Sung Jokes
33 sung jokes and hilarious sung puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sung that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Sung Short Jokes
Short sung jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sung humour may include short sang jokes also.
- There has been much said and sung about the "Eye Of The Tiger", but how come no one ever talks about the other four letters? The Tea of the tiger was quite a refreshing and pleasant event!
- What do "Jingle Bells" sung by Mike Tyson and a green and red g-string have in common? They're both Christmith Thongs.
- Christmas Carol not to be sung in Southern California... Oh the weather outside is frightful...
But the fire is so delightful...
And since you have no place to go.... - My 3 sons placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a talent contest judged by Lee Kun-hee Jake juggled, Daniel danced and Sam sung
- My drunk neighbour spent the whole night dancing to the sound of my generator When I turned the generator off, he asked me who sung the track?
I said, it's Yamaha featuring petrol. - Sam went into Samsung store Sam went into a Samsung store where he was told that he could win a brand new phone if he sings them a song. What did Sam do?
Sam sung. - Which song was sung about birds, and also sung by birds? The Byrds- Tern Tern Tern.
Credit- my dad. - [true story] My step dad's name is John Sung, and he named his son, Samuel. One day Samuel overhears his dad say, "I like Samsung over Apple. Apple's so overrated."
And he thinks, "Thanks, Dad." - A whale washed up on a beach and saw a person eating a burger He sung We are family
Even though your fatter than me
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Sung One Liners
Which sung one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sung? I can suggest the ones about sunny and sings.
- Did you see what Sam did at the talent show? Sam sung
- Who's Ji-Sung Park's great, great, great, great, great grandfather? Jurassic Park
- What do you call karaoke being sung by a Native American? Cheraokee.
- The karaoke party was the bomb Sam sung
- Park Park Ji-Sung has retired from international football. At least he had a good korea!
- The "Silent Night" song is a lie It's not silent, and it probably wasn't sung at night.
- Why did Kimg Jong Il get all the attention? Because the other two are Un Sung.
- Why did the apple leave the Karaoke bar? Because Sam sung.
- Sam sung I don't wanna blow your phone up
- Sam sung a song, and PUFF! An apple materialized!
- Why did Steve Jobs lose on the X Factor? because Sam sung better than him
- Who sung? Sam. Samsung

Comical Sung Jokes and Gems that Will Get You in Laughter Land
What funny jokes about sung you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean solar jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sung pranks.
What sunglasses does Ned Flanders wear?
Oakley Doakleys
I just read a story about songs in history and the pitches in which they were sung.
For example, a march to battle was sung around middle D. Gregorian chants were sung from low D to middle G.
It seems that most, if not all, pirate shanties were sung on the high C's.
Two ornithologists were listening to a bird call...
...they heard it sing "fourtimesthreetimestwotimesone". It took a pause and then sung "equalstwentyfour". They looked at each other slightly confused, when they heard it repeat the call:"fourtimesthreetimestwotimesone"..."equalstwentyfour". One ornithologist looked at the other and said "I don't think I've ever heard that bird before"; the other one answered, "me either, but I'm pretty sure it's a Fact Oriole".
I don't like sunglasses
They're shady
I like my sunglasses like I like my politicians,
Polarized and able to be bought surprisingly cheap.
Let's play name the title
Jokes are reposted so many times here, so name the titles of these punchlines
1. Ones a hippo and ones a little lighter
2. How far do you think I can kick this bucket?
3. Obviously not
4. But it wasn't stroganoff
5. Sam sung note 7
6. Measles
7. We went out and had a few drinks. Cool guy, wanted to become a web designer.
8. I wore the wrong sock this morning
9. Unless everyone gets them
10. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for life.
In honor of a bath time song sung by a fellow dad...
Here is mine:
Wash your body!
Oh yeah.
Clean your body!
Uh huh
Wash your body!
It's bath time tonight!
Let's get clean, alright!
Clean your fingers and your toes...
Wash your face, don't forget your nose
If it's Monday night we wash your hair.
But everytime wash behind your ears!
Why can't sunglasses have political opinions?
Because they're so polarizing
When I took off my sunglasses, my roommate said, "I thought you had blue eyes."
I replied, "Must have left them in my other genes"
What sunglasses can see inside your eyes?
X-Ray Bans