Stung Jokes
70 stung jokes and hilarious stung puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stung that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Stung Short Jokes
Short stung jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stung humour may include short sting jokes also.
- My wife got stung by a bee on the forehead. She's at the ER now, her face all swollen and bruised, she almost died. Luckily I was close enough to hit the bee with my shovel.
- Wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish. quick, pee on it Husband : [peeing on jellyfish] This is for stinging my wife
- Yesterday my wife got stung by a bee while golfing I asked where, and she informed me it was between the first and second holes. Being the helpful type, I advised her that her stance was too wide.
- A woman ran screaming into the pro shop at the golf course... "I just got stung by a bee between the first and second hole!"
The guy at the counter said "Your stance is too wide". - Women playing golf goes to doctor She tells the doctor while playing golf a bee stung her between the first hole and the second hole, the doctor replies your stance is to wide
- Two lady golfers 1st Lady Golfer: You know, last time I was here a bee stung me between the first and second holes.
2nd Lady Golfer: That's because your stance is too wide. - I was playing Golf with my girlfriend. She was stung by a bee, between the 1st and 2nd hole. I told her, her stance was too wide.
- A woman walks into the clubhouse after nine holes... "Whats the problem ma'am?"
"I got stung by a bee"
"Where at?"
"Between the first and second hole"
"Well I'd say your stance is too wide" - A jellyfish stung my wife... "Quick, pee on it!" Said my wife
*Pees on jellyfish* "That's for stinging my wife!" - I was washing the dishes when a drop of the dishwashing liquid I was using somehow got to my eye. It stung so bad I started crying. I guess this is what they call tears of Joy™.
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Stung One Liners
Which stung one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stung? I can suggest the ones about bee sting and sung.
- How can you get stung by the alphabet? A bee. See?
- I thought they said freebies My disappointment stung almost as much as the bees
- What is worse than getting stung by a donut? Bagel Bites.
- What happens if an Asian gets stung by a bee? Their GPA drops
- What do you call a man who got stung on the toe? Toby
- I was stung by a spelling bee A-N-A-P-H-Y-L-A-C-T-I-C
- I was stung by a bee yesterday... $40 for a jar of honey.
- Why did the jellyfish's wife leave him?
He stung her into action. - Why did C swell up Because it got stung by A B
- I was stung by a dangerous bug. A Hepatitis bee.
- What do you call Sting 5 minutes ago? Stung.
- I got stung by a bee the other day..... £15 for a jar of honey!
- When Sting retires will he change his name to Stung?
- Did you hear about the bodybuilder who got stung by a bee? He was swole a.f.
- I got stung by a bee yesterday..... Charged me £8.00 for a jar of honey...

Laughter Stung Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity
What funny jokes about stung you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dung jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stung pranks.
Golf lessons
A young woman has been taking golf lessons. She has just started playing her first round of golf when she suffers a bee sting. The pain is so intense she decides to return to the clubhouse.
Her golf pro sees her come into the clubhouse and asks, "why are you back so early? What's wrong?"
"I was stung by a bee"
"where?" he asks.
"between the first and second hole," she replies.
He nods knowingly and says, "apparently your stance is too wide."
A woman is playing golf...
... when she gets stung by a bee. She goes into the clubhouse and tells an employee what has happened:
Woman: "Hello, I was stung by a bee."
Man: "Where were you stung?"
Woman: "Between the first hole and the second hole."
Man: "Your stance is too wide."
A lady runs up to a golf pro giving a lesson ...
... and says "Help! I've just been stung by a bee!". The golf pro asks where. The lady says "Between the first and second holes." The pro says, "Well, I can tell you right now your stance is way too wide."
A woman returned home from a round of golf.
Her husband asked how it went. She replied, "Well, OK, but I got stung by a bee." He responded, "Where did it sting you?" She said, "Between the first and second hole," whereupon he exclaimed, "I told you your stance was too wide!"
A woman is out playing golf...
...and she gets stung by a bee. It's annoying, but she finishes her game. Afterwards, she's having a drink in the clubhouse and mentions to one of the golf pros hanging out there what happened.
"Oh that's too bad," he says. "Where did you get stung?"
"Right between the first and second hole," she tells him.
"Hmmm," he says, "Sounds like your stance is too wide."
A woman gets a golf lesson.
A woman goes to her local golf course and gets a lesson from the course pro. After the lesson she decides to play a round to reinforce what she learned. But after only 20 minutes the golf pro sees her back at clubhouse. "What happened" asks the pro. She replies "I was stung by a bee while playing and didn't feel like continuing". "Oh no, where at" replies the golf pro. She says "between the first and second hole".
"Oh, I see" says the pro, "your stance is too wide".
A woman was taking golf lessons and had just started playing her first round when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so bad that she ran to the clubhouse for medical assistance. The golf pro saw her heading back and said, What's wrong?
