
Syria Jokes

89 syria jokes and hilarious syria puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about syria that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Syria Short Jokes

Short syria jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The syria humour may include short bombs jokes also.

  1. I Hear that Russia is so mad about the US airstrike in syria That they are seriously considering voting democratic in the next election.
  2. I was told, if I voted for Hillary, they predicted Obamacare would continue and we'd go to war with Syria... I did, and the predictions came true!
  3. I think the $250 million we spent on bombs for Syria would have been better going to schools in our own country Then there wouldn't be any teachers left to give raises to.
  4. Why are there no Walmarts in Syria? Because there is a target on every corner.
    Guys, this syriaous.
  5. Do you know about the unpredictable weather in Syria? Sometimes it's Sunni, other times it's Shiite.
  6. Apparently Germany isn't taking part in attacking Syria. A world war without germany feels a bit empty.
  7. Been thinking of buying property in Syria... heard the housing markets been booming.
  8. Why did the Turkish army stay out of Syria? There were curds in their whey.
  9. Welcome to Syria! You'll have a blast :)
  10. What did the surfer say when he visited Syria? This place is totally radical!

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Syria One Liners

Which syria one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with syria? I can suggest the ones about drone and invade.

  1. Did you know there are no Walmarts in Syria? ...only Targets
  2. What's the national bird of Syria A US drone
  3. What do you call a piece of sandpaper in Syria? A map.
  4. "You da bomb." "No, you da bomb" America: compliments
    Syria: arguments
  5. Why are there no K-marts in syria Because there are targets everywhere
  6. Syria has a lot of nice reviews Everyone says they got blown away.
  7. I've decided to avoid Turkey this Thanksgiving... Way too close to Syria.
  8. So Turkey wants to invade Syria from the rear, Do you think Greece will help?
  9. Have you heard about the situation in the Middle East It's pretty Syrias
  10. I recently did a survey on Syria. The results blew me away.
  11. I just Googled, "National Bird Of Syria" And a picture of a drone popped up.
  12. How is making cheese like invading Syria? You get some Kurds in the way.
  13. What did turkey do on thanksgiving? Changed its foreign policy on syria.
  14. Went to Syria last month.. Had a blast.
  15. Have you heard about what's going on in Damascus? Things are getting pretty Syrias.

Syria Iraq Jokes

Here is a list of funny syria iraq jokes and even better syria iraq puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • ISIS's New Candy Bar Line In order to shore up waning power in Syria and Iraq, ISIS put out a candy bar appealing to young Muslims. They call it the: Allahu Choklatbar! exclamation point
  • No one told him Syria borders Iraq Why did Obama provide weapons to Al-Qaeda in Syria
  • A texan r**... suddenly wants to travel to Iraq and Syria. He heard they are all yeeeehaaaw'd
Syria joke, A texan r**... suddenly wants to travel to Iraq and Syria.

Fun-Filled Syria Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about syria you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean government jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make syria pranks.

How many Syrians does it take to launch a missle?

Two. One to launch it, and one to watch CNN to find out where it landed.

Why did the Jamaican go to Syria?

To get s**...

The EU has said that more needs to be done to help the Syrian refugees, especially the children.

May I recommend swimming lessons?

My wife just asked me what I think about Syria

I replied: "Well, apart from Juventus or Roma I can't really see anyone else winning it this season"

My Wife said 'All you do is talk about Football..

There's so many more important things in life than that.
Like, what about Syria?"
I said "Well this year I think it's between Fiorentina, Roma or Juventus

So a Syrian r**... walks into a bar in Hungary.

No, he doesn't.

Why did the E and the F flee Syria?

Because the G had.

Did you hear about the Jamaican in Syria?

He got s**... twice.

A soldier is running from Military Police. He runs up to a nun, and asks, out of breath: "Please... may I hide under your tunic?"

..."I'll explain later."
The nun nods in agreement.
A moment later, two Military Police officers show up and ask:
"Sister, have you seen a soldier here?"
The nun shakes her head. MPs run off, and the soldier crawls out from under her tunic and says, "I can't thank you enough, sister. You see, I don't want to go to Syria. I want to return to my family..."
The nun nods and smiles.
The soldier, relieved, adds jokingly: "I hope I'm not rude, but you have a great pair of legs!"
The nun smiles, and replies in a deep voice "Well lad, if you had looked a bit higher, you would've seen a great pair of b**...… guess we're both not going to Syria."

Two Syrian refugees land in America...

They make a bet to see who can become the most American. A year later they meet up for coffee. The first man says " I am so American. I have a hot white wife, a daughter, a house and a well paying job. I drink Budweiser with my friends after work at happy hour. I have come to accept gay marriage as a human right. I joined a bowling league and my average is above 200. What have you done?" The other Syrian looks at him and says " Shut up t**...!"

