Shoutout Jokes
47 shoutout jokes and hilarious shoutout puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shoutout that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Shoutout Short Jokes
Short shoutout jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The shoutout humour may include short loud jokes also.
- Shout-out to everyone who is struggling with establishing their identity. You know who you are.
- Shoutout to my teachers from high school who said I would work at McDonalds I have my first shift on Monday.
- Nobody will upvote a cake joke on my cake day. I feel desserted
Shoutout to u/sse2k for letting me repost this joke. - What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws? The outlaws are wanted
*shoutout to the customer that called in and ended the phone call with a joke to spread some cheer* - I would like to shoutout my dad. He taught me to walk away from mistakes. Please come back I miss you.
- Why did the rapper scream into his Easter basket? He wanted to give a shoutout to his peeps
- What has eight arms and tells the time? A clocktopus
Shoutout to the popper from my Xmas dinner - I would give a shout-out to everybody who posts original jokes and then those jokes get reposted. But there's no option to give Creddit.
- I just want to give a shoutout to the ancients for inventing the calendar. It has made my day.
- Shoutout to the people who can't hear too well. Shoutout to the people who can't hear too well.
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Shoutout One Liners
Which shoutout one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with shoutout? I can suggest the ones about loudly and cry.
- Shoutout to my grandpa That's the only way he can hear
- I want to give a shoutout to the sidewalk For keeping me off the street.
- Shout-out to my grandma Because that's the only way she can hear me.
- Huge shoutout to everyone who helped me learn the definition of 'many'. It means a lot!
- What do you call a communist dog? Karl Barx
Shout-out to "Matt & Tom" for that 😊 - Shoutout to the Ampersand for both increasing & decreasing the length of the word "and".
- Big shoutout to my great grandmother She can't hear me otherwise
- Shout-out to my arms For always being by my side
- I just want to give a shoutout to my legs. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.
- Shoutout to anyone Who doesn't know the opposite of in.
- Shoutout to Amy Winehouse She's been drug free for 5 years now
- So here's a shout-out to my grandpa... ..because he can't hear well.
- Shoutout to all the intensive care units... I.C.U
- Shoutout to all the intensive care units out there... ICU
- A big shoutout to all my Amish bros reading this
Hilarious Shoutout Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends
What funny jokes about shoutout you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean autobiography jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make shoutout pranks.
Bill Gates recently split up with Melinda Gates, who will take half of his belongings, including Microsoft office.
But she will only get Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint, because he always keeps his Word.
shoutout u/Duttywood
I was on a flight a few weeks ago, and our descent was very turbulent, followed by a hard landing that was quite jarring.
Once on the ground, our flight attendant announced, "Well, folks, that wasn't my fault, and it wasn't the captain's fault, but it was definitely the as-phalt."
The passenger reactions were a mix of chuckles and groans.
Shoutout to our Southwest Airlines flight crew from BUR-LAS flight 4606, good job keeping things safe!
A cop car pulls over Heisenberg as he's driving on the highway...
Officer: Do you know how fast you were going sir?
Heisenberg: No, but I know where I am.
Officer: Well, you were going EXACTLY 100 mph.
Heisenberg: Great! Now I'm lost!
Shout-out to my physics professor for making the Heisenberg uncertainty principle less boring today.
Shoutout to the ex-mobster who, through witness protection, was relocated in a house under the sea.
Rest easy, you're sleeping with the fishes now.
Calls that Roy Moore would win the election were...
Big shoutout to Alabama though for not becoming the joke of the whole country
Shoutout to all the people that got rid of their addictions to cold turkey
I just think not enough people talk about this epidemy that affects thousands of Americans
Shoutout to the women that checked on me last night
One of them was even nice enough by telling me i was in her house and that she was going to call the police.
Did you hear Monica Lewinsky is republican now?
The democrats left a bad taste in her mouth.
(Shoutout to south park for this joke, i had to share it)
What seperates black people and white people?
The bars.
Shoutout to my bud Treyvon for this joke from almost 7 years ago.
It feels good to go into the store and buy whatever I want without looking at the prices...
...Shoutout to the Dollar Tree!