
Snowman Jokes

163 snowman jokes and hilarious snowman puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about snowman that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Need some entertainment for your holiday season? Check out this collection of hilarious snowman jokes and funny cartoons! From jokes about snowmen and snowwomen, to creative puns involving snow and snowmen, to snowman-related Covid jokes and hilarious snowman pictures, you'll be able to share some laughs about this chilly creature with your family and friends.

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Funniest Snowman Short Jokes

Short snowman jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The snowman humour may include short snow man jokes also.

  1. My five year old just told me this one... Why did the snowman go to the vegetable garden?
    So he could go pick his nose.
  2. What do you call an old snowman? Water...

    *Courtesy of my 8-year-old this morning. Merry Christmas!*
  3. What's 8 feet tall, covered in fur, and walks around the Himalayas undermining your arguments by attacking your character? The Adhomineminal Snowman
  4. What did one snowman say to the other on the winter solstice? "Do you carrot all about the cold?"
  5. Why did the snowman bring a shovel to the winter solstice party? Just in case he had to "dig" the music.
  6. Why did the snowman enroll in a dance class on the winter solstice? It wanted to "break the ice" on the dance floor.
  7. My 7yr old son told me this tonight. What do you call a snowman temper tantrum? A meltdown
    *edit* Thanks for the silver, its greatly appreciated
  8. Why did the snowman invite the sun to the winter solstice party? To melt the ice and break the ice!
  9. Why did the snowman refuse to play cards on the winter solstice? It didn't want to "melt" under pressure.
  10. Why was the winter solstice always invited to the snowman's parties? It brought the longest nights and the coolest vibes!

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Snowman One Liners

Which snowman one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with snowman? I can suggest the ones about snowballs and christmas reindeer.

  1. Why did the snowman take his pants off? He heard the snow blower was coming.
  2. Why did Frosty the snowman pull down his pants? He heard the snow-blower was coming.
  3. Why was the snowman smiling? He saw the snowblower coming.
  4. What do you call a yeti with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
  5. What was the snowman doing in the carrot section of the grocery store? Picking his nose
  6. Why did the snowman smile? He heard that the snow-blower was in town.
  7. What do you call a snowman's favorite winter solstice activity? Melting the night away!
  8. What's a snowman's favorite winter solstice dessert? "Frost"-ed cupcakes!
  9. What do you call a snowman's favorite snack on the winter solstice? A brrr-ito!
  10. What was the snowman doing in the vegetable patch? Picking his nose.
  11. One snowman says to the other snowman, "do you smell carrots?"
  12. What do you call a snowman that can play the piano? Frosty the Snowpianist!
  13. What's a snowman's favorite winter solstice game? "Freeze" tag!
  14. What do you call a snowman party with a lot of dancing? The Winter Waltz-tice!
  15. What's a snowman's favorite winter solstice workout? "Frost" squats!

Snowman Carrot Jokes

Here is a list of funny snowman carrot jokes and even better snowman carrot puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why was the snowman looking through the carrots in the fridge? He was trying to find his nose!
  • I saw a disgusting thing at the grocery today. A snowman rummaging through the carrots?! I mean picking your nose in public? Come on.
  • What was the snowman doing with his hand in a bag of carrots? He was picking his nose.
  • Why was the snowman embarrassed when caught buying a bag of carrots? Because he got caught picking his nose
  • What do you call a snowman without a carrot? Nobody nose.
  • Why was the snowman rummaging through the bag of carrots? He was picking his nose!
  • What did one snowman say to the other snow man? Do you smell carrot
  • What did the snowman said to the other snowman? It smells like carrots.
  • Why was the snowman so upset? Because somebody had stolen his nose and the police didn't carrot all!
  • so these two snowmen are standing next to each other.... first snowman turns to the other one and says, "do you smell carrots?"