I was stung by a bee! she said. Where? he asked. Between the first and second hole. she replied. He nodded and said, Your stance is far too wide.
A woman got stung by a bee on the golf course
As she was allergic to bee stings, she frantically ran to the clubhouse to get help. "I've been stung by a bee," she cried to the clubhouse attendant. "Where were you stung?" he asked. "Between the first and second hole," she said. He replied, "I think your stance may be a little too wide."
A couple walk Into the clubhouse after a round of golf.
The pro asks "how was you round?" The husband says "it was good but my wife got stung by a bee". "Where did she get stung?" "Between the first and second hole". The pro says "well her stance was too wide."
A woman was out at the golf course...
...with her friends for a day and came home. Her husband asks, "So, how did it go?" "Terrible!" she replied. "I got stung by bees!" "Oh no! Where?" he asks. "Between the first and second holes!" The husband shakes his head and says "I've been telling you that your stance was too wide."
A young woman had been taking golf lessons all week long.
She'd just begun her first game of golf when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so intense, she couldn't continue her game. She decided to go back to the clubhouse and get some medical attention.
Her golf Pro saw her enter the clubhouse and asked,
"Why are you back so soon?" What's wrong?"
"I was stung by a bee," she answered.
"Where?," he asked.
"Between the first and second holes," she replied.
He nodded his head knowingly and said, "Then your stance is too wide."
Lady golfer
A lady comes up to the clubhouse after playing playing a few holes and she is fuming
She says
"A bee stung me"
The man at the desk replies
"where did the bee sting you
The lady replies
"Between hole 1 and 2"
The man at the desk says
"That's your problem, your stance is too wide"
My wife and I were on honeymoon at Australia last week.
I called up the Aussie helpline as we had a problem
"Aussie helpline, what's the problem?"
"Well, my wife and I were swimming yesterday, and a jellyfish stung her in her... uhm, lady parts. Anything we can do?"
"Ah, bummer mate"
"Perfect! I hadn't thought about that, thanks!"
Please pray for my mother-in-law. She was taken to hospital this morning. A bee landed on her face. Luckily she wasn't stung.
I was too quick with the s**....
A woman is stung by a bee on a golf course
She goes into anaphylactic shock due to an allergy and they take her to a doctor.
"Where was she stung?", asked the doctor.
"Between the first and second hole.",
"Well she may need to work on her stance."
A woman golfer walks up to a grounds keeper..
A woman golfer walks up to a grounds keeper and says, "I just got stung by a bee!" "Where at??" Asks the grounds keeper. "Between the first and second hole." Replied the woman. The grounds keeper looks her up and down and says, "Well, It sounds like your stance is too wide."
A woman on holiday was stung by a jellyfish...
She yells to her husband and says "I was stung by a jellyfish, you need to pee on it."
The husband runs over to the jellyfish and pees on it saying "that's for stinging my wife."
Taking a lesson because her golf game had been going so badly, a woman had just started her first round when she was stung by a bee.
Distraught and rather angry and disheartened besides, she went back into the clubhouse and told the golf pro about the incident.
"Where did it sting you?" he asked.
"Between the first and second hole," she replied.
The pro shook his head and quickly exclaimed: "That's your problem right there. You have your feet too far apart.
Lady goes to her doctor...
Lady goes to her doctor and says I got stung by a bee while golfing!
Doc says were did it sting you?
Lady says between the 1st and 2nd holes.
Docs says wow you must have wide stance..
A woman who is playing golf gets stung by a bee.
She rushes into the pro shop and says "I've been stung by a bee! I've been stung by a bee!
The pro say "Where?"
The woman says "Between the first and second hole."
The pro says "Your stance is too wide."
A woman is out playing golf, when she is stung by a bee.
Started to not feel well, she heads to the emergency room. A doctor comes in to examine her.
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Woman: I was, playing golf when I was stung by a bee.
Doctor: Where exactly did it sting you?
Woman: In between the 1st and 2nd hole.
Doctor: My god lady, you must have an extremely wide stance.
A man goes to the doctor
A man goes to the doctor and says, "I've been stung by a bee! Can you put some ointment on it?"
The doctor says, "Sure, but I think the bee flew away already."
(Courtesy of my 10 year old)
A woman was golfing and got stung by a bee.
She was severely allergic to bee stings so she went to the doctor right away. She said doc, I was on the course when I got stung . The doctor asked her where she got stung, and she told him, between the first and second hole. The doctor replied, it sounds like your stance is too wide .
A woman runs into the clubhouse on a golf course, breathless.
Help... I've been stung by a bee... she gasps.
Where did this happen? asks the pro drinking at the bar.
Between the first and second holes, she replies.
Clearly madam, your stance is too wide.
A young woman is golfing when suddenly she is stung by a bee.
She decides to return back to the clubhouse to get first aid. She walks up to the men running the clubhouse and tells them that she was stung.
One man asks, "Where were you stung?".
She replies, "Between the first and second holes".
The men chuckle and then one tells her,
"Your stance is too wide"
A woman goes to the doctor looking fantastic: hair and makeup done by a professional, Gucci heels, Versace dress and Prada purse.
"I've been stung by a n**... insect of some kind," she tells the doctor, "...but I'm ashamed to tell you where."
"It's okay," says the doctor. "Our communication is privileged; I won't tell anyone."
"Okay," says the woman. "It was at Walmart."
A woman was playing a round of golf
A woman was playing a round of golf when a bee stung her.
Fearing an allergic reaction she ran to the clubhouse and told the pro that she had been stung.
He asked where and she said between the first and second holes.
He replied "your stance is too wide".
A lady golfer was stung by a bee.
So she went back to the clubhouse, and met with the club manager. The manager asked her "Where did you get stung?" The lady replied "Oh, between the first and second holes." The manager then said, "Well, obviously, your stance is too wide."
My kid got sent home from school one day.
They said he was catching bees and throwing them at other kids. So I sat him down and had a chat. I said, "Son, you can't be doing that, obviously it's not ok to throw bees at people, they could get stung and what happens if someone has an allergic reaction? How would you feel if that happened?" And he replied, " Well I know it doesn't sound safe, but my principal said I could do it and the teachers said I could do it. Infact both of you even said I could do it! You all said I can bee who I want to bee!
Bee sting
A husband and wife are out playing golf. At the turn, they decide to go in for a drink and bag of chips. The golf pro looks at them and asks, how'd you hit 'em? The woman replies, good, but I got stung by a bee between the first and second hole.
The pro looks at her and says, then your stance is too wide.
A lady walks into the pro shop to complain about bee stings
A lady walks into the pro shop to complain about bee stings while she is golfing.
The pro asks: where'd you get stung?
Between the first and second hole , she answers.
The pro replied: your stance is too wide .
A golf pro... sitting at the clubhouse bar, when the bartender says:
"Long day?"
"Yeah, spent all morning dealing with these know-it-all's from--"
All of a sudden a man runs in screaming:
"My wife! She's allergic to bees, she got stung between the 1st and 2nd hole!"
The golf pro shakes his head and says: "I **told** her, her stance was too wide."
A woman enrolls up for golf
A bee stings her in the very first round of golf. The pain is so intense she decides to return to the clubhouse for medical assistance.
A golf pro, who's out early for practice, enquires:
"You're back early. What's wrong?"
"I was stung by a bee!"
"Between the first and second hole."
He nods: "Your stance is far too wide!"
A woman golfer suffers a n**... bee sting and leaves the course to go see her doctor about it. "What happened?" asked the doctor. "I got stung between the first and second hole," replied the lady golfer.
The doctor replied, "You must have an awfully wide stance!"
A group of golfers were approaching the first tee when they noticed a woman being given first aid. One of the golfers asked what had happened, and he was informed that the woman had been stung by a bee and was having an allergic reaction.
"Where was she bit?" one of the players asked. "Between the first and second hole," was the reply.
The player responded, "Wow, she must have been standing right over the hive."
I went golfing the other day and heard a woman running towards the pro shop, screaming that she was attacked by wasps.
I ran over and asked where she got stung. She said "Right between the first and second hole." I said, "First of all I think your stance is a little wide."
A gorgeous woman goes to a Doctor looking fantastic: hair and makeup done by a professional, Gucci heels, Versace dress and Prada purse...
"I've been stung by a n**... insect of some kind," she tells the doctor, "...but I'm ashamed to tell you where."
"It's okay," says the good doctor. "Our communication is privileged; I won't tell anyone."
"Okay, It was at Walmart."
My wife came back from golfing with the ladies, looking miserable
I asked her what was wrong. She said, I got stung by a mad hornet between the first and second holes!
I told her, your stance is too wide.
Watching Encanto and my son drops this one
Me: Why can't Mirabel be in the photo her dad is and he's normal?
My son: He is special. His gift is being a Beasting Dad
Me: Huh?
My son: Get it cuz he gets stung by bees a lot? Bee Sting Dad??
Thoughts go out my Mother-in-law. She's been taken to hospital after a bee landed on her face
Luckily she wasn't stung as I was too quick with the s**....
I was teaching my wife to play golf
I was teaching my wife to play golf when I popped into the clubhouse for a drink. She came back early and said she'd been stung by a bee. I said "Where?". She said "Between the first and second hole". I said "Sounds to me like your stance is too wide."
A woman goes to her doctor complaining of a Bee sting...
He says "What happened?"
She says, "I got stung by a Bee while golfing"
He says, "Where did he sting you?"
She says, "Between the First and Second Holes"
He says, "REALLY? WOW, you must have a VERY WIDE STANCE!"
My wife came home from golfing with the girls and she seemed upset
I asked what's wrong, and she said I was in misery all day. I got stung by a hornet between the first and second holes
I said, Your stance is too wide.