Shack Jokes
24 shack jokes and hilarious shack puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about shack that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Shack Short Jokes
Short shack jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The shack humour may include short shook jokes also.
- What do you call the shack where all the halfling nuns wearing too small shoes live? The hobbled habited hobbit habitat.
- I'm Going To Open A New Furniture Shop It's going to specialize in couches/sofas/chairs, etc...
It shall be named:
The Shack of Sit - I thought I was in heaven when I happened upon a shack in the middle of the desert. It had a sign that read, 'Cannabis Hut, get baked for free!' Apparently, cannibals can't spell very well.
- No way Jose! Another? I can Harvey believe it. Irma find somewhere safer to live. The local chicken shack changed its name in honor of the occasion. They're now Raisin HurriCanes.
- Shaquille O'neal must be a big fan of the B-52's. He closes all his letters with Love Shack.
- A £1 and a £2 A £1 and a £2 are making drugs in a shack.
There's a 50 pence on watch. One day while £1 amd £2 are making drugs the 50p bursts through the doors and says "We've got coppers." - I met the most interesting eel the other day. His name was Oscar Neale and he lived in a tiny wooden house. They called him "Shack Eel O. Neale"
- My girlfriend thinks the gopher from Caddy Shack is a good dancer... But, I think he's alright.
- What's the difference between a furniture store and our current president? One is a shack of sit, and the other is a sack of s**...\[THIS JOKE HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN BY THE NSA\]
- What's the difference between a smartass and a d**...? One is as sharp as a tack, the other uses a tarp for a shack.
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Shack One Liners
Which shack one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with shack? I can suggest the ones about whack and shaker.
- In 49 states in America, a crab shack is a restaurant. In Florida, it's a changing room.
- Nick Cannon is the new face of Radio Shack both of which apparently still excist
- What's an Arab favourite restaurant? Sheik shack
And for drinks it's the alluhak bar. - Shaq How much shack could a Shaq man build if a Shaq man could build shack?
- Come to Crab's Joe Shack We have Stu.
- Welcome to jim's seafood shack and brothel... (n**...) The c**... are buy one get one free
Fun-Filled Shack Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about shack you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sack jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make shack pranks.
Lady barges into radio shack
She grabs at the nearest employee and exclaims:
"I need a pack of double A batteries RIGHT NOW!"
The employee, flustered, replies: "All right, stay calm and just ... come this way", as he gestures her to follow him with a wave of his fingers.
She yells "If I could do that, I wouldn't need the batteries!"
A spy is getting instructions for his mission: You will parachute in a field behind the enemy lines. By the field there is a shack by a road. Behind the shack there is bicycle. Ride the bicycle 10 miles north and you will be in a village where you will meet your contact at the local tavern. He will give further information.
That evening the spy is dropped from the airplane. The parachute doesn't open. The spy complains: I bet there is no bicycle either .
A wealthy man died and went to heaven.
He was met at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter who led him down the streets of gold.
They passed mansion after mansion until they came to the very end of the street.
Saint Peter stopped the rich man in front of a little shack.
This belongs to you, said Saint Peter.
Why do I get this ugly thing when there are so many mansions I could live in? the man demanded.
We did the best we could with the money you sent us! Saint Peter replied.
When I was road tripping through Maine I saw a shack at the side of the road with a sign saying $2 Lobster tails.
I thought this sounded like a bargain so I stopped, I paid my $2 and the old man at the window says "once upon a time there was this lobster..."
Ivan and Piotr are drinking in a shack out in the woods...
They've been drinking for three days straight and have finally run completely out of booze.
Piotr turns to Ivan and says, "Vanya, go look in the shed out back, see if there's anything to drink there."
Ivan stumbles back with a bottle of methanol in his hand. "Well, we could drink this, but we'd go blind."
Piotr looks around the shack, stares out the window a moment, and says, "I think I've seen enough."
Favorite interactive joke from my childhood.
You go to shake someone's hand and continue shaking it for the whole length of the joke.
F1: hey my name is ***** what's yours?
F2: my names ****
F1: nice to meet you. Do you live in a house?
F1: I live in a shack... do you use the toliet?
F1: I have to use a can...... do you use toliet paper?
F2: Yes
F1: I use my hands
A Priest Dies and Goes to Heaven...
A priest dies and meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter says to him, "Welcome to Heaven; for your devout service to God, we have your accommodations ready."
It was a one room shack. His neighbor, a cab driver, had a stately mansion.
Weeks go by, and the priest seeks out St. Peter again. "I don't mean to complain, but I don't understand why my living quarters are sparse, when compared to that of my neighbor."
"Oh, that's simple," said St. Peter. "You put your congregation to sleep with your sermons. The cabbie, on the other hand, made his passengers pray with his driving."