Sticking Tongue Out Jokes
23 sticking tongue out jokes and hilarious sticking tongue out puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sticking tongue out that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Sticking Tongue Out Short Jokes
Short sticking tongue out jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sticking tongue out humour may include short tongue out jokes also.
- TIL it is impossible to look at your nose while sticking out your tongue without looking ridiculous.
- Do you know that old fable about how your tongue will stick to an iron pipe if it's too cold? It's twuu.
- As a kid, I used to stick my tongue out to flirt with girls. My parents disapproved. As an adult, the girl's parents disapprove.
- did you know that you can not breath by your nose while your tongue is sticking out? hehe, bet you feel dumb right now!
- TIL it is impossible to stick out your tongue while looking straight up Without looking really dumb.
- Why did Albert Einsten stick his tongue out in one of his iconic photos? At the peak of his career he took matters lightly.
- Do you know you can't breathe fast and stick your tongue out at the same time? Good boy!
Now sit and roll. - Since my girlfriend discovered out the eyeroll and tongue sticking emojis she doesn't have to type words anymore.
- Old age An old man went to the doctor for his annual check up.
The doctor asks the old man to show him his s**... organs.
The old man sticks out his tongue and shows him two fingers. - What's the best way to remove p**... hair? Stick out your tongue and take it off with your fingers
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Sticking Tongue Out One Liners
Which sticking tongue out one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sticking tongue out? I can suggest the ones about licking out and tongue.
- What did the tongue say to the Popsicle stick? I'm feeling depressed.
- What do you say to a Russian cat sticking its tongue out at you? Cyka blep.
- l**... is a lot like a stamp You stick it on your tongue and you're ready to go on a trip
Sticking Tongue Out Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about sticking tongue out you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tip tongue jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sticking tongue out pranks.
An attractive young girl, chaperoned by an ugly old
lady, entered the doctor´s office.
"We have come for an examination," said the young girl.
"Alright," said the doctor. "Go behind that curtain and take your clothes off."
"No, not me," said the girl. "it´s my old aunt here."
"Very well,"said the doctor. "Madam, stick out your tongue."
During a lady's medical examination...
The doctor says: "Your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine. Now let me see the bit that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble."
The lady starts taking off her underwear but is interrupted by the doctor.
"No! No! Don't t**... clothes. Just stick out your tongue!"
A man walks into the Doctor's
"Doctor, Doctor! I've got a sore t**...."
The doctor goes,
"I know how to fix this, stand by the window and stick your tongue out."
The man complies and stands by the window for a good 5 to 10 minutes sticking his tongue out before he can't stand it anymore.
"Doctor, this seems ridiculous, are you sure it's going to help my sore t**...?"
"No, I just don't like the man across the road."
Little Johnny walks into the bathroom only to find his granny bathing.
What's that? little Johnny asks his granny, pointing down between her legs.
That's my b**... honey .
Oh. Johnny replies and walks away.
A few hours later little Johnny walks into the bathroom this time to find his mother bathing.
What's that? , little Johnny asks his mother, pointing down between her legs.
That's my b**... honey , replies his mother.
Oh says Johnny. Well I think grannies' is dead 'cause it's tongue's sticking out .
Little Suzie Goes Swimming in a lake
One day, Little Suzy goes swimming in the lake with her grandmother. After they get out they go to shower.
Grandma Little Suzy asks, pointing between her grandmother's legs. What's that?
Oh, her grandmother replies. That's my b**..., dear.
The next day Little Suzy goes swimming with her mother, and they go showering afterwards too. Mummy, is that your b**...? asks the girl.
Er, yes it is, Suzy. Where did you learn that? her mother answers.
From Grandma. But I think hers is dead because its tongue was sticking out.
A married pair of Biologists are camping in China...
And after a long day of cataloging the various flora and fauna, they get down to a little love making...
When suddenly, the man feels an ungodly pressure in his stomach. He leaves hastily to the woods to find a suitable place to relieve himself, leaving his wife alone in the tent.
Outside the tent, she can hear a rustling, and after a few tense moments, a Panda sticks its head through the tent flap. It lurches in, tears off the woman's blanket and swiftly goes about l**... her lady parts with incredible skill.
Needless to say the woman is flabbergasted, but is taken by the sheer skill of the Panda's tongue, when suddenly, the Panda perks up its ears and scurries out of the tent and into the wilderness. The man returns moments later, having heard her cries of passion...
Amid gasps, she tells him about the Panda and its strange behavior. The man flips through his handbook to the section on Pandas to glean further information...
"Panda: An Asian species of bear, native to China. Eats bushes and leaves."
The most trustworthy knight
A king is about to set out on a journey far away from his home, and must leave his wife behind, but is worried about her faithfulness. He asks the local blacksmith to create a chastity belt that will keep his wife faithful, and so the blacksmith gets to work right away. The blacksmith brings the king a set of metal undergarments with a lock in the back, and a large hole in the front. The king asks why the blacksmith would leave a hole in such a spot. The blacksmith proceeds to get a short stick, and place it in the hole. Immediately, the end of the stick is chopped off by a blade within the hole. The king is impressed, so he leaves on his way after giving the undergarments to his wife. On the day the king returned, he assembled all of his knights in a line, and told them to drop their pants, in order to see who had tried to have their way with his wife. To his displeasure, the king saw that all down the line, every knight had lost his member to the blade, with the exception of one. The king congratulated the knight on his trustworthiness, and asked that he be made the new general in his army. The knight simply shook his head. The king asked again, and again the knight simply shook his head. Confused, the king asked the knight why he refused to accept such an honor, only to have the next knight in line turned to the king and say, "Forgive him, your majesty, he has had trouble speaking since his tongue was chopped off."