Simon Garfunkel Jokes
7 simon garfunkel jokes and hilarious simon garfunkel puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about simon garfunkel that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Share Hilarious Simon Garfunkel Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter
What is a good simon garfunkel joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I think "Scarborough Fair" is Simon & Garfunkel's most haunting song
To this day, I still wonder, "*Did* Parsley save Rosemary in time?"
Who sent Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel a friend request on Facebook
Musicians writing books
I want to write a book about Musicians that write books about their music, I will call it Simon & Schuster and Garfunkel.
What did the pirate say to Simon and Garfunkel?
ARRRRRR you going to scarborough fair?
My Dad just told me about his Simon & Garfunkel garden...
*Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme*
What did Simon & Garfunkel do when the teacher asked them if they did their homework?
They lie la lied, lie la la la la lied la la lied, l-l-l-l-lied and said the dog ate it.
People say musicians are gems
I used to think Simon and Garfunkel were real gems,
but then I about diamond and carbuncle.
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