
Stroganoff Jokes

73 stroganoff jokes and hilarious stroganoff puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stroganoff that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Stroganoff Short Jokes

Short stroganoff jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stroganoff humour may include short broth jokes also.

  1. Russian computer: "Enter password" Me: "Beef stew"
    Russian computer: "Password not stroganoff"
  2. I tried to sign up to a website yesterday. I put in the password 'beefstew' But it said the password wasn't stroganoff.
  3. Please enter your new password WEBSITE: Please enter your new password
    ME: beef
    WEBSITE: Sorry. Your password is not stroganoff
    credit goes to my girlfriend
  4. Tried to sign up to a website the other day... I put my password as "beef stew"
    It said password not stroganoff.
  5. I tried to use the password "beefstew" for my iTunes account. But Siri said it wasn't stroganoff.
  6. I just found out I couldn't use "beef stew" as a password. Apparently it's not stroganoff.
  7. Yesterday I tried to set my new password as "beefstew" It said the password was not stroganoff...
  8. I just tried changing my password to Beefstew1 But the site said that it was not stroganoff.
  9. Man, making a password is so frustrating I put in "beefstew" and the computer said it was not stroganoff.
  10. I tried to make my password "Beef stew"... ... but got the error message "your password is not stroganoff"

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Stroganoff One Liners

Which stroganoff one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stroganoff? I can suggest the ones about chef and lasagna.

  1. Apparently you can't use beefstew as a password. It's not stroganoff.
  2. Why you can't use 'Beef Stew' as a password.. Because is not stroganoff
  3. Do not use beef stew as a computer password. It is not stroganoff.
  4. I tried to change my password to Beefstew1 But they said it wasn't stroganoff
  5. I want my password to be beef stew but google says it's not stroganoff.
  6. Why can't you use beef stew as a password on your computer? It's not stroganoff
  7. You can't use BeefStew as a password It's not stroganoff
  8. Why isn't beef a good password It isn't stroganoff
  9. Google said I couldn't use "beef stew" as my password. It's not stroganoff.
  10. What was the bored pasta found doing? Stroganoff.
  11. Why was the chef fired? He was caught stroganoff
  12. Beef stew isn't a good password it's not Stroganoff
  13. New Password So I tried to make my new password 'beef stew.'
    But it wasn't stroganoff.
  14. What is a chronic masturbator's favorite dish? Meat stroganoff
  15. What do you call a cow that plays with itself? Beef Stroganoff

Stroganoff joke, What do you call a cow that plays with itself?

Share Hilarious Stroganoff Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter

What funny jokes about stroganoff you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean meatloaf jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stroganoff pranks.

What's Pee-wee Herman's favorite entree?


What do you call bovine m**...?

Beef stroganoff!

A German man was hitting on my sister-in-law...

I told her "He wants to put his wiener in your schnitzel."
She replied "Not happening, I guess he'll be stroganoff."

What kind of beef are you most likely to catch m**...?


What was the beef doing as he watched the salad dressing?


Cow jokes

**What do you call a three legged cow?**
*Tri tip*
**What do you call a cow with no legs?**
*Ground beef*
**What do you call a m**... cow?**
*Beef Stroganoff*

I make weak food puns

They're never stroganoff.

Why did the cop arrest the pasta cow?

Because he caught the beef stroganoff in public.

My mom won't let me eat while using her laptop anymore...

Because when she caught me stroganoff I dropped my pennes on the keyboard.

What did the young casserole say to his mother when she called him down for dinner?

"I can't Ma, I'm stroganoff!"

What do you call 100 head of cattle m**... in a field?

Beef stroganoff.

Why should you never use "BEEFPATTY" as a password?

It's not stroganoff

My computer said I had to change my password, so I entered beefstew …

My computer said, Sorry, password not stroganoff.

what do you call a cow that's mastutbating?

Beef Stroganoff

Tried to set my new password as "Beef!"

Apparently it was not stroganoff...

Why was the pasta noodle kicked off of the subway?

They realized he was stroganoff

What's a masterbater's favorite food?


Let's play name the title

Jokes are reposted so many times here, so name the titles of these punchlines
1. Ones a hippo and ones a little lighter
2. How far do you think I can kick this bucket?
3. Obviously not
4. But it wasn't stroganoff
5. Sam sung note 7
6. Measles
7. We went out and had a few drinks. Cool guy, wanted to become a web designer.
8. I wore the wrong sock this morning
9. Unless everyone gets them
10. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for life.

What do you call a m**... cow?

Beef stroganoff.
My favorite joke I was told as a child.

What do you call a Mexican lady with no legs?

Consuelo. Pronounced c**...-way-low
My beef stroganoff one reminded me that my childhood was all dirty jokes...

Why didn't the chef finish his stew?

Cause he was too busy stroganoff!

My computer asked me to pick a password, so I typed Beef Stew.

Unfortunately it wasn't Stroganoff.

A herd of m**... cattle is called Beef Stroganoff, but what do you call it when they do it to each other?

Hamburger Helper

What's the incel's favorite meal?


Hilarious cow jokes

What do you call a cow with 3 legs?
- tri-tip
What do you call a cow with 2 legs?
- lean beef
What do you call a cow with 1 leg?
- steak
What do you call a cow with no legs?
- ground beef
What do you call a cow who works out?
- shredded beef
What do you call a m**... cow?
- beef stroganoff
Why does the milk stool only have three legs?
- because the cow has the udder

What do you call a cow who's beating his meat?

Beef stroganoff

Internet security tip - don't use 'beefstew' as a password

It's not stroganoff.

NOTE: Not my joke but from work

Why is it a good idea to ask a cow to help you move?

Because beef stroganoff

What do you call a m**... bull?

Beef Stroganoff!

I tried to my make my work computer password beefstew .

But the IT guy said it wasn't stroganoff.

What do you call two cows m**... in a field?

beef stroganoff

You're not allowed to use 'beef-stew' as a password.

It's not stroganoff.

What ever you do, don't use 'beef stew' as your computer password.

Apparently its not stroganoff...

Stroganoff joke, Why can't you use beef stew as a password on your computer?

jokes about stroganoff