Shell Jokes
167 shell jokes and hilarious shell puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shell that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Turtle jokes may be all the rage, but this article has something for everyone—from sea shell to egg shell to peanut shell—hilarity abounds! Read on to discover jokes about all kinds of shells, including Marcel the Shell, Unix Shell, and Snail Shell. Laugh your shell off over this article of shell jokes!
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Funniest Shell Short Jokes
Short shell jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The shell humour may include short shore jokes also.
- My girlfriend got a tattoo of a shell on her thigh Every time I lay my ear on it I can smell the sea.
- Barack Obama goes to a costume party while giving his wife a piggyback ride. Someone asks him what he's dressed up as and he responds I'm a snail! That's M'Shell on my back
- I had a racing snail, I thought it would be faster if I removed it's shell... It only made it more sluggish.
- I entered a my pet snail into a race and removed its shell thinking it would make it faster... Unfortunately, it only made it more sluggish.
- I removed the shell from my racing snail. I thought it would make it faster, but if anything it's more sluggish.
- I pulled the shell off of my snail to make him faster Turned out it had the opposite effect, now he's a little sluggish.
- I wanted to make my racing snail faster.. So I took off its shell. If anything it became a lot more sluggish.
- You'd think a snail would be faster without it's shell, But it's actually more sluggish...
- I used to own a racing snail... It never won though. To improve its performance I removed its shell but, if anything, it made it more sluggish
- How do you make a racing snail faster? I tried taking his shell off but it only made him more sluggish.
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Shell One Liners
Which shell one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with shell? I can suggest the ones about shaft and ashes.
- Why did the mermaid wear seashells? Because she grew out of b shells
- Why does Ariel wear seashells? Because she can't fit into D shells
- Why does Aeriel always wear Sea Shells? Because D shells were too big
- What do you call a snail without a shell? Less Cargo.
- Ever wonder why Ariel wears seashells? Because she outgrew the B-shells
- Why do mermaids wear sea shells? B shells aren't big enough.
- Why do mermaids wear seashells? Because B shells are too small and D shells are too big.
- What did the python say when he came out of his shell? Print("Hello World!")
- Why does the little mermaid wear seashells? Because she's too big for B shells
- Q: Why did Ariel wear seashells? A: Because she grew out of her B shells.
- Why does the Little Mermaid wear seashells? She outgrew her B-shells.
- I know The Little Mermaid's breast size. It's obvious. She's wearing C-shells.
- Why does the little mermaid wear sea shells? She's not big enough for d shells.
- What did barack obama say when he dropped his shell at the beach? Oh no Michelle !
- Why did the mermaid wear sea shells? Cause she was too big for B- shells!
Snail Shell Jokes
Here is a list of funny snail shell jokes and even better snail shell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I took the shell off of my pet snail because I thought it would make him move faster ...if anything, it made him more sluggish
- I removed the shell from my racing snail thinking he'd be faster.. He's actually more sluggish now.
- Today I decided to take the shell off my racing snail, thinking it would make him move faster... If anything he seems more sluggish!
- I had a racing snail... To make him more aero-dynamic I took off its shell. If anything it made him more sluggish
- Snail Racing My friend owned a racing snail. It never won any races so he removed the shell to make it go faster. Sadly it didn't work, if anything it made it more sluggish
- I used to have a a racing snail that kept losing. I decided to remove its shell to try and speed it up, if anything it made it more sluggish.
- I thought my snail's shell was weighing him down, but after I removed it he appeared even more sluggish.
- I took the shell off my racing snail, hoping it would make him faster. But, unfortunately, it just made him more sluggish.
- I decided to remove my racing snail's shell to make him go faster. But if anything, it just made him more sluggish.
- I bought myself a snail to race other snails.. I took its shell off to see if it would go any faster.
If anything it just made it more sluggish
Sea Shell Jokes
Here is a list of funny sea shell jokes and even better sea shell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My girlfriend has a tattoo of a sea shell on her inner thigh. When you put your ear on it, you can smell the ocean.
- I met this girl with a tattoo of a sea shell on her inner thigh She told that if I put my ear to it, I can smell the ocean.
- Why does the little mermaid wear sea-shells? Cause B-shells are too small, and D- shells are too big.
- I heard the titanic got a new job... She sells sea shells down by the sea floor.
I hear it's a pretty high pressure job. - Someone told me that if you hold a Shell up you can hear the sea All I got was 6 years for armed robbery.
- It's really hard for me to tell people what my wife does for a living. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
- There's no easy way to say this..... She sells sea shells on the sea shore, the shells that she sells are sea shells for sure.
