
So Dumb Jokes

173 so dumb jokes and hilarious so dumb puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about so dumb that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest So Dumb Short Jokes

Short so dumb jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The so dumb humour may include short dumb jokes also.

  1. I'm sick of you guys posting dumb wordplay in here for awards and upvotes. Don't you know a good pun is its own reword?
  2. A man asks god... Man:"Why did you make women so beautiful?"
    God:"So you would love her."
    Man:"Then why did you make her so dumb?"
    God:"So she would love you."
  3. Yo mama so dumb that she spent 5 hours staring at a glass of orange juice because it said 'concentrate' on the package.
  4. Schrodinger's cat was meant to prove how dumb quantum states are, yet it's widely used to advocate and explain it. I bet he's rolling in his grave... and not
  5. My parents asked me if I wanted to watch Dumb and Dumber with them tonight.. When I went downstairs the debate was on.
  6. Listen guys, I know this sub is all in good fun, but I don't think it's right to be making dumb jokes about obese people. They already have enough on their plates.
  7. My roommate keeps stealing my food so I ground up Pepper and made cupcakes with it. Pepper was a dumb thing to name his dog anyway.
  8. Did you hear they're doing a remake of Dumb and Dumber? It's on tonight on every major network, tonight at 9.
  9. My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. She said "she didn't see me enough", and I said, "well that's dumb, now you're never going to see me".
  10. I got called pretty today... well actually the full statement was "you're pretty dumb" but I'm only focusing on the positive things today

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So Dumb One Liners

Which so dumb one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with so dumb? I can suggest the ones about your dumb and completely stupid.

  1. Why are Americans so dumb? Because they shoot the ones that go to school
  2. I hate it when people use "you're" and "your" incorrectly There so dumb
  3. My neighbor blamed my gravel for making him fall But it was his dumb asphalt
  4. 99.9% of people are dumb Fortunately, I belong to 1% of smart people
  5. I'm so dumb and out of shape My resting heart rate is higher than my IQ
  6. What do you call a person with no body and no nose Nobody knows
  7. Yo momma is so dumb It took her 9 months to come up with a joke.
  8. 60% of people in the world are dumb luckily I am in the 30%
  9. My dad accidentally ordered the wrong paving materials Now That's his own dumb asphalt.
  10. What did 0 say to 8?

    Nice belt!
  11. There's only one group of people dumb enough to believe in astrology... Scorpios
  12. What did the deaf, dumb, blind, amputee kid get for Christmas? Cancer.
  13. Yo momma is so dumb That she tried to drown herself on a pool table
  14. 99.9% of the population is dumb. Fortunately I belong to the 1% of smart people.
  15. People say Cows are Dumb But I've never seen one that wasn't out standing in its field.

Your Mama So Dumb Jokes

Here is a list of funny your mama so dumb jokes and even better your mama so dumb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Yo mama so dumb, she tripped over the wireless network.
  • Yo momma so dumb when I said, "Drinks on the house," she got a ladder.
  • Yo mama so dumb she tried to ring Taco Bell.
  • Yo mama so dumb, She got fired from the M&M's production line for throwing away the W's
  • Yo mama so dumb, She went to the movies and it said 17+ so she bought 16 of her friends along.
  • Yo Mama is so dumb she thinks there has been...... eleven World Wars
  • Yo mama so dumb She thought an IP address was RKelly's house
  • Yo momma so dumb she threw a ball at the ground and missed.
  • Yo mama so dumb, She thought the Gettysburg Address was where Lincoln lived.
  • Yo mamas so dumb She tripped over a cordless phone

Mama So Dumb Jokes

Here is a list of funny mama so dumb jokes and even better mama so dumb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Yo mama so dumb, she thought a big mac was another type of computer made by apple.
  • Yo mama so dumb She thought her indigestion was lactose intolerance living in the milky way.
  • Yo mama so dumb... She tells "yo mama" jokes to YOU.
  • Yo'mama is so dumb... She thinks Tupac Shakur is a Jewish holiday.
  • Yo mama's so dumb that when she saw the "Under 17 not admitted" sign at a movie theatre, she went home and got 16 friends.
  • Yo mama so dumb... ... she sit on the television and watches the couch.
  • Your mama so dumb She climbs over a glass wall to see what's on the other side.
  • Your mama's so dumb ... ... she walked into the antique store and asked, "What's new?"
  • Yo Momma's so dumb that when I told her it was chilly outside, she went and got a bowl.
  • Yo mama so dumb, she thought seaweed was something that fish smoked.

You Are So Dumb Jokes

Here is a list of funny you are so dumb jokes and even better you are so dumb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I watched my dog chase his tail for 10 minutes And thought, "Wow, dogs are so dumb!" Then i realised i just watched a dog chase its tail for 10 minutes.
  • Adam asked God..... "God, why did you make Eve so beautiful?"
    "So that you would like her."
    "But why you make her so dumb too?"
    "So that she would like you too."
  • My teacher said our class was do dumb not even 80% of us would pass the test She's the dumb one, we don't even have that much people in our class!
  • Yo momma is so dumb, she thought a kernel panic was a kfc that was out of chicken.
  • What do you call a dumb seal? An imbeseal
  • Your momma so dumb she tried to climb Mountain Dew
  • I got ketchup on my eyes. Ya know, in Heinzsight, that was a dumb move.
  • Last week I had to put down my dog. It was sad. I said, you are one dumb dog.
  • A woman was killed after walking in front of a street paver. It was her own dumb asphalt.
  • My girlfriend left me because she said I talk about video games too much.... I told her that's a dumb reason to Fallout 4.

