
So Rich Jokes

60 so rich jokes and hilarious so rich puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about so rich that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest So Rich Short Jokes

Short so rich jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The so rich humour may include short wealthy jokes also.

  1. Monopoly is fun but it has some really old stuff that isn't valid anymore. There's free parking, a luxury tax and rich people can actually go to jail.
  2. How do you get rich in Ancient Greece? Well, step one, become an oracle. Step two: Prophet.
  3. Genie: Whats your first wish? Dave: I wish I was rich.
    Genie: Granted, what's your second wish?
    Rich: I want lots of money.
  4. Dave rubs a magic lamp and the genie grants him 3 wishes Genie: what will be your first wish?
    Dave: I want to be rich
    Genie: Granted. What will be your second wish?
    Rich: I want a lot of money
  5. If a rich man dies from a drug overdose, the headline should read "Pills bury dough boy" Credit to my friend Chris
  6. Old rich white men selecting strong young black men to work on their fields? I'm not sure about this nfl draft thing.
  7. A conversation with a genie Genie: What is your first wish?
    Steve: I want to be rich.
    Genie: Granted. Second wish?
    Rich: I want lots of money.
  8. When I was young, I thought rich people owned Bose music systems and the rest of us had Sony products. Turns out those were just stereotypes.
  9. 100 years ago everyone had a horse and only the rich had cars. Nowadays everyone has a car and only the rich have horses Oh how the stables have turned
  10. A genie asked, "What's your first wish?" Steve answered, "I wish I was rich."
    And the genie said, "What's your second wish, Rich?"

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So Rich One Liners

Which so rich one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with so rich? I can suggest the ones about so poor and richest.

  1. Why are rich british people fat? because they measure their wealth in pounds
  2. Why are the irish so rich? Their capital is always Dublin. Hehe
  3. How do you tickle a rich girl? Say Gucci Gucci Gucci!
  4. What do you call a rich Chinese person ? cha ching
  5. What do Elon Musk and Thomas Edison have in common? They both got rich off of Tesla.
  6. What do you call a rich asian? Cha Ching
  7. How do you spot a rich Ethiopian? By the Rolex around his waist.
  8. Why does nobody like a rich stone? Because he takes everything for granite.
  9. Why is a river really rich? It's got two banks.
  10. I like my women how I like my milk... Rich, white, and 2% fat
  11. I have many jokes about rich kids. Sadly none of them work.
  12. Why is it so hard to talk to rich criminals? Because they never finish their sentences.
  13. Just had a coffee and it was so black and rich, a Kardashian just tried to sleep with it.
  14. I slept with a rich girl once. Got lobsters.
  15. When does soil get rich? When mother nature makes it rain.

Great So Rich Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What funny jokes about so rich you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rich people jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make so rich pranks.

My friend is so rich

He thought manual labor was a Spanish musician

Ever wonder why Dallas Cowboy fans are so rich?

Because they never have to pay for super bowl tickets!

Why is Ireland so rich?

Because their capital is always Dublin.

I bumped into an old school friend the other day.

He seemed to be doing very well for himself, fancy clothes, new car. You could tell he was now very successful and wealthy.
I asked him how he had been doing and he said great, I've got loads of money, fancy cars and a big house.
I asked him how he came to be so rich and he replied I've been using animal carcasses and boiling them down to a concentrate and selling that for a profit. I've made a killing on the stocks market.

How did the pharaoh get so rich?

He was running a huge pyramid scheme!

How did the juggler become so rich?

He knew how to balance his checkbook.

Why was the circumcision doctor so rich ?

He kept all of the tips

3 jewish moms

3 moms are talking about their sons:
The first one says "my son is so rich that he can buy Paris!", the second one answers "are you kidding me? Mine is so rich that he can buy Paris AND New York!", the third one looks at them and seems surprised, then she says: "and what makes you think my son wants to sell???"

Why are so many pornstars so rich?

