
Shallow Jokes

44 shallow jokes and hilarious shallow puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shallow that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Shallow Short Jokes

Short shallow jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The shallow humour may include short narrow jokes also.

  1. Does size matter? Some women say size doesn't matter.
    Some even say that they prefer smaller ones. I think that they're just shallow.
  2. What did the Olympic size swimming pool say to the kiddie pool? I can't be your friend anymore you're just too shallow!
  3. I was on a date with a girl who called me shallow. I was like Yeah, but only on the surface.
  4. I was mowing my lawn and I found a shallow unmarked grave and I can't stop laughing I don't know why I just found this humerus
  5. What do Buzz Lightyear and Bees have in common? They both can fly.
    You thought I was going to make a pun? I'm not that shallow.
    Now buzz off.
  6. If a priest went swimming in the shallow end where all the kids are would he touch bottom?
  7. Some women can be so shallow. I mean everything was going great at our first dinner date until I told her what kind of car I lived in.
  8. I left my girlfriend because she lost an ear It may sound shallow but I take my corn seriously
  9. I'm tired of people hating on integral calculus for being so shallow! Integrals are more than just the sum of its parts!
  10. My therapist said the fact that I keep digging that weird hole is shallow I said it's deep for me

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Shallow One Liners

Which shallow one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with shallow? I can suggest the ones about deep and hollow.

  1. My wife is so shallow I should probably move her body before someone spots it
  2. Why did the kiddie pool have no friends? Because it was too shallow.
  3. Why'd the one eyed man marry the shallow girl? He lacked depth perception.
  4. Why can a Kardashian never drown? They're always way too shallow.
  5. My first wife was too shallow for my liking so I dug a deeper hole.
  6. What do you call a Muslim guy who won't date fat chicks? Shallow halal.
  7. I could never date someone who swims in the kiddy pool... They're just too shallow for me
  8. Sometimes I think my wife's a bit shallow I wouldn't want the dog digging her up
  9. My bathtub is just like me. Shallow and not quite long enough.
  10. You're proof that every good gene pool has a shallow end.
  11. What happens to superficial people when they die? They end up in a shallow grave.
  12. What made the soccer player romantically shallow? He was just trying to score
  13. This is gonna sound shallow... but I hate the deep end of the pool.
  14. Girl are you a shallow grave by a river Because I want to bury a baby in you
  15. Why did the Red sea not find a good husband? because she was too shallow.

Shallow joke, Why did the Red sea not find a good husband?

Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Shallow Jokes with Friends.

What funny jokes about shallow you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean trivial jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make shallow pranks.

A pig goes to the doctors with swine flu.

The doctor gives him a leaflet for a therapeutic spa and tells him to go straight there.
When he gets there he's instructed to lay in a shallow bath of salt and sugar.
He chuckles to himself and thinks, "what's this supposed to do, cure me!"

My ex...

My ex was like a rock pool. Shallow, but interesting. And upon closer inspection I found c**....

What's the difference between Kylie Jenner and an egg?

One is just a fragile shell, containing contents so shallow, they hardly give any sustenance to those who want it. And if dropped, or tossed away, can be easily replaced by bunch of others, exactly like them.
And the other is an egg.

I took my kids to the local pool the other day..

We were down the shallow end when I had the sudden urge to pee. I slowly and inconspicuously made my way up to the deep end to relieve myself. As I'm about halfway through the lifeguard noticed what I was doing. He blew his whistle so hard I nearly fell in.

I, an Orca, tried to warn my brother countless times.

He just had to eat that family of dolphins in shallow water.
Well, the idiot beached himself.
If I told him once I told him a thousand times.
Don't eat Tide Pods.

Went out with this girl I met on Ok Cupid, I think we clicked, but I never asked her out again. I know this makes me shallow, I just couldn't handle how many kids she had.

To be fair, it was my own fault, she clearly stated in her profile that she was a goat farmer...

It's upsetting how obsessed Catholics are with this whole "Body Of Christ" thing

He's really smart and interesting, and has got an amazing personality, too, but it's not like anyone that shallow would ever bother finding out.

Where do h**... like to hang out during the summer?

The shallow end of the gene pool.

How much money do h**... with shallow vaginas make?

Just the tips.

Did you hear about the landmark Supreme Court case concerning the best way to cross a shallow creek?

It was *Row versus Wade.*

Shallow joke, Did you hear about the landmark Supreme Court case concerning the best way to cross a shallow creek?