
Spilled Drink Jokes

48 spilled drink jokes and hilarious spilled drink puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about spilled drink that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Spilled Drink Short Jokes

Short spilled drink jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The spilled drink humour may include short spilled coffee jokes also.

  1. C and C++ walk into a bar... After a few hours, C gets sloppy drunk and spills its drink all over C++. Outraged, C++ shouts, "good God C! Have you no class??"
  2. My teacher took off points when I spilled my juice on my Calculus homework... ... Apparently, I shouldn't drink and derive.
  3. My wife called me an alcoholic, and I was so taken aback I spilled my drink... But I was able to wring out the placemat back into the glass, so everything's ok!
  4. One time I tripped and spilled my drink on someone in the middle of a joke they were telling. I never heard the end of it.
  5. Guy goes to the doctor Guy: "Doctor, I can't stop my hands shaking"
    Doctor:"do you drink a lot?"
    Guy: "Not really, I spill most of it"
  6. A man rushes to a doctor Doctor, Doctor. You've got to help me. I just can't stop my hands from shaking.
    Do you drink a lot?
    Not really. I spill most of it!
  7. "Doctor, I can't stop my hands shaking!" "Oh, do you drink very much?"
    "No, I spill most of it."
  8. Earlier today at a coffee shop, I spilled my drink all over the paper I was working on. The barista looked over and said, "Well, essay chai tea happens."
  9. I've got a drinking problem. Sometimes beer spills out the sides of my mouth when I drink.
  10. What do you call it when Donald Trump is shrieking at someone for spilling a drink on his tie? A tyrant on a tie-rant.

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Spilled Drink One Liners

Which spilled drink one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with spilled drink? I can suggest the ones about spilled and spilled milk.

  1. What did the man say when he spilled a drink? This one's on me.
  2. Don't drink & drive. You'll spill your drink.
  3. Don't drink and drive You might spill some
  4. I spilled my drink.... in one fluid motion.
  5. Why don't they make bouncy houses for adults? You'd spill your drink.
  6. Don't drink and drive because you might spill the drink.
  7. Don't drink while driving – you will spill the beer.
  8. Be careful not to drink and drive this New Years Eve... You might spill your drink
  9. Don't drink and drive You'll risk spilling your beer.
  10. Don't drink and drive Stop so you don't spill
  11. Why don't dinosaurs like to spill hot drinks on the sofa? Cos T-Rex it.
  12. Don't drink and drive, might hit a bump and spill it.
  13. Remember not to Drink and Drive. Otherwise you'll spill your drink.
  14. What's the phrase for when a bird spills a drink? Party fowl.
  15. What did s**... Doo say when he spilled his drink? Rupsi

Spilled Drink Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about spilled drink you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean coffee spill jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make spilled drink pranks.

Roommates Sarah and Beth invite Mary over for drinks

Roommates Sarah and Beth invite their friend Mary over for drinks. They are drinking wine and having a great time, when Mary spills her drink on her shirt. Mary asks Beth if she could borrow one of her tops. Beth laughs and says you'd never fit in one of my shirts, you're the size of a dinosaur!Try Sarah's tops.

So mark zuckerberg and The Pope walk into a bar...

They sit down when suddenly Mark spills his drink on The Popes' robes. They get into a fight. A film crew recorded them duking it out and made a film out of it...
Alien vs Predator

Offering from the noticeboard of the Linga Longa pub, Gundy, new South Wales

Prayer for Beer:
Our Lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk
At home as it is in the pub
Give us this day out foamy head
And forgive us our spillages
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not into incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer
The bitter, the lager

Getting punch at a party.

A drunk stumbles into a party and gets in line to grab a drink from the punchbowl. Upon reaching the terminus, he spills the entire bowl all over the table and those closest to him in line. A bouncer seizes him by the scuff of the neck and angrily declares: "Look what you've done! You've s**... up the punchline!"

My grand father with Parkinson's disease likes yelling this one

So when I was 70, God came up to me and asked if I had to chose between alzeimers or Parkinson's what would it be
I chose Parkinson's because I may spill a bit of my drink, but at least I'll remember where I kept it
*telling not yelling

Alcoholic to God

God meets alcoholic and tells him that he has been doing a lot of wrong things so has to suffer. He tells him he can choose one out of two diseases.
* Parkinson's disease (hand will shake continuously)
* Alzheimer's disease (memory loss)
After thinking for some, he replied that he will go for Parkinson's as it is better to spill half bottle of whiskey and drink only half of it than to forget where the whole bottle was kept.

This feels like it could be a comedy bit, for how different leaders would solve the issue:

Obama: snaps the cookie in half
Putin: Forces the cookie in the glass
Kim Jong-Un: Cookie baker and glass maker are put to death
David Cameron: pours some milk onto the cookie. Doesn't work very well, spills milk. Written into policy anyway.
Someone else: Eats the cookie, then drinks the milk
etc. I don't know enough about politics to make this topical.

Man goes to the doctors and sayes "Doctor, I cant stop my hands from shaking !"
Doctor replies "Do you drink much ?"
Man says "no, I spill most of it !"