
Squash Jokes

59 squash jokes and hilarious squash puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about squash that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Need a break from your squash game? Check out this collection of hilarious squash jokes for squash players, featuring jokes about squash vegetable, squash rackets, and more! From butternut squash to acorn squash to spaghetti squash, these jokes are sure to get you and your seed-filled friends laughing.

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Funniest Squash Short Jokes

Short squash jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The squash humour may include short zucchini jokes also.

  1. My wife really wanted a dog, so I bought her a pug. Despite the squashed nose, bulging eyes and rolls of fat, the dog really seems to like her.
  2. Did you hear about the hunter who got squashed by the dying elephant? He finally understood the gravity of his actions.
  3. When two people don't get along, they have a "beef" But if they were vegetarian, do they Squash it?
  4. I bought my wife a pug dog yesterday... Despite the bulging eyes, squashed face and rolls of fat, the dog seems to like her.
  5. What's the difference between squash and zucchini? You can't zucchini bugs!
    A family-friendly take on the age old "jam VS jelly" joke.
  6. This one was from my daughter after dinner. What did the linguini say to the spaghetti squash?
  7. I Squash soft drink cans for a living It's soda pressing
    Note: just made this up in the shower when I was thinking about how "so depressing" sounds like "soda pressing"
  8. If tennis players get tennis elbow, and squash players get squash knees, what do gynecologists get? Tunnel Vision
  9. What did the squash say to the cucumber when he saw the pumpkin patch get blown up? Oh My Gourd!
  10. Yesterday I went into the woods to looks for sasquatchs but my Jean's were too tight You have no idea how hard it is to sasquatch with you sack squashed

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Squash One Liners

Which squash one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with squash? I can suggest the ones about squid and cucumber.

  1. What is a hydraulic press's favorite vegetable? SQUASH
  2. I played squash against my son. A wall might have been better.
  3. What'd the farmer say when he accidentally squashed his pumpkin? Oh my gord.
  4. I was going to eat a spaghetti squash... But then I thought, "Nah, I butternut."
  5. What do you call a squashed bee? A was.
  6. If there were two vegetarian rappers Could they still have beef? Or would they squash it!
  7. What do you call an edible gourd with a cheeky disposition? A Sass-Squash
  8. What do you get when you mix godzilla and a vegtable garden? Squash
  9. What did the Zucchini say when it got stepped on? *squash*
  10. What do you call a squash that can't get married? Cant elope
  11. What do you get if you squash a house? A flat.
  12. What do you get when bigfoot stomps on your garden? Squash
  13. A 900 kilogram pumpkin fell on a local man today. Reports say he was squashed.
  14. What is the Hulk's favourite sport? Squash.
  15. What is Godzilla's favorite fruit? Squash.

Butternut Squash Jokes

Here is a list of funny butternut squash jokes and even better butternut squash puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I accidentally stepped on one of my friends squash. I feel so bad. He told me not even ten minutes before hand that I'd butternut squash it.
  • What do you call an apprehensive squash? *Butternut.....*
  • What did one s**... frustrated squash say to the other? Butternut next time!
  • Hey, did you hear about the t**... squash? Turns out she wanted everything butternuts.

Squash Vegetable Jokes

Here is a list of funny squash vegetable jokes and even better squash vegetable puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What's a vegetables favorite sport? Squash
  • How do you turn a pumpkin into a different vegetable? You throw it up in the air and it comes down squash!
  • Ducks favorite vegetable? Squash-squash-squash
  • Vegetable do you get after Shrek runs through your garden? Squash
Squash joke, Vegetable do you get after Shrek runs through your garden?

Spaghetti Squash Jokes

Here is a list of funny spaghetti squash jokes and even better spaghetti squash puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call a spaghetti squash that tries to pass itself off as real noodles? An Impasta

Squash Game Jokes

Here is a list of funny squash game jokes and even better squash game puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Q: What game does the brontosaurus like to play with humans?
    A: Squash.
Squash joke

Humorous Squash Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about squash you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean gourd jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make squash pranks.

Why I Joined the Air Force

The DOD was conducting an all service briefing and the leader posed this question.
What would you do if you found a scorpion in your tent?
A sailor said, I'd step on it.
A soldier said, I'd squash it with my boot.
A marine said, I'd catch it, break the stinger off, and eat it.
An Airman said. I'd call room service and find out why there's a tent in my room.

What did the gourd say to the zucchini about their bad relations with a cow.

We gotta squash this beef.

I received a wedding invite soaked in squash today.

Turns out I had been cordially invited.

What do you get when you squash a bungalow?

A flat!

Why did the farmer give the cow a pumpkin?

He wanted to squash his beef.

A squash and melon are talking to each other

The squash asks for the melons hand in marriage. The melon says, "I'm very sorry, but I cantaloupe."

Why did the squash go to the gym?

Because she's getting ready for zucchini season

What is bigfoots favorite thing to eat?


What did the cockroach say to the man who wanted to squash it?

You're just jealous, because I can make your wife scream louder than you can.

What do you call a rotten gourd?

A squishy squash.

What did Lady Gaga say to her glass of squash?


Two native-american boys are walking through a forest

One spots a bug on the ground, points to it and says to the other, "ew, squash it!" The other says, "no, i'm pretty sure it's a bug."

The depressing thing about squash tennis is that,

no matter how good I get, I"ll never be as good as a wall.

Why is the squash population overpopulated?

They pumpkin.

Squash joke, Why is the squash population overpopulated?

jokes about squash