Stew Jokes
91 stew jokes and hilarious stew puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stew that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Are you looking for a laugh? Then you’re in luck: we’ve got a fresh batch of stew jokes! From rabbit stew to Irish stew to beef stew, casserole, broth, and soup, these jokes will leave you in stitches. So, grab a spoon and a bowl of your favorite stew and get ready for a hearty helping of stew jokes!
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Funniest Stew Short Jokes
Short stew jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stew humour may include short sting jokes also.
- Russian computer: "Enter password" Me: "Beef stew"
Russian computer: "Password not stroganoff" - Tried to sign up to a website the other day... I put my password as "beef stew"
It said password not stroganoff. - I just found out I couldn't use "beef stew" as a password. Apparently it's not stroganoff.
- How do you make a winter solstice stew? Carefully add just the right amount of darkness, cold, and a pinch of holiday cheer.
- I tried to make my password "Beef stew"... ... but got the error message "your password is not stroganoff"
- What ever you do, don't use 'beef stew' as your computer password. Apparently its not stroganoff...
- Challenge Only a Genius can say these four words, Four times Really fast without getting Tongue twisted.
Eye , Yum , Stew , Peed - If you can say these four words very fast without getting tongue tied, you're a genius. 1) Eye
2) Yam
3) Stew
4) Peed - I made my special sausage-and-okra stew this evening. Asked my wife how it is and she said, Eh, it's meaty okra.
- My computer asked me to pick a password, so I typed Beef Stew. Unfortunately it wasn't Stroganoff.
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Stew One Liners
Which stew one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stew? I can suggest the ones about stove and steak.
- Why you can't use 'Beef Stew' as a password.. Because is not stroganoff
- Do not use beef stew as a computer password. It is not stroganoff.
- I want my password to be beef stew but google says it's not stroganoff.
- Why can't you use beef stew as a password on your computer? It's not stroganoff
- I'm developing a gun that shoots east european stew. I call it the Goulashnikov.
- Google said I couldn't use "beef stew" as my password. It's not stroganoff.
- What did the cannibal name his son? Stew.
- Beef stew isn't a good password it's not Stroganoff
- Tonight we're having Himalayan rabbit stew for dinner. We found himalayan on the road.
- I ordered rabbit stew but had to return it. There was a hare in my soup
- I just told a cow that he's being watched. I always like to make beef stew.
- New Password So I tried to make my new password 'beef stew.'
But it wasn't stroganoff. - What do call a man with no arms and no legs in a jacuzzi? Stew
- How do you program a computer to make beef stew? You use bullion logic.
- What do you call a guy who falls into a yellowstone hot spring? Stew.
Beef Stew Jokes
Here is a list of funny beef stew jokes and even better beef stew puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Popular joke in Ukraine "Driver of a Russian humanitarian aid truck was beaten by Russian soldiers when tried to light a cigarette near cans with beef stew."
- Why did the restaurant guest send back the beef stew? It was offal.
- You're not allowed to use 'beef-stew' as a password. It's not stroganoff.
- Last night I had beef stew with dumplings. I shouldn't call her that, but she's a big girl.
- What do you call a group of body builders in a hot tub? Beef stew
- How do you make beef stew? Tell a cow they're being watched.
- Apparently you can't use "beef stew" as a password.
- I tried to make password 'beef stew' the other day But it said password is not stroganoff.
- Computer: Please change password. Me: Beef Stew
Computer: Sorry. Password is not Stroganoff - Why did the farmer put brandy in the cow's food?
He wanted to raised stewed beef.
Rabbit Stew Jokes
Here is a list of funny rabbit stew jokes and even better rabbit stew puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Who serves all you can eat rabbit stew? Warren Buffet!
- In Roma me try the Rabbit Stew, Stufato di Coniglio .... o, no, no, horrore! There is an hare in it.
- How do you know when you re eating rabbit stew?
When it has hares in it.

Irish Stew Jokes
Here is a list of funny irish stew jokes and even better irish stew puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Whats a Policemans favorite dinner? Irish stew.
- Why do Irish people only ever put 239 beans in their stew? Because one more would be too f**....
