Short Circuit Jokes
21 short circuit jokes and hilarious short circuit puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about short circuit that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Short Circuit Short Jokes
Short short circuit jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The short circuit humour may include short circuit jokes also.
- What do you call a court of appeals staffed entirely by people under 5 feet? A short circuit
- A battery and a light bulb were in a race. Who won? None of them:
The light bulb was blown away from the short circuit and the battery gave up because it couldn't resist it either. - An author signs up to do a lot of lectures around the world... ...but gets electrocuted after only three.
It was a short circuit. - A midget dressed up as a circuit board on Halloween night died you could say he short-circuited
- What do you call a racetrack made from faulty electronics that's not too long? A short circuit.
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Short Circuit One Liners
Which short circuit one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with short circuit? I can suggest the ones about shortage and short stop.
- Which course did Hillary Clinton select when playing Mario Kart? The short circuit
- I tried building a robotic midget... but it had a short circuit.
- Why did the electric car finish the race early? It had a short circuit.
- How long is a short circuit? As long as it takes to find it!
[Thanks dad] - How can you fix a short circuit? Lengthen it
- Why did the dwarf die from electrocution? He was a short circuit
- A lady was ironing her clothes and the iron short-circuits...
Short Circuit Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about short circuit you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean shorten jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make short circuit pranks.
Electrical Joke
Dad was a Bell System engineer. I told him that he had put up with BS for 40 years. But that is not his joke. His was:
How long is a short circuit?
As long as it takes to ***find*** it!
Two men were breaking into a high security software company...
They couldn't get their code breaker to work for the back door, so, in a last desperate attempt to short circuit the security, one of them peed on the access panel.
It began smoking, a couple sparks flew, and boom, the back door clicked open.
They looked at each other, impressed and relieved.