Setup Jokes
58 setup jokes and hilarious setup puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about setup that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Are you looking for some good jokes to make your friends and family laugh? Check out this article to learn some of the best long and short setup jokes with name prompts and their actual punchlines. Setup your own jokes and learn how to make them funnier.
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Funniest Setup Short Jokes
Short setup jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The setup humour may include short setting jokes also.
- A blind man and a conspiracy theorist walk into a bar The blind man hits his head. This must have been a setup.
- Earth, Venus, Mars, and jupiter were going to setup a party But they failed because nobody knew how to planet
- If I had a nicker for every misspelling on this sub... I'd still be in a lot less trouble than you for saying that setup out loud.
- A football team should setup a charity that gives presents to children with Down Syndrome ...and call it Touch Downs.
- I would tell you a joke about Ikea furniture... But the setup takes to long and the final product is mediocre.
- My friend told me a joke about dominos. It had a really long setup, but in the end it fell flat.
- I'm painting my entry door and my kid walks downstairs... And asks "Hey Dad how's the door doin'?"
And I respond "eh it's hanging in there."
Best setup for a Dad joke I had yet. - A good joke is like pregnancy You could have the best setup, but its all over if the delivery goes wrong
- I wrote the perfect joke about OCD... as soon as I get the punchline to have the same number of letters as the set-up, I'll post it for you guys.
- My grandpa says, "Comedians are too dark and don't tell set-up punchline jokes anymore." So, a suicidal teen walks into a car.
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Setup One Liners
Which setup one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with setup? I can suggest the ones about assemble and sets.
- Don't trust installation files... They're all a setup.
- An unfunny joke. What do you get when you switch the setup and punch line?
- Punchline Challenge: "And by the way, you've got a lovely home!" What's the setup ?
- A quip in which the punchline comes before the set-up. What is a Jeopardy joke?
- If you want to setup a company and run it Then that's your business.
- Two gentiles meet on the street.
One says, "How's business?"
The other says, "Great!" - Don't take the class on setups, the professor is so old
- Do you prefer fixed or open setup races?
- Intriguing set-up Funny punchline
- How do IT guys work out? They do setups.
- When at a school dance, where does a parched set-up go for catharsis? The punchline
- OK - who knows their Soupy Sales lines? I'll give you the set-ups, you give us the lines.
- *Interesting title* *Bait*
*punchline* - How many Hilary Clinton aides does it take to setup a private server? [REDACTED]
Uproarious Setup Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time
What funny jokes about setup you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean prepare jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make setup pranks.
Does anybody have a joke where the punchline would make no sense if heard alone? I'm thinking like in movies and shows where you come in on a character telling the punchline and everybody laughs hysterically.
I've always wanted to hear the setup to one of those type of jokes.
Three people are given the death sentence...
They are given a choice, guillotine or rifle for their execution.
The first convict states he will take the guillotine. When they setup and release, the blade gets stuck and the sheriff states "it is not your time, you may go."
The second decides on guillotine as well, the blade gets stuck and they also let him free.
The third says "Well, since the guillotine isn't working, I will take death by rifle."
Request: A joke involving an Indian, an Irish, an Aussie and a Brazilian
This resumes the current setup at home, whenever I tell someone it sounds like I'm starting a joke... please help me finding a real joke to use.
I can't find this joke.
No, that was not a setup for a joke, I can't remember the original joke that goes something like
"I'm as straight as an uncooked noodle."
"Well even noodles get curvy when things get s**...," or whatever.
I can't find it and I'm frustrated.
Please help. If anybody finds it I'll reply a joke to them.
Who reads the news AND makes coffee?
Katie Keurig.
(I know the setup might need some work but I just like the punchline I made up.)
I'll make the punchline, you create the set-up.
And that's how I found out...
what toxic shock means.
I've only heard the setup for this joke, anybody know the rest?
A Jew and a p**... are in a rainstorm...
That's all I know and I've been dying to find out the rest. Anybody have any ideas?
