Servant Jokes
75 servant jokes and hilarious servant puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about servant that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Looking for a laugh? This article brings together the best jokes about servant leadership, civil servant roles, the master-servant relationship, the Queen, Jeeves and the Valet. Read on for a collection of the funniest jokes about servants!
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Funniest Servant Short Jokes
Short servant jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The servant humour may include short preacher jokes also.
- Have you noticed that if you google the phrase "lost medieval servant boy" The search returns "Page not found".
- Britain has invented a new missile It's called the civil servant - it doesn't work and it can't be fired.
- Have you noticed if you Google the term "lost medieval servant boy" It says "page not found"
- What happens if you google "Lost Medieval Servant Boy"? It says "This paige cannot be found".
- Have you noticed that if you google the phrase "lost medieval servant boy" It comes back with "this page cannot be found"
- Mr. Trump told his servant to water the plant outside the house The servant said, "But sir, it's raining outside"
Mr. Trump replied, "Can't you use the umbrella?" - A man told his servant, "Call me a taxi, Larry" The servant replied, "Sure sir, You're a taxi."
- An honest politician, a hard-working civil servant and Santa Claus find a 100 dollar bill. Who gets to keep it?
Santa does, the other two are creatures of myth and legend. - If you do a Google search for "lost mideivel servant boy" It will tell you "this Page cannot be found."
- I tried searching the internet for a medieval servant boy... but I kept getting the same error.
Page not found!
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Servant One Liners
Which servant one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with servant? I can suggest the ones about savior and mistress.
- If you Google "lost mediaeval servant boy" You get "This page cannot be found".
- I Googled "Missing Medieval Servant" It came back: "Page Not Found"
- Tried Googling "Missing Medieval Servant" but I kept getting Page Not Found
- Servant: Sire Sire! The peasants are revolting! King: Yes, Aren't they
- What do you call a butler with false teeth? An indentured servant.
- I googled 'lost medieval servant boy'... The result was 'This page cannot be found.'
- I got a guy who makes false teeth for me. He's an indentured servant.
- What do you call a sad servant of God? Depriest
- What do you call a servant with fake teeth? An indentured servant
- If Jason Bateman had a servant... Would his servant call him Master Bateman?
- I googled 'missing medieval servant boy' 404 Paige not found
- What do you call a butler with a new set of teeth? An endentured servant
- Hey, God, how do you like your steak cooked? "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
- Why were the dolphin emporer's servants so important? They served a porpoise.
- What do you call a male servant? A maid man
Civil Servant Jokes
Here is a list of funny civil servant jokes and even better civil servant puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you hear about the math club's failed attempt to overthrow the government by gradually filling in vacant civil servant jobs with their members? It was a pseudo-coup.
- A mugger attacks a man in an alley, and demands all his money. The man cries, "I'm a civil servant; I don't *have* any money!"
The mugger sneers, "Alright. Then give me all of *my* money." - How many civil servants does it take to set fire to Guy Fawkes on November 5th?
Twenty, One to strike the match and nineteen to fill in the paper work.
Public Servant Jokes
Here is a list of funny public servant jokes and even better public servant puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What kind of servants has power over the people they serve? A public one..

Indentured Servant Jokes
Here is a list of funny indentured servant jokes and even better indentured servant puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I am a waiter in need of false teeth. Do I need to look for a new job? I don't think indentured servants are legal any more.
- I got a set of false teeth put in but couldn't pay for them, so now I have to help out at the dentist's office I guess that makes me an indentured servant
- What do you call a dentist who works for free? An indentured servant.
- What do you call an indentured servant hired specifically to cut meat for you? A *Filet Minion*.
Master Servant Jokes
Here is a list of funny master servant jokes and even better master servant puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- A very rich landlord lives in a mansion... He has lots of servants in the mansion. Usually, everyone calls him Edward. Edward Bates. But his servants call him Master Bates.
- Why doesn't Jason Bateman have a servant? Because they always refer to him as "Master Bateman"
- Money is a good servant... ... but a bad master.
Servant Leadership Jokes
Here is a list of funny servant leadership jokes and even better servant leadership puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The fastest, most effective way to learn about servant leadership is to take a puppy for a walk.

Howlingly Hilarious Servant Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy
What funny jokes about servant you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean shepherd jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make servant pranks.
A waiter is working and sees Jesus come in
Waiter: Hello sir, welcome to our restaurant! What can I get for you?
Jesus: Hello Matthew. Today I would like a steak please.
Waiter: How did you... oh right, you're Jesus! Duh. Anyways, how would you like that?
