Stem Jokes
40 stem jokes and hilarious stem puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about stem that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover hilarious stem jokes to amuse your friends and family. From puns involving brain stem cells to bad jokes about grafting strawberries, these 101 stem jokes are sure to make you chuckle. Whether you're interested in botany or stem cell transplants, these stem jokes will be sure to bring a smile to your face!
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Funniest Stem Short Jokes
Short stem jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The stem humour may include short shaft jokes also.
- My biology teacher grew human vocal chords from stem cells in the lab, the results... ... speak for themselves
- How do plants greet each other on the first day of spring? With a high-five (or high-stem)!
- I'm teaching my white blood cells math and my red blood cells computer science Once they become STEM cells I am hoping to regrow a finger.
- Why did the biologist lock himself in jail with an engineer, a physicist and a medical doctor? Because he wanted to work with STEM Cells
- TIL That procrastination stems from 2 basic personality traits I'll post the link in a minute.
- Philosophy majors are like stem cells They have the potential to become whatever they want/need but they are equally unprepared for everything.
- How did the stem cell break it to his girl? It's not you; it's me*iosis*
Could probably do with some work on deliver as I made it 5 minutes ago - I've been undergoing stem cell treatments for over 3 years That's what I call jerking off in my mouth
- My wife is divorcing me, apparently she is sick of all my flower puns... I asked her "Where's this stemming from petal?"
- FETAL ATTRACTION Q: How does one human embryo talk to another human embryo?
A: It uses a stem cell phone.
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Stem One Liners
Which stem one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with stem? I can suggest the ones about seed and stein.
- Why did the 2 stem cell researchers get a divorce? Because they grew a part.
- What do you call a mushroom with a 10-inch stem? A fungi to be with.
- What did the mushroom do when it broke its stem? Sought aid (sauteed)
- Roses are red, their stems are green ... Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.
- What's the best part about having kids? stem cell research.
- I don't think stem cell research is a bad thing... After all, clones are people two.
- A plant goes to a university. It is a STEM major.
- My dad told me not to eat the stem of the taro plant... He said "it's poi son"
- I have a friend whose a vegan. She only eats stem cells.
- Chuck Norris stem cells can reproduce missing limbs.
- Where do you put a smart kid who causes mayhem? In a STEM cell
- Stem Cell injection therapy sounds expensive but I think it's worth a shot.
- Where should we look to stem global overpopulation? The youth in Asia.....
- You know what dead babies are useful for... Stem cells
I'll see myself out. - Since vegans can't beat their meat what do they call m**...? Stem cell research.
Stem Cell Jokes
Here is a list of funny stem cell jokes and even better stem cell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What did God do to the naughty stem cells? He stuck an L in them and made them a little bladder :)
- Why are there no arteries or veins going to intestinal stem cells? Because the bloods hate the crypts.
- Why did the recently-assigned stem cell fail its calculus midterm? Because it lost its ability to differentiate.
- Chuck Norris has his own protien powder.
The ingriedients include: cocoa powder, stem cells, dodo egg protien, enriched uranium, l**..., and Vin Diesel.
Amusing Stem Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends
What funny jokes about stem you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean nest jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make stem pranks.
Two old men are sitting on the porch,
their wives in the kitchen. One says to the other, "Bob you should try that restaurant we went to last night. Best food I've had in a long time."
"Yeah Joe? What was it called?" asked Bob.
"Well, I can't seem to remember...What is the name of that red flower, you know with the thorns on the stem?
"A Rose, I think you are thinking of."
Two old couples are going for a walk.
The women are up ahead and the guys are about 50 feet behind them. o**... says "We went to a really nice restaurant last week. I wish I could remember the name of it. What's the name of that flower? Smells nice, has thorns on the stem."
"A rose?"
Keep your clairvoyant chipper [OC unless I accidentally stole this]
When I was a single man, I dated a series of psychics. For the first date, I brought a dozen long stem roses, and she said it was too much, and was angry. So for the second psychic, I brought nothing, and she too was offended. For the third psychic, I settled for a single rose, and I finally found a happy medium. (But in the end it didn't work out, she said she couldn't see a future together.)
What Roses Drink?
One day the teacher came to class with a rose placed in her cleavage.
She asked, "Can anyone tell me what roses drink? How about you, Johnny?
"Milk!" answered Little Johnny.
"No, I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer. Roses drink water," explained the teacher.
"Wow!" Johnny exclaimed. "I didn't know the stem was that long!
Why do women get to name their studies women's studies
but men's studies is just named STEM?