Stephen King Jokes
62 stephen king jokes and hilarious stephen king puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stephen king that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Stephen King Short Jokes
Short stephen king jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stephen king humour may include short stephen hawking jokes also.
- I was walking past a homeless man when he yelled, "Stephen King is my older brother and he stole the ideas for all his novels from me!" I replied, "Surely you must be joe."
- I went to a bookstore recently. Someone was throwing Stephen King books at everyone. I wondered why they were doing that. Then IT hit me.
- Saw a man in a parking lot throwing Stephen King novels at people I couldn't figure out why. Then It hit me.
- So I heard the new Iphone is gonna have that new Stephen King movie preloaded onto it. Yeah. X is gonna give IT to ya.
- Whenever we had guests over, my wife would get embarrassed because I have the mind of a child. In a jar. On the coffee table. (Credit to Stephen King for this one)
- Stephen King I still think it's weird his most popular book is about Information Technology.
- The guy that polishes my shoes doesn't enjoy Stephen King's books. But he's always loved The Shining
- Stephen King didn't like my Halloween costume. I dressed like a clown but he said I was doing it wrong
- A windmill was spotted at The Dark Tower premier this weekend. People said it was a huge Stephen King fan.
- I don't want to spoil the ending of IT by Stephen King But I can tell you, IT's going down well
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Stephen King One Liners
Which stephen king one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stephen king? I can suggest the ones about stephen hawkins and luther king.
- Did you know that Stephen King has a son named Joe? I'm not joking, but he is
- I couldn't follow the storyline of Stephen King's It Too many Maine characters.
- My friend Stephen King has a son named Joe I'm not Joking, he is
- I held the record for collecting Stephen King's books. Then I lost It.
- Why can't you own just one Stephen King novel? Because 'Misery' loves company.
- I watched a silent film version of Stephen Kings "it" the other day. It was Shh-it.
- What do you call Kim Jong-un reading a Stephen King novel? Fearless Reader
- Stephen King named his son Joe. No, I'm not joking...
- Stephen King is like, I know a place and then everyone is like, Maine, we KNOW.
- When Stephen King was born No one knew he had It coming.
- What is a geeks favorite horror novel? Information Technology by Stephen King
- Who is taking care of Stephen King's PC and router problems? Stephen King's "IT"
- Whats the scariest part about Stephen King Novels? The length
- Stephen King has a son called Joe. And also one called Owen!
- What is Stephen King's favorite food? Creepypasta
Comical Stephen King Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter
What funny jokes about stephen king you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean martin luther king jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stephen king pranks.
- What did Kenny G say when he got off the elevator?
- What did Kenny G say when he got off the elevator?
- "Man, this place ROCKS!"
(from Stephen King - The Cell)
New Stephen King book!
I hear that Stephen King is writing a new book dealing with the horrors of cat ownership.
It's called Pffffffffft!
My favorite book is a Stephen King novel...
but you've probably never heard of It
Did you hear about the feminist remake of Stephen King's Carrie?
When Carrie gets drenched in blood, she runs home from the prom and writes an angry Tumblr post about how triggered she is.
I had s**... with a p**... in a clown costume before Stephen King wrote that horror novel.
In a pro pre-It.
TIL that Stephen King doesn't remember writing Cujo because he was blacked out drunk the whole time.
His body was inhabited by a dark spirit.
When people ask me what my favorite Stephen King novel is...
I've said it before and I'll say it again
Did you know that the clown from Stephen King's novel used to live at his previous job?
He worked at the IT department.
I can never understand why whenever I'm having a debate with someone, they'll tell me to "just google it"...
What does Stephen King and evil clowns have to do with what we're talking about?
Lately I've noticed a strange fascination shared by everybody that comes over to my house. They can't seem to get enough of this one Stephen King book I have on my shelf.
I guess it's true what they say; company loves Misery.
Did you hear about the guy who was caught stealing Stephen King novels?
He didn't get away with IT.
How do you watch the latest movie from Stephen King illegally?
you torrent IT.
A big m**... and a little m**... were walking along a bridge...
When, suddenly, the big m**... fell off and into the river!
Fortunately, the little m**... was able to stay on the bridge, if only because he was a little more on.
(Joke credit to Stephen King)
I was listening to a Stephen King novel on my wife's audiobook, and it accidentally broke.
Now I'll never hear the end of It.
I've read my first Stephen King novel
IT was a Maine event
Hassan Minaj tells all his jokes in the same format.
Thats like if every Stephen King book was just the same mad lib filled in differently.
I just realized why Joe Hill won't take his dad (Stephen King) last name...
because everyone would think he was Joking.
I'm inviting everyone reading this, to join me in a session to think about Stephen King's iconic shape-shifting clown.
Come to think of it.
Just became friends with one of Stephen King's sons, Joe
I told a friend about it. They replied You're joking right?
And I said, No, but he is
To celebrate the remake of the movie adaptation of Stephen King's "It," restaurants released their second version of eggnog with a scoop of ice cream and a peppermint stick:
The "Yule float II." Only $1.99 You'll make sure to get your change - if you want to be penny-wise.
Tom Hanks was recently quoted talking about how much he disliked one of Stephen King's novels.
T. Hanks: I hate It.
I was walking past a movie theater showing "The Black Phone" and some guy standing out front was saying, "Stephen King is my dad and he stole the ideas for all his novels from me!" I said to him...
"Surely you must be Joe."