Frosty The Snowman Jokes

Here is a list of funny frosty the snowman jokes and even better frosty the snowman puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What is a snowman's favorite winter solstice song? "Frosty the Loaded Thermometer."
  • Why did frosty the snowman quit drinking? Every time he went out he got plowed.
  • Why is Frosty the Snowman like my dad? He said he'll be back one day
  • Frosty the Snowman didn't make it down to Miami this year; …but, he sure thawed about it!
  • What did the sun say after melting Frosty the Snowman? I came, I thaw, I conquered .
  • Why did frosty the snowman have to go to the dentist? He has a very bad case of frost bite.
  • Who is Frosty the Snowman's most favorite comedian? Bill Brrrrr.
    I'll see myself out...
  • Q: Why did Frosty the Snowman want a divorce?
    A: He thought his wife was a flake.
  • Why was Frosty the Snowman so happy? He heard the snowblower coming!
  • What's the difference between a black father and Frosty the Snowman? Frosty only takes a year to return
Snowman joke, What's the difference between a black father and Frosty the Snowman?

Frosty Snowman Jokes

Here is a list of funny frosty snowman jokes and even better frosty snowman puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • How does Frosty the Snowman get to work? By icicle.
    This was told on the radio... I hate it.
  • To bring some cheer to an otherwise dull day, I tried befriending a snowman But all I got was a frosty reception.
  • Mrs Snowman, Frosty's wife, begged Frosty to be extra careful coming home from watching the game at his friend Slushy's house. Last time he got plowed.
  • What did they call Frosty after he got shredded at the gym? The abdominal snowman
  • Why does everybody like Frosty the Snowman? Because he is so cool!
  • Why did Frosty the snowman get arrested? He was caught in a playground with his carrot exposed

Snowman Christmas Jokes

Here is a list of funny snowman christmas jokes and even better snowman christmas puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did the snowman want for Christmas? A snowblower.
  • Why did Santa's helper see the doctor? Because he had a low "elf" esteem!
  • What did the Christmas tree say to the snowman? Christmas trees don't talk.
  • What did the snowman give his girlfriend for Christmas? The cold shoulder.
  • How do you scare a snowman? You get a hairdryer!
  • What did the snowman say when he got coal for Christmas? "I can see!"
  • What does a drug addict dream about on Christmas Eve? Building a snowman using only c**....
Snowman joke

Howlingly Hilarious Snowman Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy

What funny jokes about snowman you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean snow blizzard jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make snowman pranks.

What did yoda tell the snowman when he found out he had tunnelvision? (OC... you can probably tell)

All ICY is you!

Do you know why it takes longer to build a blonde snowman?

You have to hollow out the head!

Why can't you trust a snowman?

Because they're all a bunch of flakes

Jamaican Snowman

What's a Jamaican snowman's favorite song? ...... Snowoman no cry.

Someone called my call center today to tell a joke I don't think I've ever heard: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?


A snowman and a snow-woman had a child... had its mother's ice.

Why did the snowman leave his wife?

Because she got plowed by another man.

What do you call the president when he is rolling down a snowy hill?

An Obama-nable snowman

Why does Olaf have to be a snowMAN when he clearly has snow gender.

What did the snowman eat for breakfast?

Frosted snow flakes.
My 4.5 y/o son came up with this joke, but his punch line was "snow flakes". I added the "frosted". Teamwork.

What do you call an old snowman?


What is it called when a bull made of snow eats explosives?

A bomb in a bull snowman.

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

[This is a spoiler sentence.](/Have an ice day.)

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Have an ice day.
It's a bad one, I know.

Idiot question and answer

Q: On which side does a chicken have the most feathers?
A: The outside.
Q: How do you know when there is an elephant under your bed?
A: Your nose touches the ceiling.
Q: What's a flea's favorite way to travel?
A: Itch-hiking.
Q: Why did the snowman call his dog Frost?
A: Because Frost bites.

What does the snowman call his wife?


What did the snowman do when he saw a snow blower go by?

