Sought Jokes
15 sought jokes and hilarious sought puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sought that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Sought Short Jokes
Short sought jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sought humour may include short seeks jokes also.
- If Germans are so efficient and productive, why hasn't Germany built an unsinkable ship yet? Because why would we waste our time building a ship if nobody has ever sought of it yet?
- A Puerto Rican meteorologist sought counseling. When asked "why?" he replied, "Tropical Depression."
- The wise spice trader was known for his sage advice He was less sought after for his oregano guidance, his thyme tips, and his rosemary consultations.
- I used to have a fear of door knobs ...I sought professional help as it was more than I could handle.
- Once upon a time an evil witch decided to curse a young prince into a bear. The cursed prince sought help from a good wizard, but he refused. Why? The prince was unbearable.
- TIL that Harriet Tubman sought a monthly pension of $25 a month for services in the civil war ,but was only awarded $20. 100+ years later we're still only giving her a $20.
- Why is the main city in the French Riviera such a sought after vacation spot? Because it's Nice.
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Sought One Liners
Which sought one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sought? I can suggest the ones about demanded and inquired.
- What did the mushroom do when it broke its stem? Sought aid (sauteed)
- What's the most sought after ball in Biopsy Bingo? B9

Comical Sought Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter
What funny jokes about sought you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chased jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sought pranks.
Dave was struggling with his parrot that was constantly using bad language, so he sought help from the vet.
Every time the bird swears," said the vet, "Put it in the freezer for 15 seconds.
Dave decided to follow the advice, and after trying it for the first time, found the parrot shivering and apologetic when he took it out of the freezer.
The bird said, "I'm sorry for all the bad language I've been using."
Dave was very surprised by the sudden transformation of his foul-mouthed bird.
Then the parrot said, By the way, what did the chicken do?
A man prayed to God his entire life to win the lottery.
A man prayed to God every day for 65 years. He prayed in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening and just before he went to sleep.
The man passed away and went to heaven. The man was rather upset with the Lord and sought him out.
When the man found the Lord, he said "I've been praying 65 years. Every day when I woke up, ate my lunch, had my dinner in the evening and just before I went to sleep. How come I never won??"
My wife has been keeping secrets from me.
I just built a fence and put down some paving. Turns out not only is she a master carpenter she's also an expert brick layer. If only I had known earlier I could have sought her advice before I did the work. It would have saved me from making all the obvious mistakes she pointed out after the work was done.
A r**... suffered a n**... fall...
So he visited a physician and sought treatment.
Apply this ointment to the area where injury was sustained, the doctor said.
The r**... happily left the clinic and proceeded to liberally apply ointment on the sidewalk where he fell.
The recurring dream
An old man sought out advice from his therapist about his troubling recurring dreams.
One night I'm a wigwam, the next night I'm a teepee.
Relax, said the therapist, you're two tents.