Summer Camp Jokes
60 summer camp jokes and hilarious summer camp puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about summer camp that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Summer Camp Short Jokes
Short summer camp jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The summer camp humour may include short kids camp jokes also.
- I started a summer camp for kids with add/adhd to teach them to manage their symptoms. It didn't do so well, people kept telling me Concentration Camp was a bad name.
- I opened up a summer camp for kids with adhd. Although I regret calling it a concentration camp.
- My wife Not many of you know that my wife was bitten by a rattlesnake over the summer, while we were camping. After two days of horrible, writhing agony, the snake died.
- I wanted to open up a summer camp for kids with learning disabilities apparently people think calling it a concentration camp is wrong
- The oldest one I could think of on a Monday morning: Where do cantaloupes go during the summer?
John Cougar's Melon Camp. - My summer camp, which was all about focus and blocking out distractions, did really poorly this year Apparently no one wants to go to a concentration camp
- Did you hear about the German summer camp where they gave all the kids adderall? It turned into a concentration camp
- What kind of summer camp would a toilet, a mountain lion, and a cantaloupe all go to? A John Cougar Melon Camp
- I have a great idea for a place for kids to go in the summer where they can meditate and relax These Concentration Camps are going to be huge!
- My wife said I was a neglectful father. So I told my kid I would take him to a summer camp. Now I get a free ride back to guatemala and my wife can take it up with Trump from now on.
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Summer Camp One Liners
Which summer camp one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with summer camp? I can suggest the ones about camps and kid camp.
- Germany opens a summer school for kids with ADD Its a concentration camp
- Where do admins go for summer break? Banned camp.
- Where do German parents send their children with ADD for the Summer? Concentration Camp
- Why do Jews stay home during the summer? They don't like going to camps.
- Where do cantaloupes go in the summer? To John Cougar's Mellon Camp
- What do you call summer camp for unvaccinated kids? Cemeteries.
- What is a plastic surgeon's favorite activity at summer camp? arts and grafts.
- I want to start a summer program for kids with A.D.D. I call it "Concentration Camp"
- My son went to camouflage camp last summer. We never saw him again.
- Where do Jewish kids go in the summer to learn to study better? Concentration camp
- What's a Jew's least favorite thing about summer? Going to camp.
- Every summer I go to Grammar Camp we discuss creative ideas and pitch our new tense.
- I'm only half Jewish when it comes to summer camp I went to day camp not overnight
- What's Hitlers favorite summer camp activity? Mein Kraft.
- Why don't Jews go to summer camp? They don't like the Caust.

Ridiculous Summer Camp Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter
What funny jokes about summer camp you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean summer vacation jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make summer camp pranks.
A boy with a physical disability has just returned from a summer camp.
His mum with an astonished face notices a diploma dancing for 1st place at the bottom of the boy's luggage.
Mum: "Jimmy, did you dance with a girl?"
Boy: "Nouuu."
Mum: "Did you dance with a boy then?"
Boy: "No, mum."
Mum: "So how did you get it?"
Boy: "I went to take some tea."
Where do young cantaloupes go in the summer?
John Cougar's Melon Camp
I need help thinking of a joke involving supernatural creatures
It needs to be a one or two liner, no knock knock jokes or riddles.
Context: I'm working at a summer camp and my call sign is Ghost. Tomorrow morning at the assembly, I'm going up and giving some world news (spoofs, not actual news). I want to say "hey guys, I'm Ghost with all your *other*worldly news", but I'm having trouble thinking of what to say after that. Any ideas would be great.
Did you hear about Anne Frank's time at summer camp?
She got so baked.
A blonde, brunette, and a red head go to summer camp and they can only bring one thing..
The red head brings a deck of cards, to keep herself entertained.
The brunette brings her homework, to get it done and live stress free.
The blonde brings a car door, so she can roll down her window if she gets hot.
Where do you send hyperactive jewish children for summer vacation?
Concentration camp.
German boy
Why did the German boy go to Summer camp?
I don't know he did notsay!
God will save me
Heard this a while back at summer camp or something of the like. Haven't seen it on here yet.
A man is drowning in a lake. A boat drives up and the captain asks him, "hey buddy, need any help?"
The man responds, "No, God will save me."
The captain reluctantly goes about his way and a little later a speedboat drives up to the drowning man. "Hey buddy, can I help you?"
"No, god will save me."
The man drowns and up in heaven he goes up to God and says, "Hey, why didn't you save me?"
God simply replies, "I sent you two boats, d**...."
Friday the 13th today
Do not visit summer camp.
So my uncle is starting a summer camp...
It's for kids about to be molested.
My wife bought a bunch of cheap camping supplies from a garage sale.
This shall be known as the Summer of my Discount Tent.
Son and Dad $$$
Son is away for the summer in a camp. He runs out of pocket money so he writes to his dad:
No money
No fun
Your son
Dads response:
How sad
Very bad
Your dad
Why was Johnny worried when his parents sent him to camp for summer?
His parents were n**...
Once, at an all boys summer camp, I dreamed I ate a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up my pillow was gone. But that's not what freaked me out...
...the night before that I dreamed I was in a hotdog eating contest.
I don't like the idea of sending kids to camps over the summer.
Especially concentration camps.
A kid was sent to a French summer camp program that lasted three weeks.
It was called Vingt In the Sun
What kind of camp do Jewish kids go to when they can't focus in school?
Summer camp, just like every other kid you sick b**...!
During the 80's, many college students from Eastern Bloc countries - Poland, Hungary, and Romania met each other at a summer camp
Sitting around the campfire after supper, these young people tried their best to communicate with each other (Polish, Hungarian, and Romanian are totally not related), ultimately having to resort to some kind of sign language
Then one dude got an idea: Hey, we all learned Russian in high school, why don't we try speaking in Russian?
… After a brief, thoughtful thinking and pause … everyone returned back to that sign language
3 Instruments are Catching Up
School is back in for the fall and 3 instruments are sharing their musical journey through the Summer.
The saxophone says, "I got to go to New Orleans and play with a real jazz band."
The guitar says, "I went to Mexico and played music so beautiful that the audience threw roses on the stage!"
At this moment, the Saxophone realizes that the flute has been quiet. "Hey Flute, how was your summer?"
The flute says, "I don't wanna talk about it."
The guitar says, "Come on, I thought you were going to band camp?"
My dad owns 4 tents which he uses for camping
He uses all 4 at different times of the year, and each one is based on 1 of 4 different musical genres.
In spring he uses the jazz tent, in summer he uses the pop tent, in autumn he uses the classical tent….
But now is the winter of our disco tent.