
Spree Jokes

29 spree jokes and hilarious spree puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about spree that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you ready for a laugh? Check out this hilarious collection of jokes about a shopping spree gone wrong. Follow the adventures of a maniac as he attempts to recreate a crime spree. Enjoy the guilty pleasure of reading these knee-slapping jokes.

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Funniest Spree Short Jokes

Short spree jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The spree humour may include short binge jokes also.

  1. There is a mysterious crime spree going on at our local IKEA. The cops are having a hard time putting the pieces together.
  2. Did you hear about the midget fortune teller that's on a killing spree? They're saying he's a small medium at large.
  3. A robot went on a crime spree in our neighbourhood right before it ran out of battery. The cops are refusing to charge the perpetrator.
  4. Police have arrested a gang of Corn Flakes that they alledge committed a spree of armed robberies throughout the metro area. A Police spokesman described them as... ....cereal offenders.
  5. So, Mr Lincoln, what do you have to say about your drunken spree? Well, four shots and seven beers ago...
  6. Did you hear about the crazy train that went on a killing spree? Authorities believe it had a loco motive.
  7. Today my girlfriend and I went shopping in that fancy new mall next to the hospital... Apparently "dying of boredom" is nota valid excuse to ditch her mid-spree to hide in the ER.
  8. A religious American just went on a killing spree with out killing anyone. Talk about a bad AIMish
  9. What is the best thing about a sky-dive shooting spree? No one can hear your victims' screams.

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Spree One Liners

Which spree one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with spree? I can suggest the ones about spat and surge.

  1. Schrodinger's Cat recently went on a crime spree He's wanted dead and alive
  2. What did Abraham Lincoln say after a three-day drinking spree? "I freed the what?"
  3. I bought A LOT of classical music yesterday... ...I went on a Chopin spree!
  4. What do you call it when many people drown in Berlin? A killing Spree.
  5. What do they call shrimp killing a bunch of other shrimp? A krilling spree!
  6. What did the Nordic man do when he first logged onto Facebook? He went on a liking spree.
  7. Did you hear about the train conductor that went on a killing spree? He had loco motives.
  8. If crime was made legal for one day I would go on a jaywalking spree
  9. What's it called when a shrimp kills another shrimp? A krilling spree
  10. What do you call the number two when it goes on a killing spree? A lethal dos.
  11. What do you call a pervert on a shopping spree a MALLester.
  12. Did you hear about the train driver who went on a m**... spree? Yeah, he had locomotives
  13. What stopped the b**...'s crime spree? The damming evidence

Spree joke, What stopped the b**...'s crime spree?

Cheerful Spree Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!

What funny jokes about spree you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sprint jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make spree pranks.

2 Original depressed baker jokes

Did you hear about the depressed baker who threw himself into his own oven?
Colleagues said it was a final act of self-loafing.
Did you hear about the depressed baker who went on a killing spree?
Witnesses said he came out all buns glazing.

A serial killer goes on a killing spree

He then skins all the faces off his victim and puts them in giant scrapbook.
The scrapbook is then tied to a post which he erects on his front lawn. It is quite a gruesome sight to behold.
Naturally the police find him pretty easily.
When he gets to court though his case is thrown out by the judge.
When asked why he let a serial killer go, the judge replies: "If we arrested everyone for bad facebook posts, half the country would be in jail!".

The Two Drunkards

Two drunkards are from their usual drinking spree on their way home when they spot a mango fruit up the tree, they start tossing stones at the fruit to fell it, after what seems like a life time missing the target, one says to the other, ''Maybe it is not even ripe, let me scale up the tree and take a closer look" the other agrees.
He tediously scales up the tree and gently squeezes the fruit to feel if it is ripe, he comes down joyfully to his friend and say "yeap, the fruit is d**... ripe, let's get it".
And they continue tossing the stones to the fruit

A Train Goes on a Crime Spree

A train goes on a crime spree. When he was finally caught he was asked why he did what he did. "I don't know, I think I went crazy, guess you could say I had loco motives...

Spree joke, What stopped the b**...'s crime spree?