
Spectator Jokes

10 spectator jokes and hilarious spectator puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about spectator that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Spectator Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends

What is a good spectator joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What do you call a potato wearing glasses?

A spectator.

As a spectator at the last Summer Olympics, I saw a guy walking around carrying a 10 foot long stick...

"Are you a pole vaulter?" I asked.
"No," he responded. "I'm a German. But how did you know my name is Walter?"

I bought the new Call of Duty wwii in France.

But for some reason, I can only be a spectator.

After winning the game, I decided to throw the ball to the spectators...

Apparently that's frowned upon in bowling.

How can you tell which Russian olympic spectators are actually KGB agents?

The ones with food.

Met a girl that's into horoscopes

Her : I'm a Sagittarius, bet that already tells you a lot about me.
Me : So according to this website, would you say you're a curious, energetic person that wants to be a part of things rather than be a spectator?
Her : Mmmhm that's me to a T
Me : Congratulations you're an Aries.

At the Olympics, a guy walks past a group of spectators, carrying a long pole.

One of the onlookers says to the guy, "Are you a pole vaulter?" The guy responds, "No, I'm German, but how did you know my name was Walter?"

What do you call a potato with glasses?

A spec-tater

A Chicken tried out to be the new spokesperson for Chick-Fil-A

Unfortunately, she didn't meat egg-spectations.
(I'm not sorry)

What do you get when you give potatoes spectacles?


Spectator joke, What do you get when you give potatoes spectacles?

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Spectator joke, What do you get when you give potatoes spectacles?

Spectator joke, What do you get when you give potatoes spectacles?