Smelt Jokes
45 smelt jokes and hilarious smelt puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about smelt that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Smelt Short Jokes
Short smelt jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The smelt humour may include short melts jokes also.
- The blacksmith only sold items he crafted himself. Like his father taught him... He who smelt it, dealt it.
- Scientists have developed a new, more efficient process for smelting aluminum. They were thinking outside the bauxite.
- I had one of those horrible moments this morning when I confused my wife's hair removal cream with the toothpaste. Mind you, my legs have never smelt so minty!
- Son: Dad, if the blacksmith forges the sword, who sells it? Dad: That's easy son. Whoever smelt it, dealt it.
- Global warming is going to demand re-education of our tradesmen. Already the glaziers are smelting.
- Girl, are you an iron-bearing ore? Because when I smelt you, I got taken to a whole other level of civilization..
- Why was the blacksmith never invited back to poker night? Because he who smelt it, dealt it
- If you don't get the joke look it up. Your mother was a hamster and your smelt of elderberries!
- I can produce silver just by sniffing. Smelt it with my own nose.
**I'll show myself out** - How does a blacksmith know you f**...? He smelt it
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Smelt One Liners
Which smelt one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with smelt? I can suggest the ones about smell and stink.
- Why are blacksmiths so flatulent? Whoever smelt it, dealt it
- Have you ever wondered what 15.7 billion USD smelt like? Elon's Musk
- Did you hear about the clown who refined iron? He smelt funny
- Did you hear about the Casino that hired a Blacksmith? He who smelt it, dealt it.
- What can be smelt and heard from twenty miles away? My son playing Call of Duty
- Which fish are the best jewelers? Smelt
- [OC] I found a dead bird outside. It smelt fowl.
- Why did the litigatory man have to have a shower? He smelt like a suer
- Did you hear about the fish that played blackjack? The smelt. It dealt it.
- Being a Blacksmith must really stink... Because whoever smelt it, dealt it.
- Have you guys ever smelt mothballs?
- "Whoever smelt it, dealt it..." " technically officer, this is YOUR m**..."
- Well, "He who smelt it, dealt it"... So technically the w**... is yours, Officer.
- Why did the blacksmith get fired.... He smelt like s**..., and made a forgery.
- Why did the blacksmith throw away his furnace...... Because It Smelt like s**...!

Happy Smelt Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends
What funny jokes about smelt you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mussel jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make smelt pranks.
s**... harassment
The supervisor of a local firm is startled when his secretary bursts into his office to file a complaint of s**... harassment against a man working in the same department. "What on earth did he do?", asks the boss. "It's not what he did but what he said!", the secretary shrieks. "He said my hair smelt nice!". "And what is so wrong with him telling you that?", asks the boss. "He's a midget" ,huffs the woman.
Yesterday at yoga
Yesterday at yoga, the instructor told us to make a flower shape by putting our hands together. She kept saying to take deep breaths and focus on our flowers. Towards the end of the exercise she told us to smell our flowers and just say out loud what our flowers smelt like. I don't think she appreciated it when I said Vaseline and shame.
There once was an old mystic
He was too poor to afford shoes, so he often had sores on his feet, and since he was old, he could easily break his bones if he was not careful. He also had a very bad diet, so his breath smelt terrible.
I guess you could say he was a....
**Super Calloused Fragile Mystic Hexed with Halitosis**
An investigation was carried out by a foundry...
since somehow people were getting a hold of their new ingots before they started selling them publicly. They investigated the entire foundry and found out that the man in charge of working the furnace was selling the ingots illegally, under the table. This only proves that he who smelt it, dealt it.
(fyi I don't know anything about metalworks or smelting at all. If I used any of these terms incorrectly, sorry.)
With all the recent posts it is my turn too to see if this French joke translates well to English
I f**... in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time
Fisherman got jokes...
A little fish humor for everyone.
"Did you do that on Porpoise? Or just for the Halibut?"
"Oh my Cod, save my Sole!"
"You s**..., that smelt, so get your bass out of here!"
I f**... in a room full a hipsters...
Just to see them fight over who smelt it first.
If a hipster falls, and no one is around, does it make a sound?
Yes...but you've probably never heard it.
a cop pulled me over the other day and..
Cop: ur car smells like m**...
Me: whoever smelt it dealt it
Cop: gosh dangit
Me: ur under arrest
I was at my friend's stag party yesterday, when him and his brother handed me a glass full of yellow, lukewarm liquid. "Drink it!" they said giggling. It was only when I smelt it that I realized the prank the b**... were trying to pull...