Q. What did the Syrians use to light their homes before candles?

A. Electricity.

How do you call the current situation in Syria?

Very syrias

Syria is wherever the Syrians are

in Europe

s**... Squad's Title in Canada Translates To "Mopey Avengers Go To Hot Topic".

In Syria it translates to ISIS

So I recently opened a s**... bomb shop in Syria, and it's doing great!

Prophets are going through the roof.

What is the difference between your s**... and the state of syria?

People are sad that the state of syria failed.

Why don't Syrian Refugees play baseball?

because they don't know where home is

A Syrian walks into a bar..

He orders a long island.

Why don't they have bars in Syria?

Because, they prefer to get bombed at home.

A Syrian r**... was telling our journalist about his love of extreme sports. The journalist then asked what he thought of his r**... housing.

"It's in Tents."

I'm thinking of opening a restaurant in Syria

But I'm afraid the customers will dine and daesh.

Get in on Syrian real estate now!

The markets are exploding!

What do the Syrians and Fred Flinstone have in common?

They both have to put up with a lot of Rubble.

The national bird of Syria is..

..a drone.

What did the Syrian say about the airline food?

He'd say it was awful if he could get on the plane.

What do you call a cousin who goes Syria on a holiday?


What is a Syrian r**...'s favorite kind of taco?


How we can solve the issue with Syria....

Fill those tomahawk missles with Pepsi and it's all going to be right as rain.

Are there any Wal-Marts in Syria or only Targets? Asking for a friend...


Three Syrian guys are talking when the first one says,"Can I ask you a question?"

The second guy says,"Sure! Ask us!" The first guy sits there doing nothing when the third guy says, "Damascus!"

If Syria had a Dr. Phil show, do you think the unruly teen girl would say

Gas me Assad how bow dah?

So, there are two men.

They know each other for years now. Frank, a brain surgeon from new york and Ahmad a former r**... from syria.
Both men want to build an house and decide to build their houses in the very same street, next to each other. They even ask the architect to just copy the first house!
And when the houses are built Ahmad says to Frank: "My house is worth more than yours."
"How can that be? We both live next to each other!"
"Our houses were built identically, with the same materials."
"So how can it be, Ahmad?"
"Very simple: I live next to a brain surgeon and you live next to a r**...!"

Why don't Syrian kids ever take showers?

They wash up on shore.

Match the middle eastern country to its sworn enemy...

- Bahrain
- Lebanon
- Qatar
- United Arab Emirates
- Egypt
- Syria
- Jordan
- Iran
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Yemen
- Oman
- Kuwait
1. Israel

There are no Wal-Marts in Syria

Only Targets

Hiw did I escape Syria?


What's the difference between Syria and a nuclear weapons test site?

The test site will be evacuated.

What do you call Syria that went gym and got fit?


Guess how I escaped Syria


What do Syria and I have in common?

We've both been destabilized by the US.

Armenia sent a secret message over diplomatic cables to Syria:

"If we attacked Turkey from the rear... you think Greece would help?"

C'mon Syria, you've only got yourself to blame..

Did you really believe him when he said that he'd pullout?

Obama dies and then visits in an NY bar

So Obama dies and goes to Haeven. And after a while he becomes curious and is allowed to spend an hour in NY.
He goes to a bar and while ordering a whisky asks the bartender how things go.
Like "what is going on with Iraq and Syria?"
- Oh, all is fine: they are ours. And even half of China is ours. - answers the guy.
- Nice to hear it. So how much does this whiskey cost?
- 2.50 Rubel. Without the ice.

Reporter: "Why did you attack Iraq in the 90s?"

Reporter: "Why did you attack Iraq in the 90s?"
USA: "Because we suspected that they had Weapons of Mass Destruction"
Reporter: "Why did you attack Syria now?"
USA: "Because we suspect they have Weapons of Mass Destruction"
Reporter: "Why didn't you attack North Korea then?"
USA: "Are you out of your mind? They really have Weapons of Mass Destruction"

The military has announced they are going to bomb Syria off the map.

They are naming the bombs "Son of Sam" and "Jack the Ripper."
They're Syria killers.

Syria has officially split into two separate countries.

They are now SyriA and SyriB

As a Syrian, I don't know why America is taking so long to get a definitive result from their election.

We know our results months in advance!

When my dad turned 40 he left me and my mom and went to Syria to become a t**....

I guess he's just going through his midlife ISIS.

Syria joke, When my dad turned 40 he left me and my mom and went to Syria to become a t**....

jokes about syria