- Why did Ariel wear sea shells? The D shells were too large.
- My mother does unspeakable things at the beach. She sells sea-shells on the seashore.
- Why do mermaids wear sea shells? Because they can't fit in d-shells.

Turtle Shell Jokes
Here is a list of funny turtle shell jokes and even better turtle shell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My 5 year olds joke Why did the turtle cross the road
To get to the shell station - The gun fight between the turtles and tortoise was barbaric! Empty shells everywhere.
- what do u call a turtle running on a 9V rechargeable battery? Dura-Shell
- Why did the turtle stop the car? To get gas at the shell station.
- What did the turtle do when he ran out of gas? He went to the Shell station.
- What is wrong with a turtle who can't come out of his shell? Ereptile dysfunction
- Do you think turtles live longer than humans because... they live a shell-tered life?
- Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the shell station!
- How do turtles communicate? With shell phones.
- What type of jokes do turtles like? Shell-arious ones.
(My sister came up with this one, cut her some slack, she's seven)
Tortoise Shell Jokes
Here is a list of funny tortoise shell jokes and even better tortoise shell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The Tortoise challenged the Hare The Tortoise said race you home!
The Hare began sprinting. The Tortoise retracted into his shell. - A tortoise was really depressed. He went into his shell.
- What do you call a tortoise without a shell? Tortwas
- What do you call a tortoise that won't come out of its shell? Tautistic.
🙄 - What do you call a tortoise in a shell suit? A tortoise.
- I had to bury my pet tortoise yesterday... It was sad, now he's just a shell of his former self.
Egg Shell Jokes
Here is a list of funny egg shell jokes and even better egg shell puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you know Sean Connery used to save the egg shells from pancake day and paint them to use for egg hunts at Easter? It was an egg shell lent idea
- What did John Lennon say when he got egg shells in his cake? Yolko Oh-no
- Years ago I made friends with an egg yolk that was extremely shy. But over time I helped it come out of it's shell.
- A joke my younger brother once made up when he was 5 years old: Where do homeless egg shells go? ...the shelter.
- This isn't the flavor that I asked for I asked for shell-in egg salad!
- Why did the egg go to psychological counseling? Because it was suffering from shell shock.
- With Easter coming up With Easter coming up it has me wondering. Is the Easter bunny a shell for big egg?

Uproarious Shell Jokes to Share with Friends
What funny jokes about shell you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean shadow jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make shell pranks.
Daylight robbery...
I got robbed today at Shell gas station.
I called the cops, and they asked if I knew who did it.
I said, "Yeah, pump 6."
What do you call Bruce Lee stuffed in a shell?
A crustacean
A child asks his father:
Why is grandpa running daddy?
Shut up son, and give me another shell.
How is an accordion like an artillery shell?
Once you hear it, it's already too late.
I removed the shell from my pet snail...
because I thought it would move around quicker. Now it's just really sluggish
What did one ocean say to the other?
Nothing- they just waved.
Are you shore you get it?
Do you sea what I did there?
I should shell some better puns
But I cant dolphink of any!
And what would be the porpose of that?
When Im having a whale of a time saying these?
Sorry if these jokes are making you crabby.
I took the shell off my racing snail...
... thinking it would make it go faster. If anything it just made it more sluggish.
What do you call a greedy crab?
Shell fish......
Racing snail.
My racing snail hadn't been out for a while, so i took his shell off to make him more streamlined. Unfortunately, it just made him more sluggish.
A blond chick gets a new tattoo...
So later at the bar with her friends she hikes up her skirt to show off a conch shell tattooed high on her inner thigh, near her snootch.
One of her friends asks, "Why did you get it so on your thigh?"
"So that when you put your ear against it, you can smell the ocean."
I removed the shell of my racing snail to make it go faster.
But it just made it more sluggish.
I recently went to a gathering for turtles...
..bit dull. None of us came out of our shell.
I took the shell off my racing snail to speed it up.
If anything it made it more sluggish.
Sure, Aphrodite poses n**... in a giant clam shell, she's a goddess.
But when I do it, I'm ''drunk' and 'no longer welcome at the aquarium'.
What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing! They just WAVED.
SEA what I did there?
I'm SHORE you did.
Let MINNOW if you are not getting it.
SHELL I continue??
No?.. I guess I'll stop WHALE I'm ahead.
Thanks ladies and gentlefish
From my 7 year old daughter: What do you call a girl shell?
A she shell.
I thought removing a snail's shell would make it faster...
Turns out, it only makes it more sluggish.
I put on one of those things that prevents me from ever having children.
A shell suit.
