
Subpar Jokes

27 subpar jokes and hilarious subpar puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about subpar that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Subpar Short Jokes

Short subpar jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The subpar humour may include short submarine jokes also.

  1. I'm having trouble writing a good joke about golf and sandwiches... Everything I come up with is sub-par.
  2. I recently opened a combination sandwich shop/mini golf course I thought it was a good idea, but the reviews said the experience was sub-par
  3. I went to subway and ordered a sandwich... It was of average quality, I'd call it *Subpar*.
  4. You see that film about the subpar mathematician trying to crack the enigma code? You know the one, The Limitation Game.
  5. My boss always gets angry at me when we golf together, for some reason. All I do is compliment him on his subpar golfing skills
  6. What does an unchallenging mini-golf course have in common with a s**... club? During daytime hours they're both sub-par

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Subpar One Liners

Which subpar one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with subpar? I can suggest the ones about subs and subtitles.

  1. What do you call a low-quality golf course? Subpar.
  2. I thought my golf joke was pretty lame, but everyone kept assuring me that it was subpar.
  3. U-boats aren't very good at golf In fact, they're *subpar*.
  4. How are new pants like a sub-par mansion? There's no ball room
  5. I didn't think my golf joke was that good, but everyone kept assuring me it was subpar.
  6. My ex GF was like a good game of golf. All holes subpar.
  7. Why is there no such thing as a great golfer? The best ones are consistently sub-par.
  8. Golf The only sport where a subpar performance is optimal.
  9. I played golf in a submarine the other day. It was subpar.
  10. My friend was mad when i beat him at a round of golf. I had told him i was subpar.
  11. How is your golf game? Eh... It's sub-par.
  12. That deli has a reputation for sub-par hoagies, ...but the one I had was exactly average.
  13. Some say Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer of all time. I say he's sub-par at best.

Subpar joke, Some say Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer of all time.

Cheerful Subpar Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!

What funny jokes about subpar you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean suburban jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make subpar pranks.

Reddit was planning to promote some food subreddits on the featured page.

One of the featured subreddits was supposed to be about chocolate fountains, but there was a big controversy, and they decided to find a replacement. A former substitute teacher who was fired from her job had started a subreddit about bar food.
The mods selected it as a replacement. The subpar sub's pub sub sub subbed superbly.

Subpar joke, I played golf in a submarine the other day.