Sieg Jokes
7 sieg jokes and hilarious sieg puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sieg that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Hilarious Fun Sieg Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends
What is a good sieg joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Sieg Heil by Covergirl
Girls use chemicals to remove polish and no one panics.
h**... does the same thing and everyone loses their minds.
So Merkel, Putin and Obama walk along the beach.
Suddenly Obama mentions; "You know, our Navy submarines can submerge for 4 weeks straight!"
Putin grins and says; "Well, our submarines can submerge for 6 weeks straight, they just have to surface for the food!"
Suddenly a Submarine surfaces right in front of them, a man appears and yells "SIEG HEIL! WE RAN OUT OF BENZIN!"
A french, an english and a german general are talking about submarine technology
The French general tells them their submarines can stay underwater for three days.
The British says theirs can stay submerged for 180 days
Suddenly a submarine comes up. A man comes out and shouts: "SIEG HEIL. Wir brauchen Sprit!"
What do Siegfried and the tiger have in common?
They both know what Roy tastes like.
What is h**...'s favorite game?
Hide and Sieg.
Do you know how blind n**... salute each other?
Sieg Braille!
I hate when American n**... say "Sieg Heil"
Like seriously learn English, and stop this multicultural behavior.
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