Jesus: Well done, good and faithful servant
Three boys are bragging about whose dad is the fastest runner...
The first says "My dad is a hunter. He can shoot an arrow, run to where it's gonna land and catch it!"
"That's nothing!" says the second boy "My dad's a police officer. He can shoot a bullet and be at the target before the bullet hits!"
"My dad can run the fastest!" says the third boy. "He's a civil servant. He works till 4 and is always home by 3:30!"
A Glasgow girl goes to the Civic Center to register for child benefit.
"How many children?" asks the civil servant?
"10" replies the girl.
"10???" says the civil servant.. "What are their names?"
"Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec, Alec
"Doesn't that get confusing?" "
Naw..." says the girl "its great because if thur oot playin in the street, ah jist huv tae shout ALEC, YER DINNER'S READY or ALEC, GO TO BED NOW 'n' they aw dae it..."
"What if you want to speak to one individually?" says the perturbed civil servant.
"'at's easy," says the girl... "Ah just use thur surnames"
What did the dolphin king say at the f**... of his faithful servant?
You have served your porpoise.
What do you call a s**... that just got a new set of teeth?
An endentured servant
Brute tries to kill Caesar.
But Caesar's not home. They ask the servant, "Where is Caesar?"
"He's just Roman"
Did you hear bout that mafia goon who crossdressed as a female servant?
He was a maid man.
Who brings the ant queen her food every day?
Her servant.
Sardar to his servant: Go and water the plants.
Sardar to his servant: Go and water the plants.
Servant: It's already raining.
Sardar: So what take an umbrella and go.
A servant runs into the kings room
The servant out of breath proclaims "Sir the peasants are revolting"
The king worried leaps to the window only to see a few peasants walking calmly down the road. Confused he turns back to the servant and inquires on what he meant.
The servant with a hand to his stomach replies "have you seen what they are wearing?"
Today someone told me this joke about the stereotype that we Swabians are stingy
A Swabian goes to the registry office and asks how he can change his name.
The civil servant asks him, why he needs the name change.
The Swabian answers: "I found a box full of business cards in the street yesterday."
A teacher instructed a second-grade student to give a sentence about a public servant
"The fireman came down the ladder pregnant", he answered.
"Umm... Do you know what pregnant means?"
"Yes", said the boy. "It means carrying a child."
The queen of England f**... and quickly looked for someone else to blame.
"Bidwell!" she shouted to a servant, "stop that this instant!"
"Of course, your majesty," he replied. "Which way did it go?"
A rich Brit comes home from a long day of work...
He says to his most trusted servant: "I had such a long day, I'd love to have some proper tea."
The servant leaves the room and comes back 30 minutes later. "What took you so long?" says the rich Brit angrily.
"I bought you a new 4 bedroomed house. I hope it's ok."
What is the proper term for the Mayor of a nudist colony?
A p**... Servant
Final Memories
Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?"
Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man."
Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives."
Al said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's moving!'"
Two Americans were trekking in a desert.
Dehydrated and hungry, they walked into a mosque.
The Imam asked for their names.
Mark thought: Maybe it's wiser to pretend to be a Muslim. So he replied: My name is Ahmed.
Sam said: My name is Sam.
The Imam called his servant over, who handed Sam some food and water.
He then turned to Mark and said: Happy Ramadan, brother Ahmed.
Travelling through the deepest darkest jungles of Africa with my man servant Jeeves ....
We broke through the dense undergrowth into a small clearing. There were eggs everywhere. I turned to Jeeves and said "This is obviously the work of poachers"
A wealthy woman had lost her right hand and left foot in a car accident.
Her doctor told her that he would have her new prosthetics ready the next day. She sent her servant to go pick them up from the hospital. The servant was a couple hours early. The servant waited on her hand and foot.
When your in your casket............?
Three friends from the local congregation were asked,
"When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you,
what would you like them to say?"
Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine
spiritual leader, and a great family man."
Merle commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God,
who made a huge difference in peoples lives."
Don said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look! He's moving!'"
English lord to his servant: James a glass of water please. Here you are sir. Thank you James. Another glass of water please. Sure sir, here you are. Thank you, James.
James, please call the firemen, I don't think we can put out this fire on our own.
General Frederick D. Grant said to his servant one morning
"James, I have left my mess boots out. I want them soled."
"Yes, sir, the servant answered."
The general dressed for dinner that night, said again: "I suppose, James, that you did as I told you about those boots."
"Yes, sir, said he, and this is all I could get for them, though the corporal who bought them said he would have given half a dollar if pay day hadn't been so far off."