Yo Mama So Dumb Jokes

Here is a list of funny yo mama so dumb jokes and even better yo mama so dumb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Yo mama so dumb she used old spice body wash to cook.
  • Yo mama is so fat and dumb she signed up for an email account because she heard it contained spam.
  • Yo momma is so dumb she put the air conditioning in backwards saying she was going to chill outside.
  • Yo momma is so dumb she tripped over a cordless phone.
  • Yo mama's so dumb She had to sneak past the medicine cabinet so that she didn't wake up the sleeping pills.
  • Yo mamma so dumb she bought a sliding glass door with a peephole.
  • Yo mama is so dumb she bought tickets to Xbox LIVE.
  • Yo momma's so dumb, when y'all were driving to Disneyland, she saw a sign that said "Disneyland left," so she went home.
  • Yo mama so dumb Even her children get click baited
  • Yo mama so dumb.. On a hot summer day she saw some dry fruits, felt bad, then tried to rehydrate them.

Amusing So Dumb Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends

What funny jokes about so dumb you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dumb kid jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make so dumb pranks.

A man asks god some questions.

A man asks, God, why did you make woman so beautiful? God responds, So you would love her. The man asks, But God, why did you make her so dumb? God replies, So she would love you.

My sister is so dumb, she tells everyone she is bipolar

Because she is working at two different s**... clubs.

One day, a husband said to his wife, I don't know how you got to be so beautiful and so dumb at the same time.

The wife responded, Allow me to explain…
God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me. He made me dumb so I would be attracted to you.

So dumb it makes me laugh every time i hear it

me: knock knock
them: who's there
me: Dwayne
them: Dwayne who
me: dwayne the bathtub! i'm dwowning!

Why is flour so dumb?

It's i**....

You'd have to be so dumb to buy an electronic salt dispenser.

You're literally asking for a salt and battery in your own home.

so dumb...

I knew a guy who was so dumb, he thought manual labor was the president of Mexico.

Yo Mamma's so dumb....

She stayed up all night studying for her blood test

The principal is so dumb a little boy says.

A girl next to him says do you know who I am?
No The boy says
I'm the principals daughter the girl replies
Do you know who I am? The boy asks
No the girl says, curious of who he could be.
Good. The boy says, and walks away.

Yo momma so dumb, when she eats vegetables

It's considered canabilism!

I knew this guy who was so dumb...

he saw a road sign that said, "Disney Land Left", so he turned around and went home.

Counter: Why are Britons so dumb?

All the smart ones left 200 years ago.

Boy: The principal is so dumb!

Girl: Do you know who I am?
Boy: No...
Girl: I am the principal's daughter!
Boy: Do you know who I am?
Girl: No...
Boy: Good! *Walks away*

Yo momma so dumb she waits for the stop signs to turn green

She so ugly they do

How do pirates know they're pirates?

They think, therefore they AAAARRR.
My dad just told me that and I laughed. So dumb but it's Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Your mom is so ugly that. . . .

The entire world created a virulent strain of Coronavirus just so she'd wear a mask.
And she's so dumb, she thinks that masks aren't effective.

Your momma so dumb..

The brain eating amoeba she contracted starved to death

People buying Apple products are so dumb.

Sent from my iPhone.

I told a Chemistry Joke to a class.

But the students were so dumb, I saw no reaction.

yo momma so dumb

That she thinks 9/11 is a more efficient 7/11. Open more days a week.

Yo mamma so dumb... she studied for

A u**... test

The principal is so dumb

Guy: The principal is so dumb!
Girl: Do you know who I am?
Guy: No...
Girl: I am the principal's daughter!
Guy: And tell me, young lady, Do YOU know who I am?
Girl: No...
Guy: Good! **walks away**

Chris Christie's name...

Is so dumb to me. It's just the male and female version of the same name. Like
Eric Erica
Daniel Danielle
or Bruce Caitlyn

Somestimes, I think, "How can people be so dumb?"

Then, I look myself in the mirror and smile.

Yo' mamma is so dumb....

... She put a ruler on the side of her bed to see how long she slept.

Screenwriter starlet joke

"One of the oldest inside jokes out there is of the starlet so dumb she slept with the screenwriter in hopes of advancing her career"
As the old joke about a Hollywood starlet so dumb she slept with the writer attests, screenwriters are widely perceived as the least powerful collaborators on movies.

She's so dumb,

She thinks a double helix is two gay guys doing 69.

My GF is so dumb

She told me to stop wearing my baseball cap all the time because it'll "give me psoriasis"...
I said, "Babe, my hat's not that heavy. My spine will be fine".

Yo momma's so dumb

She went to the dentist to get a bluetooth

Yo momma so dumb

She thought Elon Musk was a perfume

Yo momma's so dumb,

Yo momma's so dumb, when she went to the movies and saw the "Under 17 not permitted" sign, she left to get 16 of her friends.

Yomama so dumb...

..she thought arrays start at 1.

Yo momma

Yo mamma so dumb when she saw the sign that said "airport left", she turned around and went home...

Yo mama so dumb,

she brought a gift to the meteor shower.

Yo mama so dumb that when she looked in a mirror she yelled stop copying me.

Your mama so dumb she thought the shoes Vans are actually vans.

Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying!

Yo mama so dumb she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death!
Yo mama so dumb she stole a free cookie!

Yo mama so dumb she runs to the mailbox whenever her computer beeps: "you have a new mail".

Your mom's so dumb, she threw the dog and told the stick to fetch!

Yo momma's so dumb, it takes her an hour and a half to make minute rice.

Yo momma's so dumb, the psychic hotline only charges her half price to read her mind!

jokes about so dumb