
Swigs Jokes

2 swigs jokes and hilarious swigs puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about swigs that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Comical Swigs Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What is a good swigs joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A heartbroken guy walks into his bar and orders a strong drink.

"You theem pretty upthet", the barman says, with a strong lisp, "I'm a good lithener if you wanna talk about it?"
The man swigs his beverage and tells the barman about how his wife has fallen out of love with him. He explains that he's decided to give her some room in hope that the time apart will make her miss him.
"No no, thath not the anthwer", says the barman and hands him a large bottle.
"Oh, I can't drink this", says the man, "I hate aniseed".
"It'th not for you, it'th for your wife... abthinthe makth the heart grow fonder".

Three Badass Mice walk into a bar.

Three mice walk into a bar.
The first mouse takes a swig of his beer and says, "I am a badass mouse. In my neighborhood, we have these big mousetraps. I'm so tough that I walk up to them, grab the cheese, catch the bar and press it up and down with one arm while I eat the cheese. I'm a badass mouse."
The second mouse takes a couple swigs of his beer and says, "That's nothin'. In my neighborhood we have that rat-poison stuff. I grab it, throw it in my water and gargle it. It ain't nothin'. I'm a badass mouse."
The third mouse slams his beer, gets up, and starts walking away. The other two ask, "Where are you going?" The third mouse looks at them and says, "I'm going home to screw the cat."

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