
Swept Jokes

49 swept jokes and hilarious swept puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about swept that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Swept Short Jokes

Short swept jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The swept humour may include short sweeping jokes also.

  1. The invention of the shovel was groundbreaking, but the invention of the broom swept the nation.
  2. Every girl wants to be swept off her feet. It's only when you put her in the trunk that she starts to freak out.
  3. When you think of it, invention of the shovel was groundbreaking But it was the invention of the broom that swept the nation.
  4. Every woman wants to be swept off her feet. It's when you put her in the trunk of your car that she starts to panic.
  5. Mommy broom and her child Mommy broom and her child are walking outside.
    Child: "Mom, how did dad and you make me?"
    Mom: "Oh, we swept together."
  6. A Hollywood janitor decided to try his hand at directing He's billing himself as "the director who swept the Oscars"
  7. the invention of the shovel was ground breaking (short) the invention of the shovel was ground breaking.
    but the invention of the broom was the one that truly swept the nation.
    - Scratch Farrell
  8. Did any of you hear about what happened when the kitchen floor in heaven got covered in crumbs? Jesus swept.
  9. Broom girl to broom boyfriend: sweetie, I'm pregnant… Broom boyfriend: But that's impossible! We haven't even swept together!
  10. The invention of the broom may have swept the nation... ... but the invention of the Galaxy Note 7 really set the world on fire

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Swept One Liners

Which swept one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with swept? I can suggest the ones about mopped and washed.

  1. Why was the broom late for work? Because it over swept.
  2. Why was the broom late for the meeting? Because it over - swept
  3. A movie about janitors impressed critics. Later that year the movie swept the Oscars.
  4. Why did the guy kick the broom out of his house? It swept with his girlfriend :P
  5. I just swept a girl off her feet. I'm quite an aggressive janitor.
  6. Did you hear about the tornado that swept through the cemetery? Hundreds dead.
  7. What did Jesus do when Mary Magdalene tracked dirt through the house? Jesus swept.
  8. Why was the broom late for work? He over swept.
  9. Guess you can say that the invention of the broom really... Swept the nation
  10. Why was the janitor late? He over swept
  11. How do rugs fall in love? They get swept off their feet.
  12. Chicago is the cleanest city in the world right now... BECAUSE IT JUST GOT SWEPT!!!!!!!!
  13. What happened to the broom in the flood? He got swept away.
  14. Which scientist had the cleanest floors? Kepler. He swept over the same area every night.
  15. Why would Rip Van Winkle make a good janitor? Because he swept for 20 years.

Swept joke, Why would Rip Van Winkle make a good janitor?

Uproarious Swept Jokes to Share with Friends

What funny jokes about swept you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean waved jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make swept pranks.

In light of some recent idiotic questioning by reporters

A man is interviewed after his wife was swept away in a flood. The reporter asks "Were you close with your wife?" He responds, "No, we drifted apart recently."

An actor arrived for his rehearsal at the theatre.

As he looked around, an incredible feeling of deja vu swept over him.
Suddenly he realised the set seemed like a weird adaption of his apartment, the actress looked like an odd version of his wife, and the director sounded like an eerie rendition of his dad.
"Uncanny!" He thought. "I've arrived at a strange stage of my life".

My wife and I played that game where you write down 5 people we're allowed to sleep with

Ourside of our marriage
She gave me her list and I scoffed at the predictability
Celebrities, athletes, she didn't stand a chance!
However as she read mine a look of complete horror swept over her face
And I was grabbing my coat when she screamed "where the h**... are you going?!"
"I'm going round to see your sister," I said "good luck getting through to George Clooney's agent"

A man broke into a convent one day, intent on kidnapping a nun.

Bursting through the door, he swept the first nun he saw off her feet and threw her over his shoulder. Police arrive on the scene just as the kidnapper escaped through the front door.
The first cop shouted What the h**..., man as the kidnapper fled on foot, nun over his shoulder.
No offense, the kidnapper responded as he ran away.
Nun taken! the officer reported into his radio.

I just fell in love with a girl who builds circuit boards for a living...

I just couldn't *resistor.*
I couldn't help but say "*Ohm* my word, you're gorgeous!"
We talked for a while, had quite an *amp-*le conversation.
We eventually went to get lunch and took her *volts-*wagon.
*Current-*ly, I'd say this relationship is working out well.
I swept *Kirchhoff* her feet.

I like my dust like I like my s**... harassment allegations.

Swept under the rug.

Women are never satisfied. They say they want to be swept off of their feet

and then scream when you go put them in a trunk.

The Japanese aren't the only ones to clean up after a sporting event.

The Warriors, for example, just swept the Cavs.

Overheard a girl at the bar saying she wanted someone to sweep her off her feet...

So I swept the leg.

Swept joke, Why would Rip Van Winkle make a good janitor?

jokes about swept