Straight Forward Jokes
25 straight forward jokes and hilarious straight forward puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about straight forward that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Straight Forward Short Jokes
Short straight forward jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The straight forward humour may include short straight face jokes also.
- Just finished my classes on becoming a Train Conductor For the most part it's straight forward.
- At first I thought drag racing games would be difficult.. Turns out, they're pretty straight forward.
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Straight Forward One Liners
Which straight forward one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with straight forward? I can suggest the ones about straight and straight line.
- A man was protesting against gay rights... His reasoning was very straight-forward.
- Ever driven a car with no steering wheel? It's pretty straight forward.
- I like linear algebra It's straight forward
- I'm thinking about getting into drag racing... It looks pretty straight forward.
- What do you call a husband and wife going for a walk? Straight forward
- I don't know what people don't get about drag racing. It's very straight forward.
- Just give me a straight forward answer Should I pronounce it Ee-ither or eye-ther?
- What do you call a woman that's too straight forward? Emily Blunt
- I hate people who aren't straight.... ....forward.
- Why are p**... easy to talk to? They're always straight forward.
Gather Around for Heartwarming Straight Forward Jokes and Uplifting Humor
What funny jokes about straight forward you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean directly jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make straight forward pranks.
A guy is going to loose his virginity that night
He asks his friend for help and "directions". His friends says, it's pretty straight forward, just go for the bush. The next day, his friend asks how it went, and he says: It was okay, but I think I dislocated her shoulder.
A teacher speaks to his straight-F pupil
"With grades like this you'll never achieve anything in your life. You'll end up a loser"
Fast forward 20 years later. Retired teacher is deadly ill, only a very risky and expensive surgery can save him.
It happens that the best surgeon in the country knows the old man and aggrees to save him for free.
After surgery, when teacher wakes up, the grown-up straight-F student comes into the recovery room.
He unplugs the life support and plugs in his vacuum cleaner.
A duck walks into a bar.
the bartender says, "what can I get you duck?"
the duck says, "you got any grapes?"
the bartender replies, "no this is a bar, we don't have any grapes."
the duck leaves and then comes back the next day.
the bartender sees the duck and he says, "allright duck, what'll you have?"
the duck says, "you got any grapes?"
The bartender says, "ok duck let's get something straight. we didn't have any grapes yesterday, we don't have any today and we're not gonna
have any grapes tomorrow. if you come in here one more time asking for grapes, I'm going to take your bill and nail it to the bar."
The duck says, "whoa, take it easy!" The duck gets up and leaves.
The next day, the 3rd day in a row, the duck walks into the bar. The bartender sees the duck, rests his hands on bar, leans forward, and says, "ok duck, what'll you have?"
The duck says, "you got any nails?"
Bartender says, "nope."
Duck says, "you got any grapes?"