
Summit Jokes

34 summit jokes and hilarious summit puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about summit that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Make your next G7 Summit meeting a success with these entertaining jokes and strategies! From Leonid the explorer to the strategies used, these jokes will keep everyone in the room laughing. Read on to discover the perfect joke to get your next summit off to a great start!

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Funniest Summit Short Jokes

Short summit jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The summit humour may include short mountain peak jokes also.

  1. A week after the G7 Summit, they should have the C Major Summit That would resolve everything.
  2. They should have a follow-up to the G7 summit a week later. They could call it the the C Major summit. Maybe that would resolve everything.
  3. At the Helsinki Summit, Russia offered to supply both Translators Which is nice considering they supplied both President
  4. I went to a restaurant on the summit of Mt. Everest. I give it 3 stars. Food was good, not much atmosphere though.
  5. What did the Helsinki Summit have in common with the 2018 World Cup? Nobody was playing for the USA.
  6. An artist found a way to draw a two-sided figure, but the International Geometry Summit immediately began to furiously contest the new shape... I say, let bi-gons be bi-gons
  7. Joe: I just got back from climbing Mt. Everest. Bob: Summit?
    Joe: Nope. Climbed all of it!
  8. Putin, at the summit: Donald, I'm thinking of annexing all the nations around Russia. What do you think? Trump: Then Soviet.
  9. Donald Trump's first summit with Kim Jong-un was only to get feedback about the quality of his tweets. Who better to ask than the Supreme Reader?
  10. I climbed a mountain yesterday Things were looking up until I got to the summit. It was all downhill from there.

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Summit One Liners

Which summit one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with summit? I can suggest the ones about top of the mountain and peak.

  1. How do you add up a mountain? You summit.
  2. All the world leaders met for a summit in Egypt. I guess the reigns down in Africa.
  3. I'm pretty sure the G7 summit will resolve.... To a C Major
  4. Q: What is the summit of calm ? Q: What is the summit of calm
  5. Little Donny went to G-7 summit.... That's it.
  6. How did the mountaineer describe the view from the top of Everest? That's really summit
  7. Did you hear about that African-Asian summit? Apparently it was a black-thai do.

Reached Summit Jokes

Here is a list of funny reached summit jokes and even better reached summit puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • TIL climbing Mount Everest with a partner and having s**... share a common crucial point if you choose to take a small nap while close to reaching the summit, you will never wake up.
Summit joke, TIL climbing Mount Everest with a partner and having s**... share a common crucial point

Hilarious Fun Summit Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about summit you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mountain jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make summit pranks.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is in the line for customs when he arrives at Poland for a summit.
Customs Officer: "Name?"
Putin: "Vladimir Putin."
Customs Officer: "Nationality?"
Putin: "Russian."
Customs Officer: "Occupation?"
Putin: "No, just visiting."

An Engineering Joke.

Putin, Biden and Merkel are sitting on a beach after a summit and argue who's country has the best engineers. Putin says: " We make submarine run underwater for 5 five years. No contact to surface." Biden says: "Thats nothing. Ours run for ten years without resurfacing." Merkel just smiles. In this moment a Uboat emerges from the depths and drives up to the beach. A hatch opens, and a man in uniform pops out. He looks at the three, raises an arm and shouts: " Heil h**...! We need fuel!"

The god of thunder rides to the top of the mountain atop his noble steed.

Upon reaching the summit, he gets off his horse, raises his hammer to the sky and yells, "I am Thor!"
The horse turns around and says, "That'th cuth you forgot your thaddle thilly!"

Two Missionaries...

Two missionaries were ascending a hill in an expedition to convert the hostile unreached jungle inhabitants.
Since very few had ever returned alive from the unfriendly summit very little was known. The two agreed that the best way to win them over was with gifts from their food provisions.
They reached a pass where only one was able to ascend at a time. As the first man cleared the pass, he was immediately set upon by the natives. They took his large pack, pulled the large bunch of bananas out, and distributed them amongst themselves.
The natives began a strange ritual that involved shoving the bananas into their rectums and dancing about in a manner similar to the Māori Haka.
At first, the m**... was horrified by what he saw but he started to giggle and then broke into an hysterical cackle.
The dancings stopped and the leader said, "Why you laugh?"
The m**... said, "my friend is coming with pineapples!"

At the height of the Cold War...

At the height of the Cold War, a landmark summit was convened with leaders from every province within the Soviet Union. The representatives arrived very early but the meeting was still delayed. Why?
They were all Russian, but one was Stalin
Note: made this up after being inspired by a recent joke on here.

World Leaders

President Macron, Theresa May and Angela Merkel meet for a summit at the North Sea.
Gazing over the water, May says, "We have a submarine that can stay underwater for 10 days."  Macron responds, "That's nothing, our submarines can stay underwater for 30 days!"  Merkel looks quite ashamed and shies away, when suddenly a U-Boot surfaces, the hatch opens and the commander looks out: "Heil h**..., we need Diesel!"

What did Trump's aides say when he was worried about the NK Summit?

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

You know why North Korea won't meet for the nuclear summit?

They haven't updated their privacy policy.

Did you hear about the mishap at the Asia Summit?

The Chinese government is seeking answers after the recent Beijing Conference. Apparently, several of Obama's and Putin's private bodyguards were the last to use one of the royal toilets before it was reported clogged.
Obama announced that he will ask congress to create a commission to investigate the incident while Putin denies that his forces ever entered the bathroom.

A Pokemon GO player climbed to the summit of mount Everest...

...convinced that he would could catch a rare Pokemon. All he caught was a cold. It stared with a peak achoo.

I went to a meeting to decide the title for a yearly book on hills and mountains.

Annual: Summit

Summit joke, Q: What is the summit of calm ?