
Spaceship Jokes

38 spaceship jokes and hilarious spaceship puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about spaceship that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Spaceship Short Jokes

Short spaceship jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The spaceship humour may include short space launch jokes also.

  1. Elon Musk lands on mars and steps out of his spaceship ### "It's a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind," says the ground control officer and cuts off all communications.
  2. Canada's starting a space program to send a spaceship to the moon They're calling the spaceship Apollo-G.
  3. Elon Musk lands on Mars and steps out of his spaceship "It's a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind," says ground control officer and cuts off all communications.
  4. What do you call a coin featuring the image of a spaceship and a rooster? Badmintin'
    (P.s. I'm sorry, this is terrible)
  5. What do you call a 20 year old spaceship that whines all the time and never wants to run properly? The Millenial Falcon.
  6. Why did the alien pre-emptively put perfume on before boarding the human spaceship? Because the ship had Musk written all over it
  7. Girl, are you the first spaceship to Mars? Because even though you won't come back afterwards, I want to be inside of you.
  8. TIL that one of the problems in spaceflight is "outgassing", which is the release of extra gases from fuel tanks and affects the craft's trajectory, etc. TIL I am a spaceship.
  9. What do you call a mermaid on a spaceship? A fish out of this world
  10. did you hear about the cow that played poker on a spaceship? The steaks are out of this world.
    I'll show myself the door.

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Spaceship One Liners

Which spaceship one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with spaceship? I can suggest the ones about astronaut and spaceman.

  1. What's E.T. short for? So he can fit in his spaceship.
  2. A spaceship is a lot like a relationship. I've never been in one.
  3. How do you tie your spaceship to the dock? With an astronaut.
  4. What do you call someone who flies a spaceship to Uranus? An asstronaut.
  5. What do you call a Mexican who steals spaceships? Rogue Juan
  6. What do you call a narcissistic spaceship? The Millennial Falcon
  7. What do you call a fruit on a spaceship Coco-naut
  8. How do you put a spaceship to sleep? You rocket
  9. What do you call a spaceship that runs on all natural fuel? The Millenial falcon
  10. What do you call a spaceship, designed to collect space junk? A vacuum cleaner...
  11. Why did the Otter collect parts for his spaceship? So he could go to otter space.
  12. Why don't the dutch have a space program? Their spaceships Netherland.
  13. What do you call a woman in a spaceship? The cleaning lady.
  14. Alien spaceship arrives at Earth. Browses dank memes. Leaves.
  15. Guys, spaceships are like... A higher plane

Spaceship joke, Guys, spaceships are like...

Fun-Filled Spaceship Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about spaceship you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean airplane jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make spaceship pranks.

A blonde... in a petrol station filling up cars. One day, a spaceship with 'UFO' written on the side lands next to the blonde. The blonde cheerfully fills it with fuel and the spaceship flied off.
The blonde's boss, shocked, comes out to ask why she filled it up.
"Do you know what 'UFO' stands for?" He asks.
"Of course." She replies, "Unleaded Fuel Only".
credits to u/Mr-Everest

There are fuckups, there are royal fuckups, and then there was NASA crashing a spaceship because they confused pounds and kilos.

That was an *Imperial* f**....

A h**... and a priest walk into a spaceship...

It lasts for 1 season and a movie and everyone throws a fit when it won't come back.

A plane gets hijacked by a couple of terrorists

The head t**... is in the cockpit with the pilot. He demands that the pilot takes them to a free country or else the entire plane will blow up.
The pilot retorts: " This is an airliner, not a spaceship!"

Two astronauts went to the moon

When they crawled out of their spaceship, it was a sight to behold. In the distance, there was a teepee and a Native American sitting near a fire. They approached the native and one of them said, Hello! We're from planet Earth! The native, with a scared look, says, Oh god, not again.

Arthur C Clarke, CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien walk into a bar...

Clarke, Lewis and Tolkien walk into a bar arguing about how characters should travel.
Clarke says they should take a spaceship and Tolkien says they should walk. Lewis says that can just step through a wardrobe.
When asked how that's possible Lewis says "Narnia business"

I cant remember who this comedian or how the joke goes 100% but the gist is

So theres this joke i heard when i was young, my mom showed me him on youtube, it was a very deadpan, dry comedian, almost like mitch hedberg, and i cant remember who it was, but the gist of the joke is, "two aliens landed in their spaceship and walked up to me, they were super short, and i asked, hey, is everyone of your species this short? And they replied, no, we're just really far away"

It's a real Challenger

When I was first introduced to the Kerbal Space Program, my spaceship kept blowing up. I looked at my friend and said "Wow, this game is a real Challenger!"
I am a bad person.

Two Polish Rocket Scientists Announce to the World They're Going to the Sun in a Spaceship

The entire world wide scientific community swiftly points out that the Sun is too hot for such a journey and they'd quickly burn up to which they replied very smugly: "Ah SEE! We've thought of this and have a plan!.....We're going at NIGHT!"
I do not mean to offend anyone and my apologies to the Polish, I grew up in the '60's with a mix of Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Pole parents, relatives and friends and this is mild to the s**... we dealt ourselves and friends back then. ;)

A piece of space trash wanted to ask a spaceship to homecoming.

A piece of space trash wanted to ask a spaceship to homecoming. They slid past each other in orbit. I guess he wasn't *inclined* enough!

Spaceship joke, What do you call a 20 year old spaceship that whines all the time and never wants to run properly?