200 dollars that this octopus can play any instrument you give it". Everyone is a buzz and the bartender hands him a guitar that was hanging on the wall. The Octopus takes the guitar and strums on it with great enthusiasm and plays a beautiful arrangement. Another man pulls a harmonica out of his pocket and again, the octopus plays it superbly. A jazz band hands him all of there instruments and the octopus plays them all with amazing skill. Then, a Scottish man wearing a kilt comes up to the octopus and hands it his bagpipes. The octopus, looks at it confusingly then begins to fumble with the instrument. "Ay, you can't play er, can ye" The Scotsman says with a thick accent. The octopus responds "Play her? I'm going to screw her as soon as I get these pajamas off"

A man walks into a talent agency with his dog claiming it can talk. The agent says, ok, let's see if this dog is gonna make us rich . The guy says, Fido, what's the top of a house called ? Roof! What's on a tree ? Bark! How does sandpaper feel ? Ruff!

The talent agent tells the man off and kicks him out of his office. As the man and the dog are walking down the street the dog looks up at the man and says, Gee Bob, maybe you should have asked some harder questions .

Bob Saget aristocrat joke

Man #1: A guy goes into a talent agent's office. He says, `I have the greatest act in the world.'
Man #2: Hey, oh.
Man #3: Me and my wife go on stage. We get undressed and I start (censored) my wife.
Man #4: I remember my grandmother sitting me down and telling me the joke. So she only spoke Yiddish. The only English word she knew was (censored).

Bird Impressions

A man goes to the circus and tells the talent recruiter that he would like to apply for a position. The recruiter asks what his talents are, and the man replies that he does amazing bird impressions. The recruiter tells the man he's seen a million bird impressions and is not interested. The man says, "that's too bad" and flies away.

So I got a call from my son's music teacher...

She told me, "Hey, your son is just like Elvis Presley!"
I was a little shocked. "That's... is he that talented?!"
To which she replied, "Oh no, we found him dead on the toilet."

The jumper ....

A Truck driver sees a girl about to jump off a bridge so he stops.
"What are you doing?" he says.
"I'm trying to commit s**...," she says.
s**... driver says with sly grin "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a b**...."
So, she does.
After she's finished, the trucker says, "Wow! That's a wasted talent. Why are you committing s**...?"
"My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl....."

A man requested a female painter to paint him in the n**....

"No" the talented artist said. "I don't do that sort of thing.
"I'll increase your fee two times," he said.
"No, no thanks!!"
"I'll give five times as much as you normally get."
Okay, said the artist, "but you have to let me at least wear my socks. I need somewhere to place my brushes."

I was standing at the bar when a girl came up to me...

I was standing at the bar when a girl came up to me.
"Fancy buying me a drink?" She said,
"Sure," I replied. "If you let me choose."
"Okay," she grinned. "But how will you know what I want?"
"Well, it's kind of a talent," I smiled. "All I do is look a girl up and down and I know exactly what drink suits her best."
"Okay," she giggled. "You can choose for me."
So I turned to the barman and said, "Diet coke, mate."

I got into a fight with my father when I told him Jim Morrison wasn't talented.

He forced me to go to my room. I slammed my door behind me, and my dad said, "Don't you ever slam The Doors in my house again!"

Talented joke, My friend Jack's special talent is communicating with legumes.

jokes about talented