Special Forces Jokes
20 special forces jokes and hilarious special forces puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about special forces that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Special Forces Short Jokes
Short special forces jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The special forces humour may include short armed forces jokes also.
- What do you call an autistic guy in the army? Special Forces
(my friend said this, i dont know if this is a repost) - What do you call a group of Czechoslovakian special forces guarding a piece of road? Czechpoint
- If the special olympics is for disabled people... What were they thinking sending special forces into Afghanistan?
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Special Forces One Liners
Which special forces one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with special forces? I can suggest the ones about special people and commando.
- What do parrots call their special forces? Parrotroopers
- What do you call a group of autistic soldiers? Special Forces
- What do you call an autistic soldier? Special forces.
- What do you call a special forces guy that shaves everything? A smooth operator.
- An elite military unit is now full of disabled people. They call it the 'Special Forces'.
- What do you call an Autistic kid and a Down kid shooting up a school? Special Forces...
- What do you do if you're too s**... for the Army? Join the special forces.
- What part of the army do r**... people go to? Special forces.
Happy Special Forces Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends
What funny jokes about special forces you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean air force jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make special forces pranks.
First Jewish President
The first Jewish president becomes elected in the United States. After a couple months in office, he decides to fly his mother up for a visit from her retirement home in Florida.
A limo arrives at the mother's door to pick her up, and she is driven to the airport where Air Force One is waiting to fly her straight to Washington DC. Another limo picks her up from the D.C. airport, taking her to the White House.
The gatekeeper at the White House, not knowing whom the guest is, exclaims to the mother, "Wow! you must know somebody very important to get special treatment like this!"
"Well of course", the mother replies, "the president is brother to my son, the Doctor!"