
Seine Jokes

34 seine jokes and hilarious seine puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about seine that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Seine Short Jokes

Short seine jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The seine humour may include short sons jokes also.

  1. Did you hear about the crazy person that that fell into the French river? He was in Seine.
    (Ignore the second that)
  2. Did you hear about the Frenchman who jumped into the river in Paris? He was declared to be in Seine.
  3. What did Julius Caesar say when the French tribesmen rebelled against him? I can't believe you had the Gaul to do this.
    You're driving me in-Seine. I can't handle this Rhine now.
  4. Jumping in a river I jumped in a river in Paris. It was freezing.
    I must have been in-Seine
  5. Why are there so many more kids working in fishing than on ranches? Because everyone knows children should be seine and not herd.
  6. When I was in Paris I got rip-roaring drunk and fell off a bridge into the river It was in Seine
  7. What happened to the thief in Paris who jumped into the river to try to escape the police? He was found criminally in Seine.
  8. What did the Englishman say to the Frenchman that was skinny-dipping in a river? Are you in Seine?
  9. A Frenchman... ...jumps into a river running through Paris. No one was particularly interested though as the man was clearly in Seine.
  10. A wife dragged her husband to their marriage counselor appointment with his fishing net. "Do you see what I have to put up with," the wife says.
    "Yes," said the counselor. "He's obviously in seine."

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Seine One Liners

Which seine one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with seine? I can suggest the ones about serge and stein.

  1. If you jumped off a bridge in Paris You'd be In seine
  2. What do you call a person swimming in Paris' waters in winter? In *Seine*.
  3. "There's a guy that jumped off the Pont Neuf!" He must be in Seine.
  4. Did you hear about the man who jumped off a bridge in France? He was in Sein.
  5. Confucius say: Man who jump off bridge in Paris is in-Seine.
  6. Are you from Paris? -Cause you are driving me In-Seine
  7. Not all rivers run through Paris Just Seine
  8. Did you hear about the Parisian who jumped off a bridge? He went in Seine.
  9. I plan to swim all the way to Paris my friends think I'm In-Seine.
  10. Did you hear about the lunatic who tried swimming in the river in Paris? He was in seine
  11. I went on a boat trip around Paris, was in-seine!
  12. I was going to divert the river to flood Paris... But I didn't want to cause a Seine.
  13. Three cats went swimming in the Seine.. Un deux t**... quatre cinq
  14. What do you call a Parisian who commits s**...? In-Seine.

Seine joke, What do you call a Parisian who commits s**...?

Rib-Tickling Seine Jokes that Bring Friends Together

What funny jokes about seine you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean seas jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make seine pranks.

My friend said he saw a nocturnal mammal d**... in a French River

I told him that's bat s**... in Seine

A tourist is walking along the riverbank in Paris

when a Frenchman runs and pushes him in.
Spluttering and angry, the tourist shouts "Are you crazy?"
To which the Frenchmen replies laughing "No, but you're in Seine"

During My Trip to Paris

While I was in Paris, me and my friends decided to go for a swim during an awfully cold day. We went down to the river, and as I waded in the water, I called my mom to tell her what I was doing. She replied,
"What are you, in Seine!?"

A drunk guy is driving around Paris...

He keeps crashing into everything, and almost kills several pedestrians. Eventually, he's about to cross a bridge, but he doesn't make it, and instead plunges his car into the water below. However, the guy doesn't seem to care, as he tries to keep driving.
A nearby ship: "What the heck is wrong with that driver?"
The car: "I don't know, but he's driving me in Seine!"

Did you hear about the man who jumped into a river in France.

He was in Seine.../He was never Seine again...

Seine joke, Did you hear about the lunatic who tried swimming in the river in Paris?