Shivering Jokes
30 shivering jokes and hilarious shivering puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shivering that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Shivering Short Jokes
Short shivering jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The shivering humour may include short trembling jokes also.
- What's the winter solstice's favorite type of humor? "Icy" jokes that leave you shivering with laughter.
- A big pepper is sitting on the couch when his small pepper roommate walks in the door shivering Big pepper: "Why are you shaking? Are you cold?"
Small pepper: "I'm a little chili." - My buddy takes his date's jacket to keep warm if it's cold... And they say shivering is dead.
- If pirates from the Pacific North West say "Shiver me timbers!", what do pirates from Iowa say? "Shiver me kernels!"
- What do you call Harrison Ford shivering in the corner of the Temple of Doom? Indiana Jonesing
- What should you do when you meet a beautiful woman with sparkling eyes, wet lips, pink cheeks, shivering body.... Keep going! She has flu symptoms!
- Black Panther Was Shivering *Somewhere in the Antarctic*
Captain America: "You look really cold T'Challa, do you need a jacket?"
Black Panther: "I never Fleece" - Stay away from G-mail if you don't want to get shivers down your spine There's clearly a draft in there.
- A Woman asks a Waiter What is this fly doing in my Ice cream?
The waiter says, "SHIVERING MADAM". - Finally figured out why babies shiver in the moments after birth It's all about being acclimated to the w**... temperature.
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Shivering One Liners
Which shivering one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with shivering? I can suggest the ones about shaking and feeling cold.
- What does a pirate say when he puts his peg leg in a freezer? Shiver me timbers!
- What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer? Shiver me timbers!
- What does a pirate carpenter say when he's cold? Shiver me timbers.
- Why was the pepper shivering? Because it was chilli.
- What does a pirate with back spasms say? Shiver me lumbars.
- There's a new dating app out there for pirates. It's called Shiver Me Tindrs.
- What do you call a shivering man who lets his wife sleep with other men? c-cold
- What do you call a cold wood? A shiver-me-timber
- What does a Pirate say when they cut down a tree? "Shiver me Timmbuuuuuuuuuurrrrr!!!"
- What's the biggest laziness? The moment when you don't even bother to shiver.
- I see you shiver with antici...
- What did the gay pirate say? Shiver me pink little timbers.
- What does a ship say when it is cold? Shiver me timbers!
- What did the cold tree say? Shiver me timbers!

Witty Shivering Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about shivering you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean shook jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make shivering pranks.
A blonde girl sets out to prove blonde aren't dumb
A blonde girl rents out a stadium and invites as many blondes as she can and sure enough 80,000 blondes fill the stadium and she films it all on live television. She invites a little 4 year old girl out in front of everyone and asks her what's 2+2? The little girl shivers and squeaks out T-three? The crowd erupts yelling Give her another chance! So they do and ask her again what's 2+2? The girl stands there for a moment before answering is it 4? The crowd starts chanting once again Give her another chance!
A couple finds a wounded skunk on the road. 'Where do I put it?' the lady asks...
A man and a woman are driving along when they see a wounded skunk on the side of the road. They stop, the woman gets out, picks it up, and brings it into the car.
She says, Look, it's shivering … it must be cold. What should I do?
He says, Put it between your legs.
She says, What about the smell?
He says, Hold its nose.
Dave was struggling with his parrot that was constantly using bad language, so he sought help from the vet.
Every time the bird swears," said the vet, "Put it in the freezer for 15 seconds.
Dave decided to follow the advice, and after trying it for the first time, found the parrot shivering and apologetic when he took it out of the freezer.
The bird said, "I'm sorry for all the bad language I've been using."
Dave was very surprised by the sudden transformation of his foul-mouthed bird.
Then the parrot said, By the way, what did the chicken do?
My doctor sent me for a prostate exam to the nearest hospital. I went, reluctantly, got called in the office and patiently suffered through the very personal examination.
When the examining surgeon left, a nurse came in and asked a question that sent shivers down my soul: Who the heck was that?
It was stormy weather outside, so I was really surprised to hear the doorbell ring.
The doorbell camera revealed it was my mother in law, completely soaked from the rain, and shivering in the icy wind. Concerned she might catch a cold, I hollered:
Please, don't just stand there!
Go home!
I really appreciate my mother in law. This is a joke (which I like to tell her once in a while). In-laws deserve to be treated with respect, just like real human beings.
Wild Life
A bear, a lion and a bat meet up. The bear says, "If I roar in the forests of North America, the entire forest is shivering with fear." The lion says, "And if I roar on the great plains of Africa, the entire savannah is afraid of me."
"Big deal!'' says the bat. "All I have to do is cough, and the entire planet shuts down."
A man buys a parrot but the only thing it does is insult the man...
After spending hours trying every possible solution to get it to shut up the man decides to put the parrot in the freezer. A few minutes pass and the parrot falls silent. Thinking he might of killed it the man opens the freezer and finds the parrot shivering but alive. S-s-sorry for i-i-i-insulting you s-sir. I p-p-promise I'll s-s-stop . The man takes the the parrot out of the freezer and after a few minutes the parrot shyly says i-if you don't mind m-me asking... w-what did the t-t-turkey do?
A married couple are driving along when they see a wounded skunk on the side of the road...
They stop, the wife gets out, picks it up, and brings it into the car. She says, "Look, it's shivering, it must be cold. What should I do?" Her husband replies, "Put it between your legs to keep it warm." She asks, "What about the smell?" He says, "Hold its nose."
Covid 19 and trump
Health secretary in a briefing to Trump: "Sir, in Chennai, India 36 Tamillians have been killed due to Corona Virus"
Trump is silent. His lips quiver. His hands shiver. His eyes wells up. He is unable to speak.
Health secretary is stunned. He never imagined that this event could affect him so badly.
After a few minutes, in a trembling voice, Trump asks "So, how many millions are there in *one tamillion?
Three old men, hard of hearing
Three old men, hard of hearing, are waiting at a bus stop on a hill, it's winter time.
The first man goes as he's shivering brrrr, it's windy !
The second one responds it's not Wednesday, it's Thursday ,
And the third man says I'm thirsty too, let's go grab a beer !
I was talking to a girl at school one day and she was talking to me and she asked how tall I was and I answered 6'4 and she shivered and then I said Maybe 6'5 and she screamed. Then I asked her What's wrong with you?
She said Nothing, I'm just afraid of heights.