They get paid loads.

My boss is so rich

My boss is so rich he even bought a kid for his dog to play with.

Why do surgeons get so rich?

They always make their cut.

Why are Jews so rich?

They are always looking for prophets.

Why are executioners so rich?

Because they make a killing

I just saw Crazy Rich Asians and I have one problem with the film

If they're so rich, why are they from Singapoor?

Why is the sculptor so rich?

He made six figures

My friend went to this really prestigious, super expensive prep academy.

I mean these kids are so rich they hire hitmen to do their school shootings.

I just found out why Rabbi's are so rich.

Apparently they get to keep the tips.

Why was God so rich?

Because he had so many prophets

Why is the EU so rich?

Because they have Germoney

Why are Asian countries so rich

Because they rice above their status.

Why is Jesus so rich?

Because Jesus saves.

So Richard Spencer just got an alt-high five while being filmed.

Some might call it a punch but I prefer an Alt-Hug

Why are bees so rich?

They have their own bees knees.

Usain Bolt's net worth is $60 million. How did he get so rich?

By saving the gas money!

So Richard Simmons is getting a s**... change.

Finally going to be a man...

Why are fat people so rich?

Because they have lots of pounds.

I'm so rich...

Even the bags under my eyes are Gucci

Wow puns hooray!

Why are Deer so rich?

Because they can make Doe

Why was Muhammad so Rich

He made good profit

Millennials... they think they're so rich...

They could just come in here and rent the place.

Just say Crazy, Rich, Asians, and I only have one thing to say about the film

If they're so rich, how come they are from Singapoor?

If I divorced my wife she would become so rich.

I'd finally be attracted to her again

Elon Musk is so rich his his tow-truck is a rocket ship, his parking garage is space, and he can afford an unlimited data plan with no throttling!

Yea I mean like no buffering at all.

I would be so rich....

If I had just invested in Tide last month. Sigh.

Your mom is so rich -

She drives... the economy.

Yo Mama So Rich

She don't care that yo daddy is b**... the pool boy

Four men are talking...

They are talking about how rich their sons are. The first said: "My son is so rich last time he bought his lover a luxurious Mercedes" "That's nothing"- said the second-"mine bought his lover last time a luxurious yacht" "Well thats cute"-responded the third-"Mine bought his lover a luxurious 12000 square metre mansion"The fourth man responds: "Ya' know my son is very rich too but recently found out that he is homosexual" "Eww, how terrible is that"-react the other men-"How can you handle this?" "Oh, i handle it really well, and he is actually really success among men, from the last three lovers of him he recived Mercedes a yacht and a huge mansion...."

You can't spell Jewelers without Jew.

No wonder they're so rich!

Why is Hannibal so rich?

Well, he save on groceries.

Arabs are so rich.....

They lit whole fkin hotel on fire to celebrate new year

Why is the pizza man so rich?

Cuz he's got a lot of dough.

4 friends (Ladies) meet 30 years after school at reunion.....

One goes to take food while the other 3 start to talk about how
successful their sons became.
No. 1 says her son studied economics, became a banker and is so rich
he gave his best friend a ferrari.
No. 2 said her son became a pilot, started his own airline, became so
rich he gave his best friend a jet.
No. 3 said her son became an engineer, started his own development
company, became so rich he build his best friend a castle.
No 4. came back with a plate full of food and asked what the buzz is about.
They told her they were talking about how successful their sons became
and asked her about her son.
She said her son is gay and he works in a Gay Bar.
The other 3 said she must be very disappointed with her son for not
becoming successful.
" Oh no !! " said the Lady, he is doing good.
" Last week on his birthday he got a ferrari, a jet and a castle from
3 of his boyfriends..." .
All the 3 Ladies fainted ....


...a dog so rich that he plays fetch on a segway.

Bill Gates is so rich...

he hired cancer to kill Steve Jobs.

jokes about so rich