
Striker Jokes

7 striker jokes and hilarious striker puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about striker that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Check out these funny striker jokes for football fans! Whether it's a bad striker, Ronaldo, or a goalkeeper, these jokes will have you laughing out loud! Get ready for a collection of jokes about football's most important role. Enjoy!

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Cheerful Striker Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!

What is a good striker joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

An offensive joke

A quarterback, a running back, a fullback, a wide receiver, a tight end, a left tackle, a left guard, a center, a right tackle, a right guard, a striker, an attacking midfielder, a left wing skater, a center, a right wing skater, a point guard, a shooting guard, a small forward and a designated hitter all walk into a bar

What do you get when you mix Lionel Messi and Chris Brown?

A striker!

Whenever my friend tells me he'll be right back, it upsets me

Because I know that he could make a really good striker

Biography written by Bob Dylan...

About Tottenham's Hotspurs' star striker
The title?
"Thats the Story of a Harry Kane"
With apologies

Who was the first striker?

Jesus. He went for the cross

Striker, listen, and you listen close:

flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle,
just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.
Rex Kramer / Airplane!

An offense-ive joke

What do you call a soccer player who became i school shooter?
A striker.

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