
Smear Jokes

32 smear jokes and hilarious smear puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about smear that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article explores the use of "smear jokes" in popular culture. From jokes about Pap Smear tests to jokes about flatulence, this article examines the humor behind these popular jokes. We discuss the prevalence of these jokes and how they're used to make light of uncomfortable situations. Whether it's Sully or Creme making the jokes, this article takes a humorous look at the world of smear jokes.

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Funniest Smear Short Jokes

Short smear jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The smear humour may include short stain jokes also.

  1. LPT: Laminate your index cards when studying. Not only does it prevent smearing, but the teardrops actually roll right off.
  2. What is round, ugly, smeared with chocolate and just showed up unwashed to your first date? A tinder surprise.
  3. I Know It's Bad Politics but... I've secretly been running a smear campaign on all the toilets at work.
  4. A week before he died my grandfather smeared butter all over his back. After that he went downhill very quickly.
  5. Why did the gynecologist giggle during the pap smear? I don't know. It was an inside joke.
  6. A left handed man was arrested the other day... They say his smear campaign ruined a number of decent characters.
  7. My grandfather died last year. A month before he died, he smeared some lard on his back.
    After that he went downhill fast.
  8. I hate when my massage therapist smears the lotion counter-clockwise. She really rubs me the wrong way.
  9. Sherlock Holmes smeared lemons over Dr. Watson's backside "Why are you doing that, Holmes?" Dr. Watson asked.
    "Lemon-entry my dear Watson", Holmes replied.
  10. What did the black paint say to the white paint as it smeared across the canvas? Oh my you're looking gradient today.

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Smear One Liners

Which smear one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with smear? I can suggest the ones about wipe and smash.

  1. Why did the man smear peanut butter on the road? To go with the traffic jam.
  2. I smeared ketchup all over my eyes once... It was kind of a bad idea in Heinz-sight
  3. What do you get when you cross Hanson with a gynecologist? An mmmpap smear
  4. What do you call it when you keep wiping but brown still shows? The Trail of Smears
  5. What is it called when the gynecologist slanders your grandfather? A pap smear.
  6. My wife's gynecologist does her pap smear with an orbital sander... He's a Ryobi-GYN
  7. If a family's last name is Smear, do the kids call their grandpa Pap Smear?
  8. What do you call it when a Gynecologist spills his beer? A Pabst smear
  9. How did the politician spread his butter on his toast? He used smear tactics!
  10. Why don't Grannies go for Smear tests? Have you ever tried to open a cheese toastie
  11. Why did the hipster go to the gynecologist? To get a Pabst smear.
  12. Someone smeared p**... on my old gaming system. Now it's a Nintendo BS.

Pap Smear Jokes

Here is a list of funny pap smear jokes and even better pap smear puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why do they call a "pap-smear" a "pap-smear"? Because it sounds a lot better than "c**...-scrape".

Smear Test Jokes

Here is a list of funny smear test jokes and even better smear test puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • This is most unusual madam, you seem to have no teeth at all. Pardon? You're here for a smear test? That's next door.
Smear joke,  This is most unusual madam, you seem to have no teeth at all.

Smear joke,  This is most unusual madam, you seem to have no teeth at all.

Hilarious Smear Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What funny jokes about smear you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean slam jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make smear pranks.

Has anyone played that weird Mexican carnival game where groundhogs pop out of holes and you have to smear them with avocado?

I really s**... at Guac-a-mole.

My kinda Dr.

a woman goes to a new gynocologist for the first time, for her annual pap smear. as the getting everything ready, and the woman is in the usual position, the dr. explains that there will be some discomfort. he then asks if she would like to numb the area first so she is more comfortable. she tells the dr. *yes please* and he then proceeds to bury his face between her legs and says...num num numnum...

Why did the skid mark lose the election?

It ran a smear campaign
Credit - Amazon Alexa (seriously, I asked my Alexa to tell me a p**... joke and this is what she said)

Apparently, there exist a group of people who smear cow manure on their faces as an act of worship.

Personally, I think it's b**....

Sometimes it gets so hot outside that I like to rub a cold can of Pabst Blue Ribbon across myself to cool down...

I call it a Pabst Smear.

Did you hear about the war on diarrhea?

It started out as a smear campaign, but ended up being a real shitshow.

Some claim that the holey bagel has commited heinous acts of degradation.

They prefer bagels with smear.

My girlfriend dumped me because I called her Simba

We were having s**... and when I was done I came in my hand and used my thumb to smear it across her forehead.

Smear joke, My girlfriend dumped me because I called her Simba