- Why are there only 239 beans in Irish stew? Because one more, and it'd be too f**....
- Why do Irish stews have only 239 beans in them? Because if there was one more, it would be too f**....
- Why did the Irish woman only put 239 beans in her stew? Because just one more would be too f**....
- The perfect Irish bean stew (In an Irish accent)
Why does d' perfect Irish stew require exactly two hundred n' terty nine beans?
Because if you added one more it'd be two f**....

Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Stew Jokes
What funny jokes about stew you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean stir fry jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stew pranks.
Two cannibals
Two cannibals are lying around with swollen bellies surrounded by bones.
"Your wife sure makes a great stew," says the first cannibal.
"She sure does," replies the second, "but I'm sure going to miss her."
What did the Three Bears(of Goldilocks) have for dinner?
What do you call a l**... in a jacuzzi?
Bonus: what do you do if an epileptic jumps into a jacuzzi? You throw in your laundry.
Yes, Sir?
I want to complain about this airline. Every time I fly, I get the same seat, I can't see the in-flight movie and there are no windows blinds so I can't sleep.
Captain, shut up and land the plane.
My wife and I were camping...
and an angry looking bear surprised us while we were eating. She looked at me and said "Should I give him some of the stew I made?"
I said, "No, he looks angry enough already."
What do you call
What do you call a l**... in a hot tub?
Just an old joke I remember from my child hood lol
What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on your wall?
That same guy in your pool? Bob
Same guy in your hot tub? Stew
Sitting under your car that's missing a wheel? Jack
Same guy on your porch? Matt
Same guy getting hit with a baseball bat? Homer
Same guy lying in a pile of leaves? Russel
What do you call a girl with one leg shorter than the other? Eileen
Chinese girl with the same condition? Irene.
A Chinese man stumbles home late one night really drunk...
Seeing his wife at the top of the stairs he says "hey baby how about a little number 69!"
The wife replies, "you drunk s**..., make your own Mongolian Beef Stew!"
What did the casserole say when he broke up with the goulash?
It's not me, it's stew!
What did the stewardess say when the vulture tried to board the plane with two dead raccoons?
"Sorry, only one carrion per passenger."
What do you call an artist who loves making stew?
Disney have finally announced a Ratatouille sequel!
It's called "Incredible Stew"
How do you make gorilla stew?
You keep it waiting
What country has the coldest bean stew
The steward on the plane asked me if I would like an inside seat.
I said, "They're all inside seats."
I couldn't be with a guy called stew..
I don't like people's leftovers.
A boy came to a restaurant with his dad
Waiter: What would you like to order?
Dad: I'll have the rabbit stew.
Waiter: Ok. Only if you promise not to say ''Waiter, there's a hare in my stew'' after I bring it to you
Dad: I'll have the chicken
WAITER: are you ready to order?
DAD: I'll have the rabbit stew
WAITER: only if you promise not to say "waiter there's a hare in my soup" after I bring it
DAD: I'll have the chicken
What do you call a stew that is less g**...?
A st
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs boiling in a p**... of water?
One day my mum made a stew out of cow intestines.
It tasted offal.
I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together.
You know who really gives kids a bad name?
Posh and Becks.
Why did the Irishman put only 239 beans in his stew?
Because if he put one more it would be two forty.
stewardess on my flight wasn't holding back. telling everyone exactly what she thought.
walking down the aisle, looking right at everyone, saying trash trash trash
I was going to make alligator stew for dinner tonight
But then I realized I only have a croc p**....
What did the stewardess say to the vulture when he boarded the flight with two bags?
Only one Carrion permitted on this flight.
A man walks into a restaurant
The waitress asks what the man wants for lunch.
He replies: I'll have the rabbit stew
Waitress: It'll be right out
21 minutes later…
Waitress: Here's your food
Man: sorry but I think there is a hare in my soup
Rosco sat down at the truck stop diner and called the waitress over.
I'd like the beef stew and a kind word, he said to the waitress.
After she dropped off the stew he said What about the kind word?
The waitress smiled at him and whispered Don't eat the stew.