Serena Williams Jokes
9 serena williams jokes and hilarious serena williams puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about serena williams that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Serena Williams Jokes
What is a good serena williams joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I went up to Serena Williams.
I said, "Serena, what's your favourite planet?"
She said, "It's Venus."
I said, "Oh sorry, Venus, what's your favourite planet?"
I called Serena Williams. I said, Serena, what's your favorite planet?
She said, It's Venus.
Me: I'm sorry Venus. Could you put Serena on the phone?
Serena Williams was fined $17k
Verbal a**... of the umpire: $10,000
Being warned for coaching: $4,000
Breaking her racket: $3,000
Stealing the moment from Osaka by calling the umpire a thief: Priceless
Why wouldn't the ref apologize to Serena Williams?
It wasn't his fault
What is Serena Williams' favorite number?
Ten is.
What's Serena Williams' favorite time of day?
Serena Williams' nickname should be...
Tennessee Williams
It was very noble of Serena Williams to fight sexism and inequality
By spoiling the fair, hard earned victory of an Asian woman
What is Serena Williams' favorite time to practice?
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