Pull down his pants.

I told my friend to stop telling jokes about the Abominable Snowman

yeti still does

Why is it so hard to build a blonde snowman?

Because you have to hollow out the head.

It's hard dating a snowman...

His parents will never warm up to you.

Who's got the tightest bod in the North Pole?

Abdominal Snowman

A p**... propositions a snowman, "I can be gentle or dominant. I can be anything you want me to be."

The snowman hands her $20 and says, "Be a snow blower."

What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwomen?

What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwomen?
Snowballs :)

Why couldn't the snowman spend his money?

Cause his assets were frozen.

Why is it quicker to build a snowman than a snowwoman?

It takes too long to hollow out her head.
(I got this one from my uncle)

When is it too cold to build a snowman?

When the frostbite is worse then the frostbark.

How did the snowman get happy?

The snowblower came around

Why does it take longer to make a snow woman than a Snowman?

Because you have to hollow out the head.

Why couldn't anyone trust the snowman to do anything?

He was kinda flakey

h**... do you know if a snowman has been sleeping in your bed?

You wake up wet.

What happens when you cross a snowman and a vampire?

You get a frostbite.

What do you call an abominable snowman who's always late?

A not-yeti.

Where does a snowman keep his money?

In the snowbank.
I'll see myself out..

What do you call a snowman that frequently has s**... i**...?

A snowplow.

What do you call a snowman who trades s**... for money?

A Frostitute.

Snowman puns to celebrate the snowstorm in my area

What do vampires get when they bite snowmen?
What is a snowman's favorite cereal?
Why didn't the snowman answer the question?
"He didn't snow the answer"
What does a snowman like to ride?
"An icicle"
How can you tell a snowman is angry at you?
"You get the cold shoulder... or an icy stare"

My 8 year old cousin asked me if I wanted to hear a joke

Amanda: "I want to tell you a joke. Okay:
A snowman wants to go on vacation.
He wants to go to Chile because he thinks it will be chilly--BUT--he actually lands in a bowl of chilli.
Then he dies."

What happened to the man that got bitten by a snowman?

He got frostbite.

Why was no one sad when the headless snowman melted?

He was a snowbody.

Why was the snowman excited?

He heard the snowblower was coming!

What kind of escorts does a snowman hire?


What does a snowman with a mental illness have?


What do you call a gay snowman?

A snowblower.

How did a snowman get to work?

By icicle

Where does the abominable snowman put his money?

In the snowbank

My 6 year old son told me this one. "What do you call a snowman that's having a t**... with two hot princesses?"

I slapped my son and abruptly deleted his youtube kids app.

"Hey Dad! What's one snowball plus one snowball plus one snowball?"

- My 7-year-old

Have you guys heard of the snowman who was a comedian?

His name was Bill Brrrrrrr

What does a snowman have in common with an ocean?

They're both bodies of water!

Why was the snowman freaking out?

He was having a meltdown.

What do you call a snowman made of yellow snow?


I prefer to do a snowwoman instead of a snowman

That way I know I will make some woman wet when spring comes.

What kind of food does a Mexican snowman serve?


What did yoda tell the snowman when he found out he had tunnel vision?

All icy is you!
I legit thought of this joke when i was like 10 and im so proud i remembered it.

Why was the snowman sad?

Because he had a meltdown.

What do you call a snowman party?

A snowball.


If snow people were in a trench war, would the space in between the trenches be Snowman's land?

What do you call a snowman on wheels?


im so sorry...

Why didn't the snowman eat his cereal?

Because he was already feeling a little flaky.

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

Drac Frost

Why did the snowman pull down his pants?

He heard there was a snowblower in town.

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Ah, smells like carrots.

What do you call an explosive cow in the winter?

An a-bomb-in-a-bull snowman!

What do you call a snowman dressed up as a cop?


Snowman joke, What do you call a snowman dressed up as a cop?

jokes about snowman