
Swallow Bird Jokes

66 swallow bird jokes and hilarious swallow bird puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about swallow bird that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Swallow Bird Short Jokes

Short swallow bird jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The swallow bird humour may include short swallow jokes also.

  1. If a blue bird has blue babies And a red bird has red babies
    What bird has no babies?
  2. If storks deliver white babies and blackbirds deliver black babies, what bird delivers no babies? Swallows.
  3. If black birds have black babies and blue birds have blue babies, what kind of birds have no babies? Swallows.
  4. If one stork brings one baby and two storks brings two babies, what bird brings no babies? Two swallows.
  5. If a bluebird has blue babies and a redbird has red babies, what kind of bird has no babies? A s**...
  6. If a stork brings white babies, and a blackbird black babies, what bird brings no babies? A s**....
  7. If a stork is the bird that brings babies, then what is the bird that prevents babies? A s**...
  8. If the Stork is the bird that delivers babies... then the bird that prevents them must be the s**...
  9. If a red bird has red babies and a blue bird has blue babies what type of bird has no babies? A s**....
  10. The bird that delivers babies is called the stork. The one that prevents babies from being delivered is called the s**....

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Swallow Bird One Liners

Which swallow bird one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with swallow bird? I can suggest the ones about birds prey and bird watching.

  1. Storks bring babies, but do you know what type of birds prevent babies? Swallows...
  2. Who are the prostitutes of the bird world? Swallows
  3. If the stork is the bird of birth, what's the bird of birth control? A s**....
  4. What kind of bird doesn't get pregnant? A s**...
  5. What kind of bird does not make babies? A s**...
  6. The bird of Love is the dove, but what's the bird of true love? A s**...
  7. If a stork delivers babies what bird prevents them? A s**....
  8. If a stork brings babies, what bird takes them away? A s**...
  9. If the swan symbolizes happiness, what bird symbolizes true love? The s**....
  10. What is the official bird of love? The s**....
  11. The thing about bird jokes are... sometimes they're hard to s**....
    Owl let myself out.
  12. The stork is the bird that brings the baby, But a s**...'s the one to prevent it!
  13. If a dove is a bird of peace, what is a bird of true love? A s**....
  14. If the bird of peace if the dove, what's the bird of love? The s**....
  15. If a Dove is the 'Bird Of Peace' then what's the 'Bird Of True Love'? The s**...

Swallow Bird Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about swallow bird you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bird nest jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make swallow bird pranks.

What kind of bird is the best pornstar?

A s**....

What Bird?

Which bird symbolizes love? s**....

What's a gay mans favorite bird?

A s**...

It's for the birds...

What kind of bird represents peace? The pure white (Dove)
What kind of bird represents wisdom? The wise old (Owl)
What kind of bird represents birth control? Sound of gagging. (the s**...)

What kind of bird represents birth control?

The s**......

A young boy is sitting in class...

A young boy is sitting in class when the teacher asks the group a question: "Five birds are sitting on a branch. A hunter shoots two. How many birds are left?". The young boy raises his hand and answers: "None. The birds heard the gun shot and all flew away". The teacher explains to the young boy: "Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for; but I like the way you think!"
The next day, the young boy comes into class with a question for the teacher: "Miss, three women are sitting on a park bench eating ice cream: One licks the ice cream. Another licks the ice cream and spits it out. The last one licks the ice cream and swallows. Which woman is married?" A little embarrassed by the question, the teacher answers: "The woman who swallows?" The young boy says: "No, the one with the wedding ring; but I like the way you think!"

A woman asks her husband what type of bird makes for the sexiest Halloween costume

"Should I be a spotted b**...?", asks the woman.
"Or what about a spread pink Flamingo?" "...Neither" replies the man. "If you really want men to like you, you need to be some sort of s**...."

What is the bird synonymous with abstinence

The s**...

If a...

If a black bird brings black babies,
and a blue bird brings blue babies..
What kind of bird brings no babies?
A s**....

"Daddy every time you go on a business trip mommy likes to bird watch"

"Oh yeah? Where's her favorite spot to bird watch?"
"The bedroom"
"What do you mean?"
"Well every time you leave mommy comes home with her bird watching friends and when they go into the room after awhile I hear her friend say " s**..."

Urologist told me a joke during my vasectomy...

So during my vasectomy it was just me and the younger female doctor in the room. She was talking with me to distract me and said you want to hear a good vasectomy joke? Of course I said yes, not knowing it was going to go this way.
If a Bluebird has blue babies, a blackbird has black babies, a redbird has red babies, what kind of bird has no babies?
A s**...!

s**... is a bird or a fish?

It's an order.

If the Bald Eagle is the symbol of freedom and the Dove is the symbol of peace, what bird is the symbol of love?

The s**....

A bird lands in a bush between two others..

He turns to one on his right and asks s**... ? The other bird replies angrily No spit! . He looks at the bird to his left Hmm thorny subject .

"Dad, what's your favorite bird?"

"I don't know, maybe the Blue Jay"
"What's mom's favorite bird?"
"Definitely the s**..."

If Storks represents birth. Which bird represents birthcontrol?


If a stalk brings good babies. A crow brings bad babies. What bird brings no babies?

A s**...

What is the only type of bird that can't get pregnant?

A s**...

What is the bird of peace?

What is the bird of prey?
What is the bird of o**... s**...?

What kind of bird doesn't quit?

The s**...

What's the name of the bird that brings babies?

A: Stoark
What's the name of the bird that prevents babies?
A: s**...

If eagles are the birds of American freedom, then what is the bird of American love?

A s**...

What kind of bird never gets pregnant?

A s**...

If the Stork is the bird of births...

Then the s**... must be the bird of birth control?

If the Swan symbolizes happiness, then what bird symbolizes True Love?

The s**...

If a stork delivers babies, what bird stops babies from being delivered?

A s**...