Symbol Jokes
60 symbol jokes and hilarious symbol puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about symbol that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Unleash your inner chemist with this collection of funny jokes about chemical symbols, element symbols, chemistry symbols, car dashboard symbols, math symbols, and the pi symbol. Get the element symbols firsthand and make up your own sign of laughter.
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Funniest Symbol Short Jokes
Short symbol jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The symbol humour may include short semicolon jokes also.
- Reddit's logo should be a bit more green. To symbolize the amount of reused and recycled content.
- Growing up we didn't have a lot of money. I had to use a hand-me-down calculator with no multiplication symbol on it. Times were tough
- What follows 16 Sodium atoms into a bar? Batman.
The chemical symbol for sodium is "Na." The Batman television show theme is: "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Batman!"
- I used to have a job explaining all those pictures and symbols they use on maps..., I was a legend over there.
- You have to appreciate how badass those Chinese are... They made a language totally out of tattoo symbols.
- Lord of the Rings is symbolic of Marriage One ring rules your life, it slowly destroys you, and sometimes, death seems easier than continuing on.
- Why are rainbows used as a symbol to represent the gay community? Because they're not straight.
- Hey mate do you know what are the chemicals symbols for sodium, bromine and oxygen? Na BrO !
- American political party symbols are spot on... Trump is the elephant in the room, and the DNC is full of jackasses!
- I bought a 12ft tall multiplication symbol and just realised I can also use it as an addition symbol too. That's a big plus.
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Symbol One Liners
Which symbol one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with symbol? I can suggest the ones about signature and alphabet.
- TIL that Garden Gnomes are a symbol of good luck. It's a little gnome fact.
- What symbol dispels a hex? A hexagon!
-In collaboration with my kid sister. - Why is He the symbol for helium? Because it makes you giggle.^(HeHeHe)
- I remember when the hashtag symbol was the pound symbol... With that in mind... #metoo
- So Pepe is now an international hate symbol... FeelsBadMan.
- What's the greatest symbol of inequality? ≠
- Computer: Choose a password Me: hi-hat
Computer: Password cannot contain symbols - Why does plutonium stink? Because it's chemical element symbol is Pu.
- Musicians don't use symbolism They use cymbalism
- How did the trout become a symbol for Christianity? Easy. By dropping "trou"
- What is a pirate's favorite chemical symbol Au
- Two drums and a symbol fell off a cliff. BA DUM CHH
- 2 drums and a symbol fall off a cliff
- HitBTC - New exchange soon. Will now trade Bitcoin Cash under symbol BCH instead of BCC.
- Why do yetis always know how to read the symbols on maps? Because they are legends
Chemical Symbol Jokes
Here is a list of funny chemical symbol jokes and even better chemical symbol puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I asked my friend if he could tell me the chemical symbol for Neptunium He said it wasn't a problem but hasn't replied since
- I would tell you the chemical symbol for sodium... ...But Na....
Element Symbol Jokes
Here is a list of funny element symbol jokes and even better element symbol puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you hear that a new element was just discovered? It's atomic symbol is Ah, and it's called the element of surprise.
(Got this from a friend) - [Chemist humor] - What is the two-letter elemental symbol for human f**... matter? Jz
Witty Symbol Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about symbol you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sign jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make symbol pranks.
I realized today that the Vans logo looks like a square root symbol.
It's probably because they're so radical.
Two drums and a symbol fall off a cliff.
Bud dum tsss
Y'know babe, they said Jesus rose again in three days...
But it only takes me three minutes! *symbol c**...*
So a lady was waiting at the doctor's...
The doctor is obsessed with the stars, and is a junior astrologist, so, naturally, he asks the woman what her Zodiac symbol is. She responds; "Cancer, why?". "What a coincidence..." Said the Doctor.
Sure, the BMW symbol kind of looks like a sphincter, but
I could already tell by the way you were driving.
Geometry professor goes into a tattoo shop and asks to get π on his back.
After a few hours he asks the tattoo artist, "Why is it taking so long to do the symbol for pi?" "Oh!" said the artist, surprised. "You wanted the *symbol*."
Which woman is the Holy symbol of the m**... church?
Mother Mary me
Pepe is the new s**...: a fun symbol ruined by the n**...
Person 1: "Hey dude do you know what the symbol for Sodium is?"
Person 2: "Na"
Person 1: "I'll ask someone else then thanks anyway"
My wife died last week
It's ironic because her zodiac symbol was cancer. She was killed by a giant crab
Trump at the Olympics
Donald Trump is opening the Olympic Games and has to read a speech.
"Oh" he says. "Oh, oh, oh ..."
An aide nudges him, "Mr. Trump, stop," he says. "You're reading the Olympic symbol."
What do you do with a dead chemist?
For those of you that are having a hard time, Ba is the atomic symbol for Barium.
If the Bald Eagle is the symbol of freedom and the Dove is the symbol of peace, what bird is the symbol of love?
The s**....
Why is the bear a symbol of Russia?
Because just like the bear Russia tends to wake up after a long sleep really hungry.
Sorry, your password must contain..
a capital letter, 2 numbers, a symbol, an inspiring message, a spell, a gang sign, a hieroglyph and the blood of a v**...
Somebody once told me that the symbol for Lithium was LT.
I glanced at the periodic table. Clearly, it was Li.
Unfortunately most elderly people in the world see # symbol as pound ...
...and they named the women's movement against s**... a**... #metoo.
Many adults still read the symbol # as 'pound,' not 'hashtag' so imagine their surprise to learn a movement meant to bring awareness to s**... assault and harassment was named 'pound me too,'
5 Jokes About Pi
1. Divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter and what do you get?
Pumpkin Pi
2. I saw a movie and gave it a 3.1415 out of 5.
It was Life of Pi
3. My friend decided to get a tattoo of the symbol pi on his face.
It was an irrational decision
4. Who was the roundest knight at King Arthur's table?
Sir Cumference . but how did he get that way?
eating too much Pi.
5. I hate all these Pi jokes.
They go on forever.
With that last one I'll show myself the door.
During an exam, a student pokes the guy next to him and whispers, "pssst... is C the chemical symbol for chlorine?"
He whispers back, "Na, Cl you idiot!".
"OK thanks..." replies the student, "but why so salty?"
Why is the symbol for infinity an 8 lying down?
Because after someone ate, lying down is infinitely better.
I've been described as a s**... symbol
However, that symbol is a question mark
My Google password is "SnowWhite&the7dwarves"
Because it said I needed at least 8 characters, including caps, a number and a symbol
I'm giving out my personal credit card info to anyone that wants it
It's several shades of blue, very thin, about 3 long and 2 tall with these little raised numbers and letters on it, it has what looks like a SIM card on one end, a WiFi symbol looking thingy on the front, it has a bunch of tiny words and some additional numbers on the back with a solid black section. Have fun shopping folks.
Give me your best/worst jokes.
There is a really cute blonde barista at the coffee shop I go to, I already told her the two best I have. Please send me your best or worst. Dad jokes are extra appreciated.
//actual joke I told her//
Did you hear the big science news? They discovered a new element. It has elemental symbol AH.
They are calling it The Element of Surprise.
There was this guy on the road
There was this guy on the road who was found painted grey with a white push bike symbol painted on. He said he lays down on roads to camouflage himself waiting for people to ride their bikes over him because he enjoyed the feeling.
This guy was a real cycle path.
The name and symbol for Bluetooth are based on a Danish-Norwegian king, dubbed 'Harald Bluetooth'
He had three wives, and four children between them. One then became his heir.
In other words, Bluetooth paired successfully