
Shoryuken Jokes

10 shoryuken jokes and hilarious shoryuken puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shoryuken that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Shoryuken Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What is a good shoryuken joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

"Hey Ryu can I watch your next fight?"


Street Fighter Dad Joke

Chun-Li: Can I ask you a question, Ryu?

What did Ryu say when I asked if I could have some of his food?


I asked ryu if I could do a jumping uppercut on him...

He said Shoryuken

My mom told me that it's impossible to shoot fireballs from your hands.

I disagree, I told her shoryuken.

What did Ryu say to Ken when he asked if he could borrow his car?


Hey Ryu, can I use your bathroom?


Ryu, do you think I can make my dreams come true?


Can you perform a spinning dragon uppercut?


A man walks up to Ryu

"Can I see your famous Rising Dragon Fist?"

Shoryuken joke, A man walks up to Ryu

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Shoryuken joke, A man walks up to Ryu

Shoryuken joke, A man walks up to Ryu