Sunlight Jokes
25 sunlight jokes and hilarious sunlight puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sunlight that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Sunlight Short Jokes
Short sunlight jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sunlight humour may include short daylight jokes also.
- Why as it important for Ted Cruz to be in Cancun while Texas is freezing? Reptiles require sunlight.
- With the far right prescribing UV and sunlight for medical cures They have finally seen the benefits of solar power.
- Why does a daisy need sunlight instead of moonlight? Because otherwise, it would be called a nightsy
- What's the difference between a ginger girl and a vampire? One bursts into flames in the sunlight, and the other is a vampire.
- Did you know about Cape Breton's indigenous flower? It only grows for six months of the year and requires a minimum of 160 days of sunlight before blooming. It's called the pogey flower.
- Sunlight What does the doctor recommend you take if you have a Vitamin D deficiency?
Some sunlight
What does the doctor recommend you take if you have too much Vitamin D?
Some Sun-Lite - I was arguing with Linkin Park over the mass of sunlight... ...but in the end, it doesn't even matter.
- If a tree farm is planted next to a cornfield ... and over time grows to steal sunlight from the cornfield, would that be farmed robbery?
- My friend has a disease that makes him afraid of sunlight. I don't know why, but he's really in the dark about it.
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Sunlight One Liners
Which sunlight one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sunlight? I can suggest the ones about sunshine and natural light.
- What happens to Nitrogen when you put it in direct sunlight? It becomes DAYTROGEN!
- Why is Robert Pattison so pale? There's no sunlight in the closet.
- what is a male vampire's pronouns in the sunlight? he/hiss
- I'm researching ways to block sunlight from windows It's actually a double-blind study.
- R.I.P puddles in the sunlight. You will be mist.
- What's orange and white and stops at sunlight? Gingers
- What consumes blood and can't survive in the sunlight? An Irishman
- Sunlight? ...brilliant!
- Soon enough I bet they'll be telling us sunlight causes cancer...
- Bottle caps... They aren't a great way of keeping out sunlight.
- What's at the beginning of the rainbow? Refraction of sunlight in raindrops
Cheeky Sunlight Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity
What funny jokes about sunlight you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bright light jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sunlight pranks.
God spoke to His angels
He said, "after extensive trials I have figured out a way to rotate a planet so it receives an even distribution of sunlight and evening."
"Wow," said one angel. "What are you going to do now, sir? "
And God said, "Call it a day."
Thor was viewing the earth, when he saw a beautiful milkmaid. He transformed to human form, descended to earth - and seduced her.
They made love for 3 days and 3 nights, then one morning Thor was stood with his back to her, shuttered sunlight streaming through his golden hair and across his massive frame - the very image of godlike perfection. And he spoke.
Darling, I must away from this place he turned round for dramatic effect, then thundered. FOR I, AM THOR!
She replied YOU'RE thor? I can barely thtand!
Contradicting Coronavirus advice!
First, we hear alcohol may prevent the virus... now research suggests the opposite. Then we're told heat and humidity has no effect, but wait... direct sunlight might quickly kill the virus. So, if you come across some elderly bloke, standing in the yard, intoxicated and n**..., leave me alone... I'm conducting important medical research.
On Mars, the rover begins a new day by opening its solar panel to charge up when there's sunlight...
But this time it hits something.
The scientists are puzzled. There was nothing there when it last went to sleep. Anxious, they use the last of its energy turning its camera around. It was an Earth feline.
Curiosity killed a cat