My wife has a shell tattood on her upper thigh..
And if you lay your ear on top of it, you can smell the sea.
My wife has a tattoo of a shell on the inside of her thigh...
It's a really weird thing, when you lay your ear on it you smell the sea.
- I hope it came off right, thats an old joke they tell in my country
Did you hear about the shy m**... turtle?
he really came out of his shell
How do you take a picture of the Little Mermaid?
Using Ariel photography. (If that doesn't work, try your shell phone.)
What's the difference between a hard and soft shell taco from Taco Bell?
About 25 seconds in the microwave.
Did you hear about the snail that thought it might be able to go faster if it removed it's shell?
Did you hear about the snail that thought it might be able to go faster if it removed it's shell?
It actually ended up being more sluggish
I didn't hear the sea when I held a Shell up
I did, however, get six years in jail for armed robbery of a petrol station.
I tried to give iodine a full electron shell...
...but iodide.
My girlfriend got a tattoo of a conch shell on her inner thigh...
Every time I lay my ear on it I can smell the ocean.
If I lie there long enough, I get c**... on my forehead.
As I was walking through the woods I got hit in the head by some shell fragments.
I tried to ignore it but it happened a second time and then a third.
Looking up in anger I saw two squirrels that looked like they were up to no good, so I screamed up at them, "what are you trying to do start a war?!?!"
The bigger of the two looked down at me and said, "nah man, just trying to bust a nut."
I took the shell off my racing snail so that he would go faster
but now he is a little sluggish.
A blonde gets a tattoo...
...On her inner thigh of a conch shell.
Friend: Why did you get a conch shell tattoo on your inner thigh?
Blonde: So that when you put your ear against it you can smell the ocean.
My snail entered a race, I took off his shell to make him faster. But It backfired.
If anything it made him more sluggish...
I know a guy who thinks he's a peanut shell.
He's a real nutcase.
The comments about Mitch McConnell looking like a turtle without a shell are particularly apt...
since he's clearly missing his spine.
Took The Shell Off Of My Racing Snail,
I Thought He Would Go Faster But It Only Made Him 'Sluggish'.
A guy wanted to speed up his snail - so he took it's shell off.
if anything, he made it more sluggish.
I thought if I removed a snail's shell it would become faster
But instead it became more sluggish.
I wanted to help my pet snail.
He was really slow like, so one day I took off his shell, thought it'd make him more streamlined. Turns out it didn't. It made him more sluggish.
I took my pet snail's shell off to see if he could go faster.
But now he's just more sluggish.
I removed my snail's shell because I thought it would make him faster
It seems it only made him more sluggish.
Someone told me if you take a snail out of its shell, it'll move faster.
But actually, it just makes them more sluggish.
I removed the shell from my racing snail to help him go faster
If anything , it made him more sluggish
A snail thought taking off his shell would make him faster...
But it just made him more *sluggish*
What kind of pictures does Shaun Connery take?
alt. What kind of pictures do fish take?
alt. What do hermit c**... call their utility bills?
Shell Fees
alt. Why did my wife leave me?
Can you run an OS without a GUI?
Shell yeah!
I had a snail when I was a kid
The snail was moving very slowly so I thought if I took his shell off he might move a bit quicker.
He ended up just being a bit sluggish.
Shelly sells seashells down by the seashore
Shelly got chlamydia.
What do you call a female crab who is also single?
Ms. Shell
What's the difference between Kylie Jenner and an egg?
One is just a fragile shell, containing contents so shallow, they hardly give any sustenance to those who want it. And if dropped, or tossed away, can be easily replaced by bunch of others, exactly like them.
And the other is an egg.
Why cant you call anybody while at the beach?
Because the shell service was so bad.
What does an oyster use when its shell is dry?
The IRS is investigating a seafood company in Hawaii which dealt in mollusks
They suspect it of being a shell company being in fishy business
I bought a racing snail
I bought a racing snail but it kept losing. In desperation I removed it's shell, thinking it would be lighter and faster.
It didn't work, it became more sluggish.
I took the shell off my racing snail to help him go faster.
Didn't work. It actually made him more sluggish.
You would think that a snail without a shell would move a bit faster...
But it's actually more sluggish.
A tortoise went out for a few beers and despite being severely worse for wear decided to walk home through the rough part of town. Half way home he was set upon by four snails who beat him senseless and stole what little money he still had and as a final insult they sprayed obscenities on his shell . Utterly distraught he was taken to the local police station where the inspector asked if he could remember anything about the assailants .
No - it all happened so quickly
Electron joke
Why did the electron went up to the 3rd shell?
It was Bohrd