Smartphone App Jokes
6 smartphone app jokes and hilarious smartphone app puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about smartphone app that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Uplifting Smartphone App Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What is a good smartphone app joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I spend all day on my smartphone app trying to encounter Jigglypuffs
But such is the life of a gay British chubby chaser
A man is looking for a job.
A man is looking for a job to become a smartphone programmer. He goes into his local Apple office and asks how he would go about becoming a smartphone programmer.
One of the employees replies:
"We have an app for that."
The Splitwise app isn't very popular among OnePlus smartphone users because...
...they never settle.
There's not just a straight temperature app on my smartphone.
At least not a fahinhieght one there is always a cell-sius built in .
what should you use to heal and restore apps in a damaged smartphone?
Topical Jokes for 2/8
A company in Denver has created a dating app that connects fellow p**... smokers. The app is great because even if you don't like the person you meet, sparks are gonna fly.
In Florida, a woman who didn't know she was pregnant set a state record by giving birth to a 14 pound baby. The woman realized she was pregnant when the 14 pound baby started k**..., and cracked three of her ribs.
Researchers have developed a smartphone app that lets you test yourself for STDs. The app can be a bit confusing to use at first, especially if you've never seen the You've Got AIDS emoji.
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