
Sharon Jokes

23 sharon jokes and hilarious sharon puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sharon that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Sharon Short Jokes

Short sharon jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sharon humour may include short royal jokes also.

  1. Son: Dad, what's the opposite of Karen? Dad: Umm, I don't know, Sharon...?
    Son: But I thought Sharon was Karen.
  2. Why do white women like trading stories about asking for the manager? Because Sharon is Karen.
  3. I was sleeping with two twins for while in my 20s.... My friends all asked, "how can you tell them apart?" I replied, "well...Sharon has long blonde hair, and Derek has a beard."
  4. I feel bad for all the nice women named Karen who have to deal with the bad stereotype of asking for managers. Sharon's too.. Because Sharon is Karen
  5. Don't believe everything you read in public toilets Sharon was not up for a good time and it was a very awkward phone call
  6. Don't believe everything you read in public toilets Don't believe everything you read in public toilets. Sharon is not up for a good time. What an awkward phone call that was...
  7. Why did the lady with multiple personality disorder share her food with a friend? Because Sharon is Karen.
  8. A study by the Bureau of Consumer Protection has determined that the most common first name on consumer complaints is actually "Sharon." My kindergarten teacher was right. Sharon is Karen.
  9. The best years of my life were spent in the arms of another man's wife. Thank you mom, for never telling anyone about Sharon.
  10. What did the stingy schizophrenic finally come to realize after years of therapy? That Sharon is Karen...

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Sharon One Liners

Which sharon one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sharon? I can suggest the ones about altar and saint.

  1. what do you call a communist karen? sharon
  2. I think I'm Transgender... ... It's not important, I just felt like Sharon.
  3. Have you heard of the book Living in Polygamy ? By Sharon Peters
  4. so sharon: ocr
    miss gregson: lol
    khan: :P
  5. Sharon Stone has hit menopause. You can't get blood from a Stone.
  6. Did you guys hear about identity theft? Sharon is Karen!
  7. What do you call Aaron Rodgers' generous daughter? Sharon Rodgers
  8. What's the National Vegetable of Israel? Ariel Sharon
  9. Basic Instinct Star Cast in "The Carpenters" Biopic This summer:

Sharon joke, Basic Instinct Star Cast in "The Carpenters" Biopic

Gather Around for Heartwarming Sharon Jokes and Uplifting Humor

What funny jokes about sharon you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean majesty jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sharon pranks.

Recently I met a pair of twins named Sharon and Karen

They were wearing the same clothes, same makeup, and same personality. In fact, they were pretty much the same person. So I guess it is just as they say,
Sharon is Karen

We've all heard the one about the twin boys - once you've seen Juan you've seen Jamal. But have you heard the one about the twin girls -

Sharon is Karen.

What did the man, who had always dreamed of having a t**..., say when he found out that his wife, named Sharon, had a twin sister named Karen?

"Well, Sharon is Karen"

Sharon joke, What did the man, who had always dreamed of having a t**..., say when he found out that his wife, na