Stubbed Jokes
40 stubbed jokes and hilarious stubbed puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stubbed that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
This article dives into the lighter side of life! Get a laugh out of the embarrassment of stubbing your toe while trying to get a cigaret for your brunett friend. Read on to see what other funny scenarios result in hilarity!
Funniest Stubbed Short Jokes
Short stubbed jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stubbed humour may include short stumbled jokes also.
- What did one cell say to his sister cell when he stubbed his toe? *mitosis*
I'll show myself out. - Why do cowboys always want to die with their boot on? So they don't stub their toes when they kick the bucket.
- I wanted to learn about amputees on Wikipedia But I didn't learn much, because the article was a stub.
- I stubbed my toe and got scolded by my parents for yelling What the duck They were angry that I used fowl language
- If you're a movie ticket usher and ....... .... and amputee leaves the theater, but comes back and shows you his ticket, is it wrong to say to him "I'm glad you saved your stub" ?
- What did the boy say to his nanny when she stubbed her toe while playing tag? Na-na boo-boo
- TIFU by accidentally ramming my toe against the cigarette urn while I was trying to throw my cigarette away. Oops, wrong stub.
- Just saw that new Harry Potter movie, and was really disappointed... ...just looked at my ticket stub. It turns out the movie is called fantastic *beasts* and where to find them.
- What did the kid say to his nanny when she stubbed her toe while trying to catch him? Nana boo boo
- Did you hear about the casino croupier whose hand, through a tragic accident, was reduced to a stub? Don't worry, he's dealing with it.
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Stubbed One Liners
Which stubbed one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stubbed? I can suggest the ones about rubbed and tripped.
- Jesus Christ was supposed to be named Franklin.... Until Mary stubbed her toe.
- Yo mama so fat, When she stubs her toe, her forehead ripples.
- Can't move your toe after a bad stub? No problem, just call a toetruck.
- Jesus's name was going to be Frank Then Joseph stubbed his toe and the rest is history
- A Geologist stubs his toe "Schist!"
- Why was the emperor of Japan crying? He stubbed his hirohitoe
- What did Voldemort say when stubbed his toe trying to enter Hogwarts? "Dumb 'ol door!"
- What did Michael Jackson say when he stubbed his toe? Ow!
I'll be making my exit now. :) - Why did Mario lose a life? He stubbed his MiyamoToe.
...I'll see my way out. - I hate it when I stub my toe while rapping Gucci-dang
- Be careful stubbing your cigarette out on small metal dishes You may be lead ashtray
- What did the scientist say when he stubbed his toe? Flourine Uranium Carbon Potassium.
- What did Michael Jackson say when he stubbed his toe "OW!"
- What did ZZ Top say when they stub their toe? Oh ow ow ow
- What did the T-Rex say when he stubbed his toe? "Ouch. I'm Dino-sore!"
Stubbed Toe Jokes
Here is a list of funny stubbed toe jokes and even better stubbed toe puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What did the spelling bee contestant say when he stubbed his toe "O-U-C-H!"
- What's the similarity between cellular reproduction and when James Charles stubs his toe? They're both Mitosis
- My biology teacher stubbed his toe today and screamed.. Mitosis
- What did the Frequently Asked Question say when it stubbed it's toe? "FAQ!"
- Stubbing my toe Me: Ow, that hurts
Sister: What's wrong?
Me: Mitosis - The world did not have a tilt in its axis until Chuck Norris stubbed his toe on the North Pole.
- Chuck Norris doesn't stub his toes.
He accidentally destroys chairs, bedframes, and sidewalks. - What does did Thanos say when he stubbed his toe? Oh snap, that hurt!
- Why did God shout "Jesus Christ!!!"? He stubbed His toe.
- What did the cat say when it stubbed its toe? Me-oww
Uproarious Stubbed Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time
What funny jokes about stubbed you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bumped jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stubbed pranks.
An old guy was sitting eating at a local truck stop...
when three big, burly bikers walked in. The first stubbed his cigarette out in the old guy's pie, the second walked past and spat in his coffee, and the last flipped the guy's plate over, tipping the rest of his meal everywhere.
The old guy didn't say a word. He just got up and slowly walked out of the truck stop.
"Huh" snorted the first biker. "He wasn't much of a man, was he?"
"Nope" replied their server. "He's not much of a truck driver either. He just backed up and crushed 3 motorcycles with his rig."
Yo mama is so fat...
Yo mama is so fat she stubbed her c**...!
I found out my cousin is a magician!
He told me while we were on vacation at Venice beach. I was skeptical at first so asked him to show me a trick. Right as I asked, he stubbed his toe on a wooden plank and started cursing at the ground! I was amazed! I'd never seen somebody diss a pier.