Here's a joke without a setup or a punchline.
That was the joke.
(Credit to: Liam Williams UK comedian)
I can't write jokes, but a friend of mine gave me a foolproof formula. He said "Start with a natural set-up, lead the audience in one direction, then hit them with a punch line they weren't expecting."
So here goes:
Walk forwards.
Turn left.
Sometimes I'll write the setup for a really good pun but just get bored and give up...
I've been accused of being a deadbeat dad-joker.
An uneducated father with his educated son went on a camping trip. They set-up their tent and fell asleep. Some hours later, the father woke up his son.
Father- "Look up to the sky and tell me what you see."
Son- "I see millions of stars."
Father- "And what does that tell you?"
Son- "Astronomically, it tells that there are millions of galaxies and planets."
Father slaps the son hard and says- "Idiot, someone has stolen our tent"
The author of a college textbook writes a joke with the setup: "Suppose that there is a bird in your hand."
The punchline is left as an exercise for the reader.
Interesting title
I swear to god, someone will repost this and get to front page
I setup a Facebook group for Chinese n**...'s.
So far it's got three r**...'s.
This is the setup-- You're waiting behind people to get a drink at a school dance. And this is the punchline--
So Tech Source got robbed........
Some people say it was a setup
I suppose it would be fitting
He's kind of obsessed with setups
The setups were walking along, minding their own business, when suddenly they started, turned, and checked behind them, confused.
There was no bar.
Two comedians are walking on a street
"Are you more of a set-up or punch-line kind of person?", asks the first.
The second replies: "Oh, definitely a set-up person."
A priest, a rabbi, and a hipster walk into a bar...
The hipster says "man, this set-up is soooo played-out. I'm not gonna ruin my cred by staying, so I'm outie 5000." He then gets on his fixed-gear bicycle and rides it home to his loft that he pays for with money from his trust fund. He reads Bukowski by tap light in his futon until he falls asleep. And he lived ironically ever after.
A student asked for a makeup exam due to being hospitalized for testicular torsion.
Can you believe the b**... on this guy?
Note: the setup to the punchline is real.
You might be a necropheliac if...
Shout out to Jeff Foxworthy for the inspiration. Here we go.
You might be a necropheliac if...
Your version of tinder is the local obituaries.
You have detailed knowledge of the security setup of every f**... home and cemetery in your city.
The contents of your trunk include a shovel, a flashlight, and a dozen roses.
You have been notified in writing that your repeated applications to work at the county morgue will not result in an interview.
Your nicest clothes smell of Cologne, formaldehyde and shame.
And finally...
All of your dates give you the cold shoulder, and you absolutely love it.
Bob Seger sits in a park with a tired-eyed old man. He's learning how to play chess.
After going over the layout and setup of the board, the old man begins a lesson on to the movement of the individual pieces.
Queens move in all directions, any distance. Kings are the same but with only one space. He didn't understand the knight, though.
Two in one direction, then one to the side.
Hm, funny how the knight moves.
Fake out clean jokes
Some of my favorite jokes are ones where the set-up sounds like it's going to be offensive, but the punch line takes it back to clean town. My top 3 examples:
I like my email passwords like I like my ladies... Same one for the last 10 years.
If it wasn't for the Arabs, we'd have never had 9/11! We'd have had IX/XI.
What do you call a black guy on the moon? \*delivered with a bit of disgust\* An astronaut, you racist!
Any others like this?
A baton-twirling dancer walks into bar...
The bartender is delighted to see her.
"It's so good to see a fresh face It's so drab seeing the same lawyers and rabi's here! Like, can you get any more tired of the same setup?"
"I know!" replies the dancer, "I'm so sick of those overused..."
Just then, a horse walks into a bar. The bartender rolls his eyes and the dancer sighs and begins walking over to the horse, baton in hand.
"What are you doing?" asks the bartender.
The baton-twirling dancer turns, "I'm not entirely sure yet, but it looks like we're about to beat a dead horse."