
Slumber Jokes

7 slumber jokes and hilarious slumber puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about slumber that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Do you need some fun for your next slumber party? Laugh out loud with these hilarious Slumber Jokes! Make your friends giggle sleepily as they wake up with these sidesplitting wake-up jokes!

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Uproarious Slumber Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What is a good slumber joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

The midget vampire woke up from his 100-year slumber

His first words were: "Huh... I'm a little stiff".

Guy goes into the hospital with a bad case of gangrene on his foot ...

... doctor says we're going to need to amputate this foot immediately before it spreads .
He goes through surgery and as he wakes up from his slumber the doctor says well sir, I have some good news and bad news, what do you want first?
I'll take the bad news first
Okay, well unfortunately we amputated the wrong foot so we had to amputate both feet due to the mistake and gangrene .
And what the h**... is the good news?!
The patient beside you wants to buy your slippers .

A Russian alcoholic loses the key to car...

His wife wakes him from his drunken slumber.
"Where are the keys to the car!?" she demands.
"v**...? Whiskey?" he replies.
(read with Russian accent)

Bob came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife and fell into a deep slumber... (self.Jokesuncensored)

What do people in Mexico call a slumber party?

a Siesta Fiesta

Becky was on her deathbed...

Becky was on her deathbed.
Her husband, Jake, was maintaining a vigil by her side. He held her fragile hand, tears ran down his face. His praying roused her from her slumber.
She looked up and her pale lips began to move slightly.
My darling Jake," she whispered.
"Hush, my love," he said. "Rest. Shhh.Don't talk."
She was insistent. "Jake," she said in her tired voice. " I have something I must confess to you."
"There's nothing to confess," replied the weeping Jake. Everything's all right, go to sleep ."
"No, no. I must die in peace, Jake. I slept with your brother, your best friend and your father." "I know," he replied. "That's why I poisoned you"

Jay-Z doesn't have slumber parties...

...he has sleep HOVAS.

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