
Student Of Psychology Jokes

15 student of psychology jokes and hilarious student of psychology puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about student of psychology that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Student Of Psychology Short Jokes

Short student of psychology jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The student of psychology humour may include short psychologist jokes also.

  1. I'm a psychology student and I love it I guess it's true that if you do what you love you'll never work a day in your life
  2. A Psychology prof is helping his students review material for an exam. "Does Pavlov ring a bell?"

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Howlingly Hilarious Student Of Psychology Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy

What funny jokes about student of psychology you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean students related jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make student of psychology pranks.

Do you mind if I sit beside you? The girl replied with a loud voice, "NO, I DON 'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!" All the students in the library started staring at the guy; he was truly embarrassed.

After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy 's table and said, "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right?
The guy then responded with a loud voice, $500 FOR ONE NIGHT? THAT 'S WAY TOO MUCH!
All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.
The guy stood and whispered in her ear, "I study law, and I know how to screw people."

Psychology vs Law

A guy was looking for a place to sit in a crowded university library.
He asked a girl: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?"
The girl replied in a loud voice: "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!"
All the students in the library started staring at the guy,
He was truly embarrassed and moved to another table.
After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table,
and said with a laugh: "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking.
I guess you felt embarrassed, right?"
The GUY then responded in a loud voice:
All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.
The guy whispered to her:
"I study law and I know how to screw people."

A Day in the Library

A guy is looking for a place to sit in the crowded library.
He asked a girl: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?"
The girl replied in a loud voice: "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!"
All the students in the library started staring at the guy; he was truly embarrassed and moved to another table.
After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and said with a laugh: "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right?
The guy then responded in a loud voice:
All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.
The guy then whispered in her ear: "I study law: I know how to screw people."

A guy asked a girl in a university library: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?

The girl replied with a loud voice: "NO! I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!" All the students in the library started looking at the guy; he was pretty embarrassed. After a while the girl walked quietly over to the guy's table and said: "I study psychology, I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right? The guy then responded with a loud voice: $1000 FOR ONE NIGHT? THAT'S TOO MUCH! All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock. The guy whispered "I guess you felt bad for what you did earlier, right? I study law; I know how to make someone feel guilty.

A horse walks into a bar.

The bartender says, "You come here a lot; are you an alcoholic?" The horse ponders this for a moment and says, "I don't think I am."
p**...! The horse disappears.
At this point, a psychology student would begin to snicker because he knows about the Descartes postulate, "I think therefore I am."
I could have told you about that at the beginning of the joke, but that would have been putting Descartes before the horse.

A man sees a pretty girl in a library...

He goes up to her and says "I'd like to spend some time with you". At the top of her voice, she yells "NO I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU" and storms off. Everyone in the library stares at the man, embarrassed for him.
The next day in the library, she comes over to him and whispers to the man: "I'm a Psychology student. I know how to embarrass people". He yells: "£500 FOR s**...? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. MY FRIEND SAYS YOU CHARGED HIM £20".
The girl turns a deep shade of crimson and the man whispers to her: "I'm a Law student. And I know how to screw people".

She yells, "No, I won't sleep with you tonight, you pig!"

Everyone in the bar stops and stares.
Completely embarrassed, the guy slinks back to his table with a red face.
After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes.
She smiles and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I'm a graduate student in psychology, and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing public situations."
To which the guy responds as loudly as possible, "What do you mean $200 for a BJ?"

A guy asked a girl in a library, Do you mind if I sit by you?

The girl answered with a loud voice, I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOUUUU!!!!!!
All the students in the library looked up at the guy and he was embarrassed. The girl whispered to him; I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking. You're embarrassed, right?
The guy responded with a loud voice, $200 JUST FOR ONE NIGHT!!?? THAT'S TOO MUCH!!!!
...And all the people in the library looked at the girl in shock. The guy leaned down and whispered in her ear I study law, and I know how to make someone feel guilty.

A guy asked a girl in a university library, "Do you mind if I sit beside you?

"NO, I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!" the girl shouted. All the students in the library started staring at the guy; hunching his head and ducking away, he retreated to a table in the corner of the library.
After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and smirked. "I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right?
$500 FOR ONE NIGHT? THAT'S WAY TOO MUCH! the guy shouted. All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.
The guy stood and whispered in her ear, "I study law. I know how to screw people."

A boy goes to sit beside a girl in library.

A boy looks around in library to find a girl sitting alone. He goes to her and says, "Can I sit beside you?"
She replies loudly, "I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU!"
Everyone in the library looks at the boy in shock. He slows moves to another table quite embarrassed.
A few minutes later, the girl comes to sit beside the boy and says, "I am a psychology student. I know how to make you feel embarrassed."
To which the boy replies even louder, "1000$ FOR ONE NIGHT?! THAT'S TOO MUCH!"
Everyone in the library looks at the girl, even more shocked.
The boy leans towards the girl and says, "I'm a law student. I know how to make you feel guilty."

A guy approaches a girl at the library....

He asked her, "Can I sit next to you please?"
The girl replied in a loud voice, "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!!"
All the students in the library was staring at the boy and slowly moved to a corner with his head low in embarassment.
The girl then comes up to the boy and whispers, "I study psychology, so I know what a guy is thinking. I guess you felt embarassed, right?"
The boy shouts out very loudly, "$200 FOR AN HOUR??? THAT IS WAY TOO MUCH!!!"
All the people in the library was looking at the girl in shock. The guy then whispered into the girl's ear, "I study law, and I know how to make someone look guilty!"


A very shy guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the bar. After an hour of gathering up his courage he finally goes over to her and asks, tentatively, "Um, would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?"
She responds by yelling, at the top of her lungs, "No, I won't sleep with you tonight!" Everyone in the bar is now staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hopelessly and completely embarrassed and he slinks back to his table.
After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations."
To which he responds, at the top of his lungs, "What do you mean $200?"

In the Library...

A guy asks a girl sitting alone at the library, "do you mind if I sit beside you?"
The girl answered with a loud voice, "NO! I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!"
All the students in the library started staring at the guy and he was embarrassed.
After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and said, "I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking, I guess you felt embarrassed right?"
The guy responded with a loud voice, "What??? $200 JUST FOR ONE NIGHT!? THAT'S TOO MUCH!"
...And now all the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.
Then, the guy whispered in her ears, "I study Law and I know